The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 284: Basilisk's contact lens

The Druid Master of Hogwarts https://

Newt Scamander is worthy of being the most senior magic zoologist today. After some research and testing, he quickly found that he could further weaken the Basilisk’s Death Star without causing too much damage to its eyesight. Methods of great impact.

This method is to use the wing membrane of the Curly Wing Demon as the main material, make it into an eye mask similar to transparent glasses, and then cover it on the eyes of the basilisk. In theory, it can weaken its gaze.

Many magical creatures have good resistance to magical powers, but most of them are opaque. After removing the green shell, the bat wings of the Curly Winged Demon only have a thin layer, which is close to translucent. After processing, it is easy to make a "eye mask" that does not affect vision.

Moreover, the curly wing demon itself is also very resistant to magic. When Newt was young, he used a curly wing demon to resist the spells launched by the first dark lord Gellert Greenward.

So overall, the bat wings of the Curly Winged Devil are the most suitable material.

After selecting the materials, Newt immediately sent a few copies of the wings of the Winged Demon through his relationship.

Then, with the help of Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Snape who attended Fisch’s birthday party and had not left, a pair of light blue translucent giants was quickly made. Goggles...or contact lenses are more appropriate.

"Fish, you come and put them on the eyes of the basilisk."

Dumbledore gave the finished contact lens to Fisch.

"Okay Meow!"


Fisch took the contact lens for the basilisk and immediately waved to the basilisk who had restored its original size and said, "Uroboros, get down on your head."

The basilisk Yiyan stretched his head in front of Feishu, and then allowed him to cover his eyes with two soft light blue films.

"Meow hahahaha! Ulopoulos' eyes have turned into green meows just like Fisch!"


Fisch looked at the basilisk pair's green eyes under the influence of the contact lenses, and laughed happily.

Dumbledore on the side stepped forward and cast a fixing charm on the two layers of film covering it to prevent them from falling off.

"The effect is not bad, the power of the basilisk's eyes is indeed weakened."

Dumbledore felt the power of the basilisk's gaze after putting on the contact lenses, and nodded in satisfaction. Although the weakening effect was slightly worse than Feish's animal reduction technique, the basilisk hadn't been reduced yet.

So he turned his head and said to Fisch: “Now it’s your turn to shrink the basilisk and see if it will have a bad effect on other people or animals. If he no longer petrifies people, I will allow you to petrify the basilisk. Bring out the secret room."

"Great meow!"


Fisch cheered first, and then asked the basilisk: "Uroboros, are you uncomfortable?"


The basilisk shook his head, indicating that he didn't feel much.

After all, there is a transparent film outside the eyes of snakes, and they don't have eyelids, and they can't move the eyeballs, so putting a layer of film on them will not have much effect.

After receiving Uropoulos’s answer, Fisch stepped forward and cast [Animal Reduction] on it. After a while, the basilisk became a half-meter-long snake again, quietly entwining it. On Fisch's arm.

"All right."

Hearing Dumbledore speak, Newt, who had been impatient for a long time, opened his eyes immediately, and at a speed that did not fit his status as an old man, he quickly leaped to Feish and put the toad that had been prepared on the snake. Weird front.

"Not petrified!"

The toad in his hand was stared at by the basilisk. Although he was too scared to move, he still maintained the vitality he should have. Newt Scamander immediately shouted in surprise.

Dumbledore also nodded in satisfaction, with a little chagrin in his heart.

Knowing that the basilisk problem could be solved in this way, he didn't have to propose to renovate the women's bathroom and the abandoned rooms. Now that he has said everything, he has also notified the school board that this wasted money must also be spent.

"Is it possible that Fisch can take Uropoulos out in the future?"


Fei may not know why Dumbledore suddenly looked at him with a weird look. He looked at Dumbledore in surprise...Professor McGonagall beside him, asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, Feish." Dumbledore put away the regretful expression on his face, then waved his hand to Feish, and said, "We still have something to confirm."

"What's the problem? Obviously Ulopoulos can't hurt anyone else!"


Fisch stared at the bad old man very unhappy.

Dumbledore was unmoved. After all, the basilisk was too dangerous to be careful.

"First of all, can the basilisk break free from your spells and regain its original size?" Chinese 877


The kitty scratched her head in confusion, and then said frankly, "Fish doesn't know!"

Dumbledore: "... Then you can ask him."

After talking with the basilisk, Fisch replied: "No, Wuluoboros said that he couldn't feel that he had a spell at all, and he didn't even have a clue how to resist it."

The kitten shook his ears triumphantly.

"Fish's spells seem to be very powerful!"


"Well," Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Then how long will your spell last? Will the basilisk suddenly change back?"

Feish could answer this point.

"No problem, as long as Fei Xu doesn't remove the spell, Uroboros will be able to keep this way... Fei is amazing!"


"Very good," Dumbledore drew out his wand, "The last question, I need to test whether it will be difficult to disarm your spell. You don't want the basilisk to resist, and I won't hurt him."

"Ulopoulos... can you meow?"

Fisch held the little basilisk and told him Dumbledore's request.

"His hiss..."

The basilisk spit out the letter, and actively climbed down from Feish, swam to Dumbledore, raised his head, and looked at him Apparently he was a little dissatisfied with this request. .

Dumbledore smiled indifferently, then raised the wand in his hand and tried more than a dozen different spells on the basilisk, including but not limited to the curse, the expansion curse, the restoration curse, etc...

But none of them worked.

The effect of animal reduction is to reduce the damage caused by the natural attack of the animal.

In other words, the effects of the eye of death and snake venom of the basilisk have been weakened, but the defensive ability against the spell is still the same as before, and the spell system of the spell is different from the druid spell used by Feish, so it is not Can't dispel his animal reduction technique.

"This is basically no problem."

After some attempts, Dumbledore put away his wand.

What he was worried about was that if he encountered Voldemort or his Horcrux again in the future, the basilisk would suddenly start attacking other people under the command of the other party. Now it was confirmed that after the basilisk was reduced, only Feish could remove it. Recovery, then don't worry too much.

At most, the "contact lenses" on its eyes fell off, petrifying some people.

As for the snake venom of the basilisk, this has already been solved. Dumbledore had asked Feish to use a special magic material to seal the venom-carrying holes in the basilisk's fangs.

So even if Uropoulos was countered by Voldemort one day, he would just poke two small holes in Fisch's body, and there would be no life-threatening danger. Μ.八七七Zω.Cοm

"You can now take Uropoulos out of the secret room, but when you are outside, don't return him to his original state."

Dumbledore charged solemnly. Eight Seven Seven Chinese Network




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