The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 276: Snape's Halloween Candy

"Me? I'm great!"

Lockhart's anger came quickly and went faster. He showed a silly smile, patted his forehead and said, "I see, you are worried about my ability to adapt the story, right?"

Then, without waiting for Professor McGonagall, he patted his chest and said: "You can rest assured of this! No one knows how to adapt better than me! All my writings are adapted from other wizards!"

Lockhart's words instantly caused an uproar in the audience, but he didn't seem to feel ashamed at all, instead he held his head proudly, seeming to be very proud of this matter.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Professor Lockhart!"

Professor McGonagall scowled and asked sharply.

She had known the truth from Dumbledore for a long time. At this time, she couldn't care what Lockhart was all about. Seeing that he had taken the initiative to expose the scam, she immediately led and asked: "You mean, you book The stories here are all deceptive?!"

"In fact, it's not completely deceiving."

Lockhart shrugged, unaware of the strange gazes around him, or rather, he just didn't notice the strange gazes, and at the same time he was still enjoying the feeling of being noticed.

So he was happy and patiently explained to everyone: "I just replaced the protagonist in the story with myself, and then added some artistic processing."

"But this is deceit!"

"Oh, my dear Professor McGonagall," Lockhart frowned, shook his head and sighed: "Use your common sense to think about it. If you don't let people think that I did all those things, the sales of the book will be poor. Far away.

Readers will not want to read the deeds of an ugly old American wizard, even though he saved the people in a village from the scourge of werewolves. Put his photo on the cover, it's not hard to die! He has no taste in clothes.

And the witch who expelled the Wanlun female ghost, she has a hairy chin!

I mean, think about it, if it wasn't for me, how could so many people enjoy these wonderful and interesting stories? "

Lockhart was not ashamed, but spoke with pride, and Professor McGonagall just looked at him so quietly, letting him open up all his old stories.

There was no sound in the auditorium, and everyone was stunned by Lockhart's shamelessness.

"So, this is the reason why you put all the things other people did on your own account?"

Professor McGonagall asked with a sneer holding his hands.

"Minerva, Minerva, it's not as simple as you said, and I do a lot of work."

Lockhart shook his head and sighed, and began to count his own "hardships"--

"I want to track these people and ask them how they did those things. Then I will cast them an oblivion spell so they will forget about it."

Speaking of this, Lockhart straightened his chest vigorously and said triumphantly: "If I have anything to be proud of, it is my forgetting curse."

Even Fisch could see that Lockhart at this moment is no longer the pride of the pretense before, he is really proud of his level of Forgotten Charm.

"You know, Minerva, I have to put in a lot of hard work. It's not just about autographing books and taking celebrity photos... You have to be prepared to work hard for a long time if you want to be famous."

Lockhart put on a look like "I have worked so hard, why are you laughing at me?" Professor McGonagall frowned. She had been disgusted by Lockhart's shameless remarks. Go down.

However, before she drew out her wand to bring Lockhart down, the other party drew out her wand first.

"Sincerely sorry, Minerva, I have to cast an oblivion spell on you. I can't let you spread my secrets everywhere. Otherwise, I won't sell my book..."

Lockhart's thinking is obviously still a bit chaotic now. While he is enjoying the high-profile feeling, he thinks that he is only talking to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall looked at him with an iron face. Of course she was not worried about the other party’s wand. Not to mention that there were so many students and professors around. Even if there was no one nearby, Professor McGonagall would not be afraid of Lockhart’s threat. Just purely hate this person.

Professor Flitwick on the other side was trembling with anger. He was ashamed that Ravenclaw College had produced such a thing. The short stature jumped on the teacher's desk and drew out his wand.

It's just that someone moves faster than him...


(╬`Д′)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)

With an angry roar, Fisch turned into a black shadow, and in the blink of an eye he rushed from the long table of Gryffindor to Lockhart’s side. Before he could react, Fisch’s little fist fisted. Has fallen on Lockhart's face.

The familiar feeling of pain instantly invaded Lockhart’s cheeks, awakening his thinking from the confusion, but before Lockhart could understand what had just happened, the pain had already taken away all his consciousness. , He just felt that when his eyes were dark, he didn't know anything.


With a loud noise, Lockhart once again stuck himself to the wall, and then slid to the ground.



After flying Lockhart, Feishe landed on the teacher’s desk lightly, with his hands on the desk, his back arched high, a pair of cat ears pressed into wings, the hair of his tail exploded, facing each other. Lockhart, who had fainted, let out a fierce threatening sound.

Professor McGonagall on the side was stunned, then went forward with a smile on his face and hugged Feish from the table.

"Well, he has passed out."

Professor McGonagall kissed the little cheek of Prophet and happily soothed the angry kitten.

At the same time, the students below also exploded.

"Professor! What Lockhart just said is true?!"

"That guy is really a liar!"

"Gosh! I thought he was just ignorant, but I didn't expect him to steal the fruits of others!"

"Are the people in the Ministry of Magic stupid?! He was even awarded the Merlin Medal!"

The students were enthusiastic. They were already very dissatisfied with Professor Lockhart. Now that they knew that the other party was a liar, they immediately started to riot.

Dumbledore stood up amid this tumultuous noise.

"The voice is loud."

He first used an amplification spell on himself, and then said: "Everything is quiet!"

After the students were quiet, Dumbledore continued: "With regard to Professor Lockhart's question, his state was obviously wrong just now, so what he said may not be true."

Although he knew what Lockhart was doing for a long time, Dumbledore still had to pretend, or let the troublesome school directors know that he knew that the other party was a liar and recruited the school even if he was the principal. Troublesome.

"The school will find someone to verify the situation as soon as possible. If things are really as he said, then I can only fire Mr. Guidro Lockhart."

Dumbledore's promise barely comforted the students.

However, some of the professors don't want to drag it anymore.

"Sorry, Mr. Principal, can you allow me to say a few words."

Professor Snape stood up and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, Severus."

Dumbledore made a "please" gesture. In fact, after seeing Lockhart's state just now, he already had some guesses in his mind, but what he didn't understand was...

How did Snape drug Lockhart?

And Why do you prescribe medicine at this time?

"What Mr. Lockhart said just now should be true."

As soon as Snape came up, he defined Lockhart’s words, and then he explained to everyone: "During Halloween, he was with Potter and followed Feish to me to ask for sweets, and I only prepared at the time. Fisch's share..."

He glanced indifferently at Lockhart, who was still lying at the foot of the wall, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Probably when I was loading candy, I accidentally mixed in the drug I was developing."

Although Snape said he had accidentally confused it, everyone knew that he absolutely did it on purpose.

"My new medicine is to combine the effects of veritaserum, nagging soup, confusing agent, crazy element, hate potion...and so on. From the performance of Mr. Lockhart just now, the effect is not bad?"

It was said that it was a new medicine. In fact, Snape mixed all the above-mentioned medicines in at the time. He didn't know the specific effects. It was obviously a surprise to let Lockhart expose himself.

The only pity is...

He glanced at Harry Potter and pursed his lips with regret.

Perceiving Snape's gaze, Harry's back suddenly felt cold.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and patted his chest with joy...

Fortunately, I was smart and threw away the Halloween candy that Snape had given him early.

None of the names of the potions that Snape reported just now sounded like fun!


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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