The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 278: End of the second academic year

The next morning, Fisch got out from under his pillow in a daze, then squatted on the bedside and started the routine procedure of licking and washing his face.



Fei Xu, who had only licked twice, stopped suddenly and looked directly at his little paw...

The claws are getting smaller! And it turned black!

After a brief surprise, Fisch immediately turned his head to look at the golden cat presented by Malfoy on the bedside. Through the reflection on the golden cat ornaments, Fisch saw clearly what he looked like now... Little black-footed cat.



Feixu tilted his head in doubt, and the little black-footed cat on the golden cat ornament also tilted his head.

If I remember correctly, last night, after Mrs. Lorice recovered, Fisch dragged Filch, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape to the kitchen for a good celebration, and then Go back to the bedroom and fall asleep.

In this process, it seems that I didn't do anything special? When I woke up, my black-footed cat form was practiced inexplicably...

As for how he did it, Kitty is still at a loss, but cats have always had a big heart, and they don’t even bother to think about it if they don’t understand it. It’s a good thing to be a black-footed cat.

Then Fisch immediately tried to experience his newly awakened black-footed cat form.

Unlike the black-footed cat that was transformed by the compound decoction, the black-footed cat that Feixu changed this time is more suitable for his age, and his body is naturally smaller. With the spell of shape change, he can even be reduced to a tabby. To a lesser degree.

Feish also awakened a spell called 【Animal Shrinking】, but this spell could not be used on himself, it could only be used on other animals, and it had to be approved by the other party.

In addition, the only shortcoming of the black-footed cat form...

It is this form that is too easy to get hungry.

Feish only bounced on the bed for a while, and his stomach began to growl.

Of course, this also has something to do with the breakfast time now.

After that, Fisch tested it several times. Although he was still hungry very quickly, it was fine to support Fisch and Professor McGonagall in a fight.

It’s just that Fisch considers that he has had a lot of trouble recently, and that he is about to take an exam. It is obviously not a wise choice to provoke Professor McGonagall at this time, so Kitty will decisively challenge Professor McGonagall. Postponed.

The final exam process is no different from last year, with a written exam plus practical operations.

In terms of practical operation, Fisch has always had no problems. Even many senior students are not as good as this little lazy cat who is basically sleeping in class in terms of the application level of magic.

The situation of the written test is also much better than last year. At least Feish's handwriting has reached a normal level, and he is no longer a hammer when describing the content.

After the exam, everyone has one week to wait for the results and the final Quidditch match.

Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw.

Because Slytherin had seven light wheels in 2001, they only lost to Gryffindor in the first game, and in order to make up for this loss, they played against Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. In, they all chose to delay as much as possible and get high scores.

This led to Gryffindor winning the game and getting a full victory record, but he might not be able to win the Quidditch trophy. So Wood intends to use the same tactics as last year-delaying time and chasing points. Then the game ends.

Therefore, under the unremitting efforts of Harry and others...

Gryffindor lost.

The students of Ravenclaw were already smart. They had suffered a loss last year and were bullied by Slytherin in a similar way this year. They had the corresponding means early.

Although defeating Gryffindor will make the pesky Slytherin win the Quidditch Cup, the people of Ravenclaw are also temperamental, how can they make people so humiliated again and again.

So they took advantage of the Gryffindor team members are busy chasing points, suddenly collectively turned around to deal with Harry Potter.

Wood also didn't expect that Ravenclaw, who has always been relatively indifferent to many things, would suddenly do things that hurt others and himself. The Gryffindor team that had no plans for this suddenly panicked, leading to an internal appearance. Disagreements.

Some players want to continue chasing points as planned, while others plan to save Harry.

When the Gryffindor team was in chaos, Ravenclaw's new seeker, Qiu Zhang, took advantage of this gap to find and catch the Golden Snitch first.

Failing to win the Quidditch Cup again made the Gryffindor players very disappointed, but somehow they already won a trophy last year, so they quickly adjusted it and controlled the flying broomstick to fall back on the court. , Go and have a friendly handshake with the players in Ravenclaw.

"Good fight."

The dark-eyed, black-haired Qiu Zhang Yanran smiled, making Harry's little heart pound, and the feeling of disappointment that had been caused by losing the game disappeared in an instant.

"You also fly great."

Harry flushed his cheeks, lowered his head and said shyly.

Qiu Zhang smiled again and said goodbye politely, while Harry looked at her back in a daze, feeling like he was standing in the clouds, and the whole person was erratic.

Harry didn't remember the following things very clearly. He walked out of the court with the others in a daze, until Ron's shout rang in his ears, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Harry!" Ron looked at his dazed friend, stepped forward and gave him a big hug, "Don't be sad, you guys have done a great job!"

He thought Harry was still feeling disappointed about the loss, and he comforted loudly: "If we hadn't been chasing points, we would have won Ravenclaw!"

"Huh? Oh, yes, you are right."

After regaining his senses, Harry Potter held the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a little embarrassment, and agreed with a dry smile, subconsciously burying Qiu Zhang's affairs in his heart.


Soon after the last Quidditch game, the school held a year-end dinner, a large amount of food filled the long table, and Fei Xu ran around the auditorium excitedly...

Then he sat back obediently back to Gryffindor's long table amidst Professor McGonagall's scolding.

Dumbledore stood at the guest of honor at the teacher's long table and began a routine speech.

"Another year has passed!" He said cheerfully: "Before everyone enjoys the delicious food, I have something to announce..."

"First of all, it is about Mr. Guidro Lockhart. Unfortunately, after our investigation, after taking Professor Snape’s medicine that day, what he said was true. The school has sent him to Granville. Senjamo, I believe the Ministry of Magic will give him a fair judgment."

Before Dumbledore's words came to an end, all the students yelled out loudly, and even most of the professors smiled with satisfaction.

When the cheers were slightly reduced, everyone heard Dumbledore say: "Secondly, it is about the petrification of Mr. Filch's cat and the issue of the secret room..."

The auditorium fell silent immediately, and everyone pricked their ears, wanting to know what was going on.

"The secret room was indeed opened by someone..."

As soon as Dumbledore's words were spoken, the auditorium was once again in an uproar.

Regarding the secret room, Dumbledore did not intend to conceal it, but he didn't bother to talk about the specific location... after all...

It is still too risky to let too many people know the location of the secret room.

That's right, that's it!


Dumbledore cleared his throat, then motioned for everyone to be quiet.

The noise gradually diminished, and Dumbledore explained to everyone: "The secret room was actually a dark magic item left by the mysterious man during his time as a student, but... Fisch found it in time."

Dumbledore looked at everyone with surprise and admiration with a smile on his face. After a pause, he continued: "For this, I have to add 100 points to Gryffindor, and, In the process of discovering this dark magic item, Mr. Feish McGonagall kept his heart and was not bewitched by the mysterious person, but discovered the other party's conspiracy. For this, Gryffindor added another 100 points."

After these two percentage points were added, Gryffindor, who was at the bottom of the academy, instantly came to the second position, less than thirty points away from the first place Slytherin.

The people in the other three academies had no complaints about this. After all, the person who added the points was Phish, and besides, it was the black magic item against the mysterious person. The two hundred points were worthy of the extra.

Then they heard Dumbledore say: "In addition to Fisch, I have to add fifty points to Mr. Harry because he showed a great deal in the conversation with the mysterious man. Valuable qualities-courage and kindness."

This time the extra points are not acceptable to everyone. At least the people in Slytherin are holding their hands and cherishing their applause.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had no complaints, and gave applause to stop Gryffindor from defending the Slytherin title, and the students of Gryffindor were about to slap their hands.

Then, I saw Dumbledore slapped his hands, and the decoration of the auditorium immediately changed. The original green and silver color scheme changed to red and gold. The huge Slytherin snake disappeared and replaced by the majestic Gryffin. More lions.

In the joy, the year-end party lasted for several hours before it ended in the reluctance of everyone.

Until the day before the summer vacation, the final exam results were finally released.

Miss Know-How is still sitting on the throne of the first grade without any suspense, but even so, she is still annoyed by the demerit points.

Harry and Ron were not so demanding of themselves. Seeing all subjects...especially after the grades in the Potions class crossed the pass line, both of them were greatly relieved.

And because of the improvement in written test scores, Fisch's overall score can actually be ranked in the forefront of the grade, which made Professor McGonagall very happy and hugged him endlessly.

The day after the performance was completed, everyone had already packed their luggage and said goodbye to Fisch one after another, and then left Hogwarts. Kitty’s second summer vacation was also officially Has arrived.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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