Chapter 203 Lava Beast

Hengyang City, the central block.

It has been sealed off, and all surrounding residents have been evacuated.

A regiment of troops was blocked, fully armed, and all of them looked nervously at a black crack in front.

That crack was like a pitch-black eye, with strong energy fluctuations coming from it, and the vegetation and buildings within 30 meters of it all disappeared without exception.

“Leader, the eighth special warfare squad is missing here.”

A team leader is reporting to a middle-aged team leader.

The middle-aged man furrowed his brows and said after listening to the report: “Has the evacuation of nearby residents been completed, and are there any omissions?”

“Report, the evacuation has been completed, and all residents within a three-kilometer radius have been evacuated.”

“Please advise!”

The middle-aged head nodded slightly and let out a sigh of relief.

He looked at the dark crack in front of him, like Devil’s eyes, exuding a terrifying light and breath.

A special forces team in the regiment disappeared here.

One day ago, an unidentified crack appeared here, which attracted a large number of people. At first, everyone was curious, but many people were sucked into it and disappeared.

Several police officers who came to investigate were also sucked into it, and even the special forces squad personnel sent to perform the mission disappeared.

At present, the surrounding area has been sealed off, and no one is allowed to approach within a radius of 100 meters.

“Head, let me lead the team in.”

A team leader walked quickly and applied to enter the crack to explore.

The commander shook his head and vetoed: “No, the special forces have disappeared. No one knows what’s going on inside.”

“I have reported it, and the above said that it will send a master over, and it is not allowed to act without authorization.”

The warning in his eyes is not to act arbitrarily.

After all, it is not clear where this crack leads and what dangers there is. It must be explored by the powerful cultivator of the Cultivation Base.


As he was talking, suddenly a Daoist shadow fell from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

Seeing someone falling from the sky, everyone was shocked inexplicably.


All the soldiers on the scene glanced together, only to see a young man in a Taoist gown falling down.

It was Liu Qing himself who came.

“Space crack?” When Liu Qing came, he saw the dark crack.

It’s like a dark eye watching you, making people feel hairy.

He saw that this was a space crack at a glance, and was shocked. Did he enter Little Sister inside?


At this time, the group leader came up.

Liu Qing was sober, turned around and looked at him and said, “Tell me about some basic conditions here.”


The head of the group was very straightforward, and directly and briefly introduced the situation of the crack, when it appeared, how many people were missing, and so on.

After listening, Liu Qing basically understood.

“You are responsible for guarding, I’ll go in and take a look.”

After speaking, Liu Qing passed through the pitch-black crack and disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

He didn’t want to delay time, and entered directly after understanding the basic situation.

Seeing Liu Qing disappear through the crack, everyone outside became nervous.


The crack shuddered slightly, the light was puffing up, and the person was gone.

“Captain, who was just…” a soldier asked curiously.

The head flickered and said: “If my guess is not bad, he is the chief instructor of Longyuan Pavilion, Canglong, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, and he is the one who guided the cultivation of the four major teams.”

“Longyuan Pavilion Chief Instructor?”

Everyone was taken aback.

“Longyuan Pavilion Four Great Team.”

“That’s wrong with the four most elite teams in China, all of them are top-notch.”

“I don’t know if I have no chance to enter the Longyuan Department?”

Many fighters were excited and excited, and they started talking longingly.

For Longyuan Pavilion, no soldier didn’t want to enter that department, and it was all first-class elite masters.

And it’s not an ordinary master, but a real Martial Dao master with a powerful Cultivation Base, or even a cultivator.


On the other side, Liu Qing passed through the cracks in the space and came to a strange world.

As soon as I came in, I felt the heat wave rolling over my face.

As far as the eye can see, it is actually a red world.

Liu Qing looked around with a serious expression, and found that there was actually a lava world with hard solidified and cooled lava beneath her feet.

There are some pits and pits around, with fiery red magma, the fire is shining, and the heat waves hit people.

The smell of sulfur is unbearable.

“It’s actually a magma world?”

Liu Qing was a little surprised, and his powerful spirit spread quickly.

Soon he found the aura of his Little Sister, jumped up without saying a word, and flew quickly in that direction.

At this time, Liu Xian’er, Xia Shiyao and others were in trouble.

Boom, boom, boom!

Right in front, above a piece of cooling magma, there was a group of people fleeing in embarrassment.

Behind them, there were huge lava monsters one after another, burning flames all over, and lava dripping down.


The magma monster roared, and thousands of lava monsters kept chasing and killing the group of people in front of them.

These lava monsters are not very fast, but their power is extremely fierce. The smallest lava monster is as high as three meters.

The biggest lava monster, at least ten meters tall, looks like a lava giant, chasing a group of people in front of it.

This group consists of men and women, old and young, and there are about thirty people.

There is also a special forces team, escorting more than a dozen ordinary people, and several men and women wearing police uniforms are also protecting those ordinary people.

These people were the ones who were missing. They strayed into this magma world, were chased by lava monsters, and fled all the way, without a way out.

Because I came in and found that the exit was missing.


Behind him, the lava monster rushed over, leaving many people pale, full of panic and panic.

“The monster is chasing.”

“How to do?”

Many ordinary people were scared to urinate and ran out of breath. Some even fell to the ground. Fortunately, a young soldier pulled up and ran.

Everyone panicked, avoiding large and small lava pits, and fled toward the front.

They didn’t know where to go out, they just ran away blindly, and they wanted to get rid of the chasing and killing of a group of lava monsters behind, and it was Amitābha.

“No, they are about to catch up.”

As the team leader, Liu Xian’er felt that it would be all over if this went on.

The lava monster behind is not slow at all, and if it is dragged down by other people, don’t even want to run, and can’t run very far.

“Shiyao, you lead the team to retreat, I will break.”

Liu Xian’er gritted his teeth and made a decision.

As the leader of the squad, she chose to buy time after she was cut off.

“No, you are the captain, you come to lead the team, I will break.”

Xia Shiyao turned around and held her, resolutely turned back and rushed towards the group of lava monsters.

Seeing this, Liu Xian’er’s complexion changed slightly, it was too late to stop him, and no one would be able to leave unless he left.

“Everyone, go!”

She gritted her teeth and turned around, with tears in her eyes leading the team to evacuate.

As she ran, she looked back, and saw Xia Shiyao glowing with holy rays, rushing towards the monster group without hesitation.

These lava monsters are powerful, and each one has great strength, which is equivalent to extremely powerful physical defense and strength.

Among the lava monsters, there are at least eight lava beasts equivalent to the Foundation Building stage, two lava beasts equivalent to the Gold Core stage, and the most powerful one is the lava monster headed.

Its strength is the most terrifying, at least equivalent to a human cultivator at the peak of the Gold Core stage, unparalleled powerful.

In addition, thousands of lava monsters are huge in number, and there is no way to fight them. The only option is to escape.

After the previous encounter, Liu Xian’er and Xia Shiyao were still severely injured under their joint efforts, and the others were also injured, so they had to retreat and escape.


Seeing Xia Shiyao rushing, the leading lava beast waved a huge flame arm to condense a fiery flame into a fireball and smashed it hard.

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