The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 268: Long time no see, Tom

"Harry!" Ron rushed from behind, grabbed his friend's neck, lowered his voice, and asked with a playful expression, "What's the matter with you lately?"

"What, what's the matter?"

Harry looked away with some guilty conscience.

"What have you been secretly staring at Ginny for recently?"

Ron smiled like a fox that only stole a chicken. Harry's surveillance level is really not very good. Let alone Ron. Almost all Gryffindor students have discovered Harry's anomaly during this period of time. Even Ginny knew exactly what happened.

Especially now it's the Easter holiday, and there is no need to go to school. Harry just wandered around Ginny when he had nothing to do. The obvious degree was obvious even to a dull guy like Neville.

Ron was naturally happy to see his good brother becoming a brother-in-law. Not only him, but Percy and the twins also had the same attitude.

Not only because of Harry's good relationship with their family and the famous title, but also because they knew that Ginny had always admired Harry.

"I suggest you go directly to Ginny to confess. She has been talking about you before she came to Hogwarts."

Ron kept urging on the side: "If you confess to her, you will definitely succeed."

Then he looked around again like a thief, then raised his palms to cover his mouth, leaning close to Harry’s ears and said mysteriously: “Also tell you a secret, the greeting card you received on Valentine’s Day is actually It was given by Ginny. Fred inquired about it from Ginny's roommate Shirley."

Harry, who was still embarrassed, suddenly turned black.

No wonder the twins always liked to sing that song in front of him and Ginny a while ago, and Snape deducted them 50 points for this...

I have to say that Ginny's literary talent needs to be improved.

Shaking his head and throwing these messy thoughts aside, Harry waved his hand and explained incoherently: "It's not like this, you have misunderstood. I don't like Ginny. No, I still like her, but it's not. That kind of like."

As a good friend of Ron, Harry has always treated Ginny as a younger sister, and has never considered the issue of romance.

"You don't like Ginny, what did the world stare at her that day?"

Ron frowned. Even if Harry was a beloved family friend, brother, but if he hurt his sister's feelings, Ron would not let him go easily.


Regarding Voldemort controlling Ginny to open the secret room, Harry can't just talk about it at this time, even if Ron is Ginny's brother, so he suddenly got stuck, he didn't know what to look for. What an excuse.

"Anyway, you are the one who misunderstood. I don't have that kind of thoughts about Ginny."

After holding back for a long time without being able to hold a reasonable explanation, Harry didn't bother to explain it at all.

Ron curled his brows and stared at Harry, suspecting that he was embarrassed and refused to admit it... He took Harry's blushing face as a shy reaction.

But Harry's seriousness didn't seem to be lying.

Ron had a headache now.

He originally wanted to tease his friend a few words, but found that things seemed different from what he had imagined... And this kind of emotional problem, even if he was Ginny's brother, would not interfere too much.

Ron, who didn’t understand, didn’t bother to think about it at all, but he still tightened his arms around Harry’s neck and threatened: “I don’t care what you think, but don’t make Ginny sad, or I won’t. I will let you go!"

Harry could only respond with a wry smile. He didn't know how things would turn out to be like this. He felt that if he continued to monitor like this, everyone's misunderstanding would get deeper...

I don't know if Professor Dumbledore caught Voldemort or not.

Probably found that his surveillance behavior was exposed a bit thoroughly. In the following period, Harry simply gave up the task, so as not to be caught by Voldemort who didn't know where he was hiding.

On the other hand, as planned, Fisch went to Dumbledore's office to chat with Riddle from time to time.

Because of Fisch's heartless cat character, it is very difficult for Riddle to create negative emotions in him, not to mention that the kitty has been prepared in advance.

So after trying several times, Riddle had given up on drawing power from Feish. He just wanted to solve this troublesome little wizard before Mrs. Loris woke up.

So he put his hope on the matter of "searching for clues in the secret room".

Then Riddle started to induce Fisch to come into contact with some dangerous things, such as—

Persuaded him to go to the depths of the forbidden forest, looking for clues in the territory of some dangerous creatures...

Then I was told by Fisch that the places he mentioned were the homes of Fisch’s good friends. Mao Mao had been there for countless times, and there were no secret rooms at all.

Voldemort was not discouraged, and he had been mentally prepared for this.

After all, whether it’s Feish’s ability to defeat the Basilisk and Eight-Eyed Giant Spider, or Ginny’s knowledge that her own body and Feish have fought in the Forbidden Forest, it shows that Feish is capable of moving in the Forbidden Forest. .

He just didn't expect that, with the exception of unicorns, such mild-tempered magical creatures, those magical creatures with a bad temper would not hurt Feish.

If it wasn't time rush, Voldemort really wanted to gain the power of Fisch.

Although the first plan failed, it didn't matter, he had other plans.

So Riddle urged Fisch to go and wander around the willow...

As a result, Fisch told him that there was indeed a passage under the beating willow, but that was an abandoned shack leading to Hogsmeade Village, and there was no monster in it.

By the way, when the school started, Willow was injured by Ron and Harry while driving. Riddle also mentioned the matter of treating him himself.

Riddle was even more greedy for Fisch's power, and at the same time, he was very troubled by Fisch's situation where he could eat no matter where he went.

But it's okay, he still has tricks.

Since animals and plants wouldn't hurt Feish easily, he would look for artifacts with no sane to solve the little wizard.

The unwilling Riddle once again proposed to Fisch that he could go to the forbidden book area to secretly read some books. There may be clues to the secret room. Of course, the books he mentioned are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be injured or even killed. Then Kitty refused...

Because he doesn't like reading books.

Voldemort was about to be driven mad by Feish.

At this time, Dumbledore came to add fire again, and he asked Fisch to reveal a message to Voldemort-the mandela grass was about to mature.

The kitty also made no secret of telling Riddle that his enthusiasm for tracking clues in the secret room is quickly fading... Anyway, just wait for Mrs. Lorice to wake up and just ask him.

In this case, Voldemort finally made an unreasonable choice.

He began to be very careful to induce Fisch to find and contact the relics of the Big Four, because in his plan that year, he planned to collect them and make them into Horcruxes.

And if his ontology succeeds, he will have the opportunity to work with other Horcruxes to control Feishu together.

Riddle is very confident about whether he can successfully obtain the relics of the Big Four. The key to the matter is whether they have been placed in Hogwarts.

Although this possibility is very low, but now, Riddle has no other way, let's just try this way.

Anyway, he was induced to be very concealed. Even if his deeds were revealed later, Ephesh's carefree character would probably not care, at best, he would lose his diary, a Horcrux.

Just as Riddle was thinking like this, a handwriting that was a little strange but memorable appeared on the diary--

"Long time no see, Tom."



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