The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 245: Black-footed cat form·pseudo

"Meow hahahaha! This potion is so fun!"


Feish, who came out of the infirmary, held the compound decoction he got from Hermione, and smiled and said to Fox on his shoulder: "It can turn people into cats... If you add your feathers, I don’t know. Can I grow wings meow."


Fox immediately pecked Fisch's head to stop him from this dangerous thought.

"If you don't give it, don't give it, what do you do if you peck at me..."


Fisch puffed up his cheeks aggrievedly, rubbed his head and murmured angrily.

Then he directly took out a handful of black-footed cat hair that Dumbledore had brought him from his pocket, opened the stopper of the glass bottle, and threw it in.

The brown hair fell into the black decoction in the bottle, and the decoction that hadn't been moving suddenly made a loud noise, like a puddle of boiling water, and a lot of bubbles were gurgling out.

After only a second or so, the decoction quickly calmed down again. The color was still black, but some reddish-brown reflections could be vaguely seen inside.

Putting his nose to the mouth of the bottle and sniffing it twice, Fei Xu frowned subconsciously.


After adding the hair, the smell of the rotten vegetable leaves became stronger. Although Fisch didn’t eat vegetables, he still prefers meat, and the smell of the rotten vegetable leaves is light. Just by smelling it, you will know where it is delicious.

But the desire for a new form... curiosity, to be precise, drove Fisch to pinch his nose and drank the potion in the bottle.

Sure enough, the taste was just as Fisch had expected, not good at all. Simply put, it was the taste of vegetable broth without any seasoning... and a bit bitter.


Feish grinned, sticking out his tongue with disgust on his face.

But soon, he didn't bother to pay attention to the taste of the compound decoction, because in the next second, Fisch felt that his internal organs were beginning to surge.



Fisch squatted down while clutching his stomach, and his whole body curled up.

Immediately afterwards, a hot burning sensation quickly spread from his stomach to his whole body. Fisch felt like he was about to be melted down, so he subconsciously used a rejuvenation technique and a middle And toxins.

However, this process was just a normal reaction of the compound decoction, so Fisch's spells did not have any effect.

Fortunately, this uncomfortable feeling did not last long. After a while, the burning sensation subsided like a tide, and Fei Xu stood up from the ground with a daunted expression.



Stretching his arms and kicking his legs, Fisch found that he was completely fine. Not only was he fine, but he seemed to be lighter.


Fox flew back to Fisch's shoulder and stared curiously at Fisch, who was covered in fur again.

After Fox's reminder, Fisch rolled up his sleeves and looked at his arm.

The original smooth human arms are now covered with hair, but unlike the previous black and white patterns, the hair color on Fisch's hands is now a brown background and black stripes.

And unlike Fisch's cat-man shape, his stature has not shrunk, and the shape of his hands still maintains the basic shape of a human arm—just an extra layer of hair.

I stretched out my hand and touched my head. Although the nose, mouth and ears are all in the shape of a cat, the overall structure of the head is closer to that of a human, and the legs have not turned into the cat’s anti-joint state. Like the arm, it is still in the shape of a human. There is more hair.

These Fei Xu had been expected, after all, he had seen the precedent of Hermione before, and her condition was the same.

The key is whether your cat's form can be switched to the appearance of a black-footed cat.

After the transformation spell was lifted, Fei Xu's body shrank and became smaller and smaller, and he changed back to the form of a cat in the blink of an eye.

After trotting to the side of an armor, Feish saw the reflection of the armor clearly.

His appearance is indeed no longer a small tabby cat, but a real black-footed cat. It is not the previous pseudomorph that only changes the color of the coat, but the proportions of his body in the cat form. It became a black-footed cat with a large head, and all four claws became black.

The only problem is... the overall body shape is still about the same size as before, and it has not awakened to the black-footed cat form after becoming a black-footed cat.

However, Fisch was not disappointed by this, because Hermione had also told him before that the transformation of the compound decoction only became the object of material supply, and it was still very different from his form change spell.

The main reason why Fei Xu was not in a hurry was because he felt the similar premonition that he was about to transform into a clouded leopard. There was a certain power in his body that was gestating, and when the time came, he would burst out like the clouded leopard at the beginning.

After regaining his human form, Fisch was still in the form of a cat, but he did not care, and returned to Gryffindor's dormitory with Fox.

"Fish? Have you been to see Hermione?"

After returning to the dormitory, Harry and Ron were still awake.

Although I haven't seen this picture of Fisch, his own affinity and Fox on his shoulders have already indicated his identity, and then think of Hermione who was sent to the infirmary by them, why Fisch is this pair It's not difficult to guess what it looks like.

"Why do you also use cat hair to make the compound decoction..."

Harry said with a wry smile. He thought that Feish had seen Hermione's appearance, so he did so with curiosity.

"I wanted to be a black-footed cat, Ron knew it."


Fisch sat cross-legged on his bunk, while Fox landed on the head of his bed.

Hearing what Fisch said, Ron realized later that Fisch's appearance is indeed very similar to the kitten named Black-footed Cat in the original book.


After looking at each other with Ron, Harry scratched his head in anguish after getting a positive answer from him.

He doesn’t worry about Feish becoming a cat person. The main reason is that Feish is different from Hermione. He would not hide in the infirmary and refuse to see people. If this is seen by other classmates and the key is Professor McGonagall tomorrow, they secretly suffer. The matter of making compound decoction is about to be exposed...

This is not something that can be concealed by asking Fisch to help keep it secret.

But he is not particularly worried.

The transformation of himself and Ron went smoothly. Even if Malfoy was suspicious, it would be fine if the two of them didn’t admit it, and Hermione’s grades were so good, and she was punished for the way she was now. , Professor McGonagall probably won't embarrass her too much.

As for Fisch...

Then there is no need for them to worry.

So even if Professor McGonagall wants to be held accountable, some college points should be deducted.

And think about it carefully, even if there is no Fisch, Hermione can't hide Professor McGonagall's So it will be sooner or later to be caught.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that if Fisch did not drink the compound decoction, it wouldn't be a big deal.

After Harry thought for a while, his mind gradually calmed down.

After the toss of Fisch last semester, the students of Gryffindor were very open to the matter of college division, and Harry did the same.

"Fish is going to bed, good night meow~"


After chatting for a few words, Feish opened his mouth wide and yawned, then changed back to the cat form, lying on the pillow in a ball and starting to sleep.

"Good night, Feish."

Harry and Ron turned off the lights in the bedroom, got back into their beds, and fell asleep.


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