The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 239: Phoenix Nirvana??

The day after the duel club opened, there was a violent snowstorm outside.

Feishu and his classmates braved the heavy snow and came to the third greenhouse. As soon as they entered the greenhouse, everyone began to slap the snowflakes on their bodies, and a puddle of snow quickly accumulated at the door.

"Clean up."

After everyone slapped the snowflakes, Sprout removed the stagnant water, then slapped his palms and shouted: "Okay, everyone gather here. Our task today is very important!"

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, who were in class, leaned towards her, forming a half circle in front of Professor Sprout.

"Because of the sudden drop in temperature, we have to put on socks and scarves for the mandela grass as soon as possible today to ensure that they will not stop growing due to the weather, or even freeze to death."

Professor Sprout reminded with a serious face: "We have Fisch here, and the mandela grass will be much safer than usual, but this is not an excuse for your carelessness, so when dressing them , You need to be cautious and cautious! And, wear earmuffs!"

If there was no Fisch, Professor Sprout would not give this important work to the students at all, but with Fisch, it was different, and the difficulty level dropped by two or three levels.

Coupled with the fact that Professor Sprout is watching over, this matter can be completely operated by the students, which is also a rare experience for the students.

"Please bear in mind that you can only take off the earmuffs when I have two thumbs up," Professor Sprout said seriously again as he handed out the earmuffs, "Mandrake has grown. It’s been a lot, and now it’s really life-threatening to hear their crying!"

Then she looked at Fisch again, "Especially you, Fisch! Don't pull out the mandela grass when others are not wearing earmuffs!"

"I got it, meow~"


Feixu shook his ears and said in response.

After seeing Harry stripping himself naked because of the cry of the evil bird, Fisch began to pay attention to this. Last time he took Hermione to the Forbidden Forest, he specifically asked Those friends who have special voice abilities, don't speak casually.

"Very well," Professor Sprout nodded, "Now—put on your earmuffs."

Everyone except Fisch quickly put on the earmuffs, and then Professor Sprout picked up a pot of mandela and pulled it out.

Under the influence of Fisch, the mandela grass did not struggle very much, but it showed a state of trembling with cold.

Professor Sprout quickly picked up the small socks and scarf placed aside, put them on the Mandela doll, and then put it back into the flower pot.

After the demonstration, Professor Sprout raised two thumbs and asked everyone to take off their earmuffs. He also said some precautions when dressing Mandela grass before putting a set of small socks and scarves. The distribution went on.

Then, throughout the morning, Fisch stayed in the greenhouse, putting on socks and scarves for the Mandela doll with his classmates, instead of finding an empty flower pot to sleep in as usual.

After all, the maturity of Mandela grass is related to the rescue of Mrs. Loris, and Fisch also wants to do his best.

Because the Mandela grass doll is not struggling at all in Fisch’s hands, and even very cooperative, he is the fastest and the one who handles the most among all people. Gryffindor also got Professor Sprout’s Bonus points-this is a very rare thing for Fisch.

After a busy morning, everyone returned to the castle under the heavy snowstorm. After changing their clothes wet with snow, they gathered in the auditorium for lunch.

Because of the cold weather, most of the food prepared by the elves is mainly hot soup, and a lot of spicy food is added, which makes everyone sweat all over.

Sweating profusely after eating a plate of Mapo tofu, Dumbledore suddenly came to him when Fisch was pouring his tongue with his drink.

"Fish, Fox's time is almost up, are you going to check it out?"

"Of course!"


Fisch was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized what Dumbledore meant, so he dropped the cup in his hand, got up from the chair suddenly, and ran to the principal’s office while dragging Dumbledore against the guest. .

"Slow down, don't worry, my old bone can't run too fast."

Dumbledore was happily dragged by Feish, speaking a lie that Feish would never believe.

"Don't worry, Fox asked me to inform you. If you don't, it won't start Nirvana."

When the phoenix enters the final stage of Nirvana, it can slightly control the time of Nirvana. It can probably advance or postpone it for three or four days. Fox will choose today. It is also because of the sudden drop in temperature. The elderly can no longer stand it, so just go straight. I chose Nirvana.

But before that, both he and Dumbledore had agreed to notify Fisch at the time of Nirvana, so it was delayed until noon.

Even though Dumbledore had explained to Fisch in this way, the curious kitty still dragged Dumbledore all the way to the eighth floor.

Dumbledore's stamina was fine, but he kept running around the spiral staircase, making his head a little dizzy.

"No, I have to slow down."

After entering the office, Dumbledore sat down on the chair, rubbing his still dizzy head and said.

Fei Xu didn't bother to care about him, so he moved to the gilded perch behind the door and stared at Fox, whose feathers were about to fall out.

"Fox, are you okay?"

As usual, Fisch took a soothing technique for Fox first, but at this time, even if it was a soothing technique, it had almost no effect on Fox, which meant that there was a little more of a glorious look in its dim eyes. .


Fox replied feebly, sounded as if suffocated, and could die at any time.

Immediately afterwards, Fox's Nirvana began.

Flames came out from all over Fox's body, instantly turning it into a fireball. The heat wave set off made Fisch instinctively take two steps back, but his eyes were still fixed on Fox's body.

At this moment, in Fisch’s perception, Fox’s weak vitality suddenly rose a lot with the appearance of the flame, but it quickly subsided. When the flame on the perch was extinguished, Fox’s breath of life followed It disappeared completely.

Fisch lowered his head and looked at the pile of ashes formed by Fox's self-immolation on the floor. A new but familiar breath of life was rapidly growing in the ashes.

Then, a small, wrinkled chick poked his head out of the ashes.

"Fox? Is it your cat?"


Feish squatted down and stared at the chicks emerging from the ashes.

Although from the perspective of the breath of life, the other party is undoubtedly Fox, but Fisch confirmed once again.


The little chick raised his head and answered Fisch's question with a crisp voice. Compared with the old bird's call before, Fox's voice is now much more angry.

"It's amazing, you really have become smaller..."

Fisch held Fox in front of him with both hands, and looked at it left and right. The newly reborn Phoenix only had a thin layer of red hair on its body, which looked no better than the old Phoenix.

"Albus, are we going to feed Fox something to eat?"


Fisch took Fox and ran to Dumbledore's desk.

"Of course, Nirvana takes a lot of effort, and I've been prepared for it a long time ago."

Dumbledore opened the drawer with a smile, took out a few leaves, and handed them to Fisch.

"You come and feed it to Fisch took the leaf, put it under his nose and sniffed, "It's Baixian. He murmured, then put the leaf to Fox's mouth and let it peck at it.

Having known Fox for so long, he had known Phoenix's habit of only eating herbs.

"Well," Dumbledore nodded, "White fresh leaves are better preserved and have good restorative properties. They are perfect for feeding the phoenix just after Nirvana."

"Albus, can you give Fox to Feixu for a while?"

While feeding the white fresh leaves of Fox, Fisch said, “There are a lot of fresh herbs in Fisch’s dormitory. They were given to me by classmates of the Yellow Mouse Academy last Christmas.”

Dumbledore was silent for a moment...

"That's a badger."


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