The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 282: Newt Scamander

Because Dumbledore wanted to write to Newt Scamander to confirm when he was free to come over, it would take a lot of time to come back and forth, so Fisch could only continue with Ulopoulos. Put it in the secret room, and he and Professor McGonagall returned to Hogsmeade Village first.

Mao Mao’s return to the village was a major event for the residents of Hogsmeade. Everyone held a welcome banquet for Fisch in the Three Broomsticks bar... Although it was Fisch’s birthday a few days later, but Everyone doesn't mind having one more event.

And those grandma, aunts and sisters who hadn't seen Fei Xu for a long time took turns hugging and touching the kitten, and didn't want to let go.

At first, Fisch struggled a few times, then he simply gave up resisting and let the horrible group of women lay hands on him...

It’s not the first time anyway. He had already experienced this kind of scene last year, but after a year, Kitty had forgotten it, and now it’s revisited. Feish is already a waste cat...



The little cat who finally escaped rushed into Professor McGonagall's arms and grumbled angrily: "Why didn't Meow just save Feish?!"

It was the same last year. No matter how Fisch asked for help, Professor McGonagall drank butter beer calmly.

Professor McGonagall patted his little head with a smile, and joked: "They like Fei Xu to be so enthusiastic. Who makes our Fei Xu so attractive?"

"I knew that Fisch would stay at Hogwarts and won't be back. Meow..."


The kitty pursed her mouth and said angrily.

Professor McGonagall squeezed his cheek lightly and comforted: "Don't worry, it will be like this this year. They are a little excited because they haven't seen you for too long. You can spend the weekend in the next semester. When I come to Hogsmeade Village, I will meet with you often, and this will never happen again."

"Can you come back next semester?"


Feish's eyes lit up suddenly, "Then I can call Wuwu and them to play at home together?"


Professor McGonagall's face went dark immediately.

It’s enough to have a small cat in the house, let’s come here with a few magical animals...

I think you want to exhaust Comey!



When Fisch returned to the village of Hogsmeade, and began his simple and boring life of patrolling the territory every day and collecting offerings, the owl sent by Dumbledore also came to Dorset, Newt Si Kamand's home.

As a magical biologist, Newt obviously couldn't refuse Dumbledore's invitation...

That is the legendary basilisk!

There has been no record of the basilisk for four hundred years. If he could observe or even study it up close this time, his 53rd edition of "Where are the Fantastic Beasts" would be able to update the content about the basilisk. .

So a few days later, Newt Scamander brought his wife Tina and grandson Rove to the village of Hogsmeade.

Because when Dumbledore was sending a letter to Newt, he invited him by the way to Feish’s birthday party.

It happened that Newt's grandson at Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States also came to England to visit his grandparents during the summer vacation, and Newt brought him by the way.

As for the son and daughter-in-law, they were left at home by Newt to help take care of the magical animals in the house.

Upon arriving at Hogsmeade, Newt was a little dazed.

That is to say, he doesn't like walking around in these years. He has not visited Hogsmeade less before. In my impression, it is the first time he has seen such a lively scene.

A group of people were carrying things large and small with magic techniques, and shuttled back and forth on the street. He even saw the Froome couple who ran the Honey Duke, with a large group of colorful candies and snacks floating above their heads, smiling all over their faces. Three broomsticks go to the bar...

But Rove Scamander was greedy.

Just when Little Rove wanted to run to the three broomsticks with that piece of "candy cloud", a voice rang behind them.

"Long time no see, Newt."

"Professor Dumbledore, long time no see."

Newt turned around, gave Dumbledore a big hug, and then introduced him to the people around him.

"My wife Tina, you have already met."

He pointed to an old woman who was very similar to Professor McGonagall, the former Auror of the Magical Congress of America, Tina Goldstein, now named Tina Scamander.

Dumbledore nodded at her. "The last time I saw you was 21 years ago, Mrs. Scamander."

"Your memory is as good as before."

Tina responded with a faint smile.

Then Newt pushed his grandson forward again, "This is my grandson Rove, who just finished first grade at Ilvermony."

Dumbledore took a look at Rove, and saw that the other person was staring at him curiously, and smiling: "What a lovely kid... Why not come to Hogwarts?"

Newt shrugged helplessly and explained: "His parents both work in the United States. It is more convenient to go to school in Ilvermony...I would rather send him to Hogwarts."

"Ilfmony is also great."

Tina argued for her alma mater.

"Oh, of course, dear."

As a smart man, Newt would naturally not argue with his wife about this issue, so he immediately changed the subject.

"Apart from that little wizard's birthday, are there any holidays today?"

Newt asked curiously, pointing to the crowded street.

"This is the first time I have seen Hogsmeade so lively."

"No, it's just Feish's birthday today," Dumbledore smiled proudly, beckoned the three of them, and walked to the Three Broomsticks Bar. "When you see him, you will know what happened. What's going on."

The three of them followed Dumbledore into the three broomsticks in confusion. At this time, the interior of the bar had been cast without a trace of expansion curse, and the space had been expanded several times. There were fifty or sixty people inside, Newt. It is estimated that the residents of Hogsmeade are basically here, and he even saw Flitwick, a professor of spells at Hogwarts.

But what attracted his attention the most was a little boy with silver-gray cat ears and black and white striped cat tail.

"Grandpa Albus, where's Fesh's birthday present?!"


As soon as Fisch saw Dumbledore coming in, he jumped off his chair and jumped in front of him at an amazing speed.


Dumbledore touched his beard and laughed for a and then pulled Newt Scamander over, pointed at him with a smirk and said, "This is my birthday present for you, do you like it? "

Newt: "..."


Fisch glanced at the bad old man Dumbledore speechlessly. If it were two years ago, he might have taken it seriously. Now how could Fisch believe such stupid things.

However, the kitten still leaned in front of Newt curiously, whipping his little nose and sniffing. The scent on the other side was nothing special except for some miscellaneous, but it had a comfortable atmosphere, a bit similar to a unicorn. , But not as obvious as they are.

"This grandpa looks more pleasing to you than Albus."

Feish told the truth.

The smile on Dumbledore's face stagnated, and suddenly he was not very happy.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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