The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 251: Midnight horror

Although Fisch, who had a very strict mouth, had promised Scarhead Harry not to tell him that he was a snakeboy, but this situation is obviously not the time to keep it secret.

The kitty still knows a little bit about the importance...what if Harry, Ginny, and Quirrell are possessed by Voldemort?

But after finishing speaking, Fisch added suspiciously: "However, Harry’s snake tongue was present before Ginny took me to see Uropoulos, and it did not suddenly become a little bit like Ginny did. It's different."

"And Harry didn't seem to know that he was speaking snake language. He also said that he had spoken to a python before he came to school."


Now that they had all been informed, Fisch didn't have to keep it. With a serious face, he told all the things he knew about Harry Snakeman.


Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore suspiciously. At first she thought Harry was also being spotted by Voldemort, but from what Fisch said, it didn't seem to be the case.


Dumbledore pondered for a while, already guessing Harry's situation, and couldn't help but feel a little headache.

He frowned slightly and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Tom who left some of his mana on Harry the night he scarred Harry, so Harry would understand like him. Snakeman..."

After listening to Dumbledore’s analysis, Professor McGonagall was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and recalled...

She seemed to have heard of black magic in similar situations before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Why did the mysterious man do this?" Professor McGonagall, who couldn't remember it, shook his head and asked doubtfully: "Is it good for him?"

"He didn't do it intentionally, I'm sure...but just in case, we'd better find Harry and check it carefully."

Dumbledore shook his head and gave Professor McGonagall a hidden look. He didn't want to talk about Horcruxes in front of Fisch.

Professor McGonagall changed the subject cooperatively. She touched Fesh's head and said softly, "Fish, can I bring Harry here? Well, remember to keep it secret."

"No problem, meow!" Fei Xu patted his chest, "Fei Xu's mouth... well... most of the time it is still very strict!"

Reaching out and squeezing Feish's little face, Professor McGonagall looked a little bit dumbfounded.

It was because Kitty's mouth was too strict that things like this happened today, but she couldn't educate Fei Xu to speak without faith, so she could only smile wryly.

"I'll call Harry Meow!"


Feish, who had just been beaten so hard, had palpitations with Professor McGonagall’s hands, and quickly broke free from the grip of her fingers, and fled outside the office without looking back. At the same time, his **** was also lit up. A group of green light.

After Fisch left, Dumbledore talked to Professor McGonagall about Harry.

As for whether he would be heard by Fisch’s sensitive hearing, he didn’t have to worry, because when he heard Professor McGonagall mention the secret room outside the door, Dumbledore promptly cut off the voice in the entire office. .

"About Harry, it's a little bit complicated..." Dumbledore thought about it and asked suddenly, "Minerva, do you know Horcrux?"


This somewhat unfamiliar term made Professor McGonagall a little dazed for a while, but she soon remembered her limited knowledge about Horcruxes.

"I remember that it was a very old and evil black magic. It seemed to divide part of my soul into other artifacts... You mean Harry?!"

Professor McGonagall finally knew why he had a sense of sight just now. Isn't Harry's situation the same as the description of the Horcrux?

"It's very likely," Dumbledore's face was grave. "This also explains why Voldemort has not completely died."

"Then Harry, isn't it dangerous?"

Compared to Voldemort's death, Professor McGonagall cared more about her students, and she looked at Dumbledore worriedly.

But Dumbledore shook his head, and said helplessly: "I don't have any good options for the time being. Fortunately, Voldemort's current strength has not been restored, and Harry does not seem to be affected in any way."

There is one more thing that Dumbledore didn’t tell Professor McGonagall. That was the original prophecy about Voldemort. After conjecturing that Harry’s scar contained Voldemort’s soul fragments, Dumbledore finally understood the contents of the prophecy. What the **** is implying.

[The Dark Lord marks him as his strong enemy, but he has a power that the Dark Lord does not understand. One must die in the other hand, because two people cannot both live, only one can survive, and the other possesses the power to conquer the Dark Lord Energetic people will be born at the end of the seventh month. 】

This prediction fits Harry Potter perfectly...

Although based on the current situation, it seems that Fisch's performance is more like Voldemort's destined nemesis, but for those magical predictions, Dumbledore will not completely believe it, but will not care about it at all.

It seems that Harry should exercise more...

Dumbledore was thinking about how to train Harry Potter in the future, no matter what his future development might be, it is always right to exercise him more.

Of course, for the fragments of Voldemort's soul in his head, it was also a problem that had to be solved.

When the Hogwarts principal and vice principals were worried about Harry's situation, Fisch had already slipped back into the dormitory.

It was late at night and everyone was asleep.

Feish came to Harry's bed lightly, lifted the curtain covering the outer layer, looked down at Harry who was sleeping, and fell into a serious thought.


According to Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, it is better not to disturb other people, and quietly take Harry away to prevent Voldemort, who doesn't know where he is hiding, from noticing it.

Wake Harry directly, there is a risk of waking other people, and after waking Harry, you have to explain to him what happened, and Voldemort may overhear it.

Therefore, the optimal solution at the moment should be...

"All petrochemicals."


Fisch took out his wand and pointed it at Harry while he was sleeping, and then chanted the Petrification Charm in a very slight voice.

After petrifying Harry in his sleep, Fisch picked up his glasses on the side of the bed and stuffed them into his pocket... He once wore Professor McGonagall's glasses curiously, knowing that they only Make yourself dizzy.

After doing all this, Feish rolled up Harry Potter with the quilt, then raised him with the quilt over his head, and ran out of the dormitory tiptoe.


What happened? ! !

Harry had already woke up when he was hit by the Petrification Charm, but he was completely unable to move, even unable to open his eyelids, making him think he was having a nightmare or something.

But immediately following him, he felt that he was being lifted up, and then moved outside, down the stairs after leaving the dormitory, and being pushed out of the Gryffindor wall hole, he even heard the fat lady's exclamation.

No matter how dull Harry was, he knew that he was not dreaming, but that someone really "stole" himself from the dorm.

It's just that the person who moved him moved too He couldn't understand what the fat lady was calling, so he couldn't confirm who was moving him.

Because he couldn't move at all, and didn't know what was going on, Harry was frightened and at the same time guessing who was holding him and running wild.

The first thing Harry thought of was the house-elf Dobby who, in the name of helping himself, caused him to be confined again and into the infirmary.

When he thought of Dobby, Harry's heart suddenly tightened, and God knew that he would encounter something unlucky with the "help" of the other party next.

Fortunately, Harry’s worries didn’t come true, because soon after, he heard a “bang” on the door, and then he thought of Feish’s cheerful voice—

"Minerva! Fisch brought Harry here!"



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