The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 257: Top Secret Diary

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In addition to Fisch and Harry, many students have also received Valentine's Day cards. Some of them are couples who have established a relationship long ago like Percy and Penello, and some are taking advantage of this opportunity to give a crush on their crush. Show your mind.

All day today, everyone can see those little people dressed as little goddesses wandering around the school.

The two guys, George and Fred, even after seeing the death of the Harry Society, deliberately sent other people some mischievous greeting cards. The first to bear the brunt was their good brother Ron.

When Ron flushed, in the crowd of onlookers, he listened awkwardly and expectantly to the dwarf saying a lot of nasty words, only to learn that the messenger was George and Fred, the two brothers who pranked himself every day. ...

The degree of social death can be imagined.

Angrily, he directly picked up his broken wand and clamored to teach George and Fred a lesson.

The result is self-evident. Even if his wand is not broken, he will only be bullied by the twins. Naturally, the so-called lesson will not succeed.

Except for the twins' pranks, other Valentine's Day greeting cards are quite normal, and several pairs of students have really come together because of this.

For Lockhart’s Valentine’s Day program, although many professors were very bored, after all, this greatly increased the frequency of students being late and affected their work, but most of the students were actually quite satisfied.

Of course, satisfaction goes to satisfaction, but everyone's attitude towards Lockhart has not changed.

In the final analysis, his business ability is not good, and no amount of tricks is meaningless.

If Lockhart could still rely on a handsome face to deceive the admiration of some women, now he has been defeated by Fisch, his only advantage, and naturally he would not be respected by any students.

Therefore, this activity that Lockhart tried so hard to engage in, apart from making other professors hate him more, did not get any benefits.

After Valentine's Day, Hogwarts returned to peace again. In addition to writing homework and listening to stories in class every day, Fisch spent most of his time playing and sleeping leisurely.

As for the "black-footed cat power" in his body, Fisch didn't care much anymore.

Because Professor McGonagall was upset before, Fisch decided to settle down a bit during the recent period, and naturally there is no need to be busy becoming a black-footed cat.

And the black diary as a hole card, for a while...



Fisch, who was lying on the fire by the fireplace, suddenly straightened up. If he hadn't just thought of the black diary, he had forgotten that he still planned to write and chat with that diary.


The diary was given to him by Uropoulos, and he said that he found it in the pipeline...

It was probably related to the bad guy named Voldemort.

I didn't think of it before, but now that I think about it, Fisch naturally became suspicious.

But as to whether or not to give the diary to Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, Kitty is again entangled.

After all, this is the hole card I kept to deal with Professor McGonagall, just handing it out, Fisch was a bit unwilling...

The kitten struggled for a long time before deciding to communicate with the diary first.

Anyway, that Imperius Curse didn’t work very well on him, even if it’s Voldemort, he should be able to cope with it if he is careful...

Just prevent him from setting fire again.

Feish, thinking about this, slipped out of the common room and came to the responsive house.

[Rooms that are not easy to catch fire and can write, rooms that are not easy to catch fire but can write, rooms that are not easy to catch fire but can write...]

After confirming that there were no other people nearby, Fisch swiftly swayed three times across the tapestry. The moment the door of the room appeared, he walked into the responsive house.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, with black and smooth marble all around, and even the tables and chairs in the middle of the room are made of marble.

The only thing that can burn is the quill on the table and a stack of parchment.

Feish turned back into a human form and reached the marble table. He directly took out the black notebook and laid it out on the table.

【Ant Power】【Bull’s Brute Force】【Bear’s Toughness】【Cat’s Lightness】【Leopard’s Swiftness】【Tree Skin Technique】【Freedom of Action】

Before writing in the diary, Fisch filled himself with all the buffing spells.

This was not enough. He took out his wand again and imposed a protective charm on himself before reaching out to grab the quill on the table.

Unlike the room where greeting cards are written, there are not so many types of feather pens and inks for Feish to choose in this room, only a white quill pen and a bottle of black ink.

However, Fisch didn't have any demand for these things today. He picked up the quill and soaked it in some ink. After a moment of pondering, he put the quill back in again.

Then he changed back to the state of a cat, jumped on the marble table, put his little paw into the ink bottle and dipped it, stepping on the diary with plum blossom-shaped little footprints.

Fisch still doesn’t know what’s going on with this diary, but it’s been a long time since the last time I used it. If he suddenly asks, he might be found anomalous by the other party. It’s better to pretend to step on it accidentally. Look like.

Kitty is pure and pure, but when he really needs him to deceive, he is also very clever.

Otherwise, he wouldn't give Professor McGonagall such a headache.

Originally, Fisch was thinking that after his own footprints disappeared, he wrote and asked what was going on in the diary, but Voldemort in the diary was already impatient.

The bronze and black inks absorbed last time have disappeared, which shows that at least one month has passed since Fisch opened the diary last time.

Therefore, as soon as Voldemort absorbed the new ink, the words appeared in the diary quickly, for fear that he would be forgotten in the corner by Phil Xu.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

"You can communicate with me by writing in the diary."

Although Voldemort was anxious, he did not dare to show too much urgency. After these two words appeared, he fell silent again.

Fisch stared at the diary, and did not rush to reply. Although based on the last reaction, the diary could not detect his actions outside, but to be on the safe side, he still waited until the words in the diary disappeared. Later, he patted it with his ink-stained paw a few times, showing a cautious but curious look.

"Is it a cat? What a pity..."

Voldemort also acted He pretended not to know the existence of Feish, showing such a sentence.

Although he didn't know if the opponent was Voldemort, Fisch felt that this was enough, so he changed back into a human form again, picked up a quill, and wrote in his diary, "Who are you?"

"Someone is here? That's great."

Voldemort continues to play a role that is trapped in the diary and knows nothing.

"Hello, my name is Tom Riddle, a memory from the owner of the diary."



Feish narrowed his eyes. If he remembered correctly, Dumbledore had called Voldemort Tom.

In this way, the opponent is most likely to be the villain Voldemort, right, but I don't know why he wants to be in a diary this time.

The kitty, who had already aroused curiosity, did not immediately hand over the diary to Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall as originally envisaged, but continued to write in the diary.

"Hello, my name is Fesh McGonagall."


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