
Fisch slammed the diary to the ground.

He hates writing the most. This broken book actually "eats" his writing!

No wonder there is not a word in this diary!

Feishu looked at the diary that was thrown on the ground with his hands on his hips for a long time. He felt that it was not enough to relieve his breath, so he stepped on to make up for a few feet.

"Bad book! Bad book! Bad book!"


After stepping on the diary and leaping vigorously for a while, Fisch finally breathed a little, then bent over and picked it up again.

Although he was angry that this diary had swallowed his own writing, but it was so hard to toss that Fei Xu still liked it, so after venting, he still had to put away the diary.

Speaking of...why did I just want to use this diary to store greetings and greetings?

According to Fisch's own thoughts, this thing should be reserved for use as a shield and cat scratcher. He never considered the option of writing on it, but just now he suddenly wanted to write something on it inexplicably. .

"Strange Meow?"

Fisch scratched his hair in a bewildered manner, and then quickly left the matter behind.

Anyway, it’s not uncommon for Fisch to make things happen on a whim. Although this kind of wanting to write on the diary is a bit inconsistent with Fisch’s usual habits, it is not enough for him. Too much care.

Fisch, who was thinking this way, was about to stuff his diary into his pocket, but with his dynamic vision far beyond ordinary people, he saw a small piece of bronze text flashing by while flipping the diary.

"are you still there?"



Feish quickly opened the diary again, but the sentence just disappeared.

"It was you just talking meow?"

Poke the diary lightly with his finger, and Fisch asked.

But after waiting for a long time, the other party did not respond.

Feixu shook his ears, tilted his head and thought for a moment, then picked up a bottle of black ink from the side and poured a little on the diary.

Kitty is just simple, but his brain is not stupid. The text that flashed just now obviously used the same bronze ink as his own, so he guessed that it was mostly necessary to add ink to the diary before it could answer himself again.

In order to prove his conjecture, Fisch also specially changed a color of ink and poured it on.

The ink was quickly absorbed by the diary just like the words I had just written, and then Fisch poked the blank pages of it again.

"Are you talking meow?"

However, the diary is still blank.

Inexplicably meow...

Fisch scratched his hair again. Although he could guess that he would have to write on it to communicate, but there were already a lot of characters to write today, so he didn't bother to add more work to himself.

Let's talk about it when you are in the mood to write in the future.

With this thought, Fisch grabbed the diary and threw it back into his magic pocket.

He is still busy writing greeting cards!

What Feish didn’t know was that when he closed the diary, another line of writing appeared on it--

"Hello, my name is Tom Riddle."

Unfortunately, Voldemort in the diary didn't get any response until the handwriting disappeared.

If Voldemort hadn't been just a ray of remnant soul now, he would probably be so depressed now that he spewed a mouthful of old blood.

As a Horcrux that has been placed for fifty years and its body is still half-dead, Tom Riddle's remnant soul can do extremely limited things, and most of the time can only hide in the Horcrux and sleep deeply.

Even if he had drawn some strength from Ginny Weasley before, it was only a drop in the bucket. He couldn't perceive the outside world, and he couldn't even figure out how long time had passed.

Although he had made a plan for the basilisk to hand over his hidden diary to Fisch, Riddle wasn't really sure when he would be officially released from him.

However, he was not particularly worried. Because of the particularity of the diary, Riddle had cast special spells on it, which would attract people who came into contact with the diary, and made him desire to study the secrets of the diary and write on it.

Although this kind of influence is very subtle and weak, many things, in fact, only need to start a little bit. Riddle is confident enough to keep them communicating with themselves...just like Ginny Weiss. Same as Lai.

So Riddle was not worried that Fisch would throw away the diary after he "picked up" it...

Until Riddle was sleeping, he suddenly felt a violent impact, and the power he had finally grabbed from Ginny was instantly smashed into pieces.

Riddle was terrified at the time. He thought that Fisch gave Dumbledore the diary, and Dumbledore was trying to destroy himself.

But Voldemort's body was unable to use Dumbledore. As a weak Horcrux, he had no ability to resist.

Just when Riddle was worried, suddenly nothing happened, making Riddle hiding in the Horcrux completely confused about the situation.

But no matter how curious Riddle was, he couldn't perceive the external situation.

If it was before, he might be able to forcibly probe for more than ten seconds, but after the power was dissipated, Riddle had no choice.

In order to preserve the little remaining power and not want to be driven mad by boredom, Riddle fell into a deep sleep again with a nervous mood...

It wasn't until Feish wrote a Christmas message in his diary that he was awakened again.

So in this blink of an eye, nearly two months will pass?

Riddle felt incredulous when he noticed what Fisch wrote in his diary.

That kid named Feishu, why did he hang himself for so long!

Riddle couldn't believe that the little devil who could wander at night regardless of school rules would go to find the basilisk after a month or two.

But these issues are not important. The important thing is that he must talk to Fisch as soon as possible, and slowly guide Fisch to open up to him, and then he can draw on the power of this talented kid.

So he quickly used the ink he had just absorbed and wrote in his diary—

"Hello, my name is Tom Riddle. Did you just write a Christmas card?"

As a result, when the line disappeared automatically, Riddle didn't get any response.

Because of the characteristics of Horcruxes, even Voldemort couldn't keep writing on it for a long time. He was able to communicate with the outside world using words in a weak state, thanks to the diary as a carrier.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just a memory, not a bad person."

Riddle worried that Fisch would directly give the diary to Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall, and quickly appeared a paragraph of text to soothe it.


Still nothing happens.

At this time, Riddle became a little anxious. He didn't know what was happening outside, but it was obvious that Fisch had not been affected by the magic in the diary as he predicted, and had the desire to write on it.


"You can communicate with me as long as you write in your diary."

"I'm really not a bad person."

Riddle tried to communicate with Fisch again, but unfortunately there was no news.

"are you still there?"

There was not much ink left before, Riddle made one last attempt.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, there was still no response, and he could only fall into a deep sleep again.

I don't know how long it took, the diary suddenly absorbed a small ball of black ink, awakening the sleeping Riddle.

Although Riddle couldn't feel the passage of time while he was sleeping, he could have a general concept based on his own situation.

The time between waking up this time and the last time is very short, not even more than three days.

Riddle's heart was very determined, because the bronze ink absorbed before was still "fresh".

But he didn't know whether this new black ink was the secret of Fisch studying the diary, or it was accidentally spilled and landed on the diary.

In addition, he didn’t get feedback no matter what he said before, Riddle hesitated for a while~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But after thinking about it for a while, he still showed a line of words in new ink——

"Hello, my name is Tom Riddle."

Of course, he still didn't get any response.

This made Riddle depressed. If he was only sleeping all the time, it would not make him irritable like he is now. This situation of waking him up from time to time and then not giving any reaction would be the most annoying.

It's a pity that no matter how angry Riddle was, he couldn't grasp the external situation. After receiving no response, he could only continue to feel full of melancholy, and fell into a deep sleep again.

And Feish, who didn't know this at all, was working hard at this time. After copying the four hundred greeting cards with the mantra, he had to fill in the names one by one...

Suddenly I don't like Christmas that much.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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