The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 224: Battle of the Behemoths

After an awkward lunch in the horse tribe, Harry hurriedly left.


   In addition to being uncomfortable with his head down, he had to rush back to participate in the Quidditch training in the evening, because soon, it will be the first game of the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup this year.


   As in previous years, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.


   After learning that Slytherin was sponsored by Malfoy in 2001, Wood's training intensity became stronger and stronger. He really wanted to win the championship again.


  The same goes for the other players, so even though everyone complained, none of the players had missed training, even Ron, who was a substitute.


  Fish, who was not interested in Quidditch at all, naturally did not go back with Harry. After eating at the horseman's place, he continued to ride Lu Wei around in the forbidden forest.


   "That's right!"




   Riding on Lu Wei's back, Fisch, who was running around after a giant monster, suddenly remembered something. He lifted the bubble head curse on his head and patted the dog's head under him.


   "Lu Wei, stop chasing him Meow, let's go to the Black Lake, and Fisch will introduce Kanaloa to you!"


   The fight between Kanaloa and Uropoulos failed before, and Fisch wanted to let Luvi and Kanaloa fight to see who was the best.


   Luwei and Kanaloa, the two behemoths, are different from Uropoulos. There are no dead spots on their bodies. Feish can't use his size advantage to be invincible like he did with the basilisk.


Kanaloa’s tentacles are not mentioned. The attack range of Lu Wei’s three heads is also extremely wide, and it can reach most of its body. Even as the back of the dead corner, Lu Wei can use the three heads. The squeeze between them forced Fisch to leave.


   The two of them, like Professor McGonagall, are the targets that Fisch has never been able to defeat.


   Although Fisch did not have the kind of obsession with them as he did with Professor McGonagall, he was also very curious about which of the two was stronger, and the two big guys fighting this kind of thing... how interesting!


   That's why Feishu wanted to make them fight in a fight.


   As a result, because of the arrival of Halloween and the petrification of Mrs. Lorice afterwards, Fei Xu was busy looking for the murderer, so he forgot about it.


   Just when Lu Wei was chasing the troll, Fisch finally remembered it again.


   Luwei stopped obediently, turned around and ran towards the Black Lake.


   It has long lost interest in bullying trolls. If it weren't for Feish's request, it wouldn't bother to care about these stupid guys.


   When Lu Wei's huge body appeared by the Black Lake, it shocked the Hogwarts students who were resting nearby.


   After all, in addition to the three Harry who were trapped to "stop" Snape, and the Fisch who often went to play with Lu Wei, Malfoy and his two followers had also seen Lu Wei in the school.


   Others don't even know that there is such a huge three-headed dog in the school.


   Just when everyone was frightened by Lu and wanted to run around, sharp-eyed students saw Fisch riding on his back, and everyone gradually calmed down.


   If Fei Xu is there, it will be fine.


   Hogwarts as a whole doesn't know that most animals will obey Fisch's orders obediently, even those creatures in the Forbidden Forest.


   They have seen Fisch riding a pegasus or eagle-headed horse with winged beasts running around in the sky more than once.


   However, due to Lu Wei's huge size and the deterrence of his three fangs heads, even if everyone knew that there was no danger, they didn't dare to just lean in, they just greeted Phish from a distance.


   "Look, you scared other people again."


   Feixu waved to the crowd in the distance, then lowered his head and slapped Lu Wei's head.




   Lu Wei glanced at the group of students in the distance with disdain, and said to Fisch that it had nothing to do with him, because the little wizards were too courageous.


Then its three heads grinned at the students in the distance, scared them back a certain distance, and Lu Wei, the culprit, sent a string of mockery from his nose maliciously. Jet sound.


   "Don't be scary after all!"




   Feixu slapped Lu Wei on the head again to stop his mischief.




   Luwei whimpered in a grievance, then squatted obediently by the black lake, not paying attention to the cowardly humans.


   Feixu jumped off Lu Wei, lay on the edge of the black lake, and plunged his head into the cold water.


   "Kanaloa! Come out, meow!"


   Because of the colder weather, Kanaloa hasn’t had much desire for activity lately, and spends most of the time resting at the bottom of the lake, so Fei Xu had to put his head in the water and shout, so that he could hear it.


   After shouting several times, Fisch pulled his head out and shook his head vigorously.




   Although water and fire can remove the remaining lake water on his head without cursing with water or fire, Fisch is more accustomed to shaking his head.


   When Fei Xu shook off the water on his head, a figure larger than Lu Wei also broke through the lake and appeared in front of him.


   "Good afternoon, meow~"



  Fish said hello to Kanaloa, and Kanaloa also raised a tentacles in response.


   After saying hello, Fisch began to introduce each other to the two giant creatures.


   "This is Lu Wei, this is Kanaloa, everyone is good friends!"


   Kanaloa rolled its huge eyes, glanced at the three-headed dog next to Fisch, and calmly made a "nod" with its tentacles.


  As a giant squid that has lived for nearly a thousand years, it is still Gryffindor's pet in the Black Lake. Kanaloa has not seen a three-headed dog. As a senior, it is still very calm.


Compared with Kanaloa's calmness, Lu Wei looked more nervous. Not only did he change his previous sitting posture, he stood up from the ground, but also arched his body, his back hair was also erected, and his tail was puckered to show his teeth. , Showing a state of vigilance.


   It was the first time Lu Wei saw a creature larger than himself after he became an adult. He subconsciously felt a sense of anxiety, so even with Feish's introduction, he still behaved a little anxiously.


   And at this time, Lu Wei heard Fisch shouting from the side: "You two are going to fight! Let me see who is better!"


  ? (●φωφ●)?


   Kanaloa, who is nearly a thousand years old, naturally cannot be used to Fisch. It directly stretched out a tentacles, poked at the kitty who was fanning the flames, and pushed him somersault.


As a result, this irritated Lu Wei, who was already nervous. When Kanaloa stretched out his tentacles, he turned his head, and bite at the same time with three big mouths. Kanaloa smashed Feishu at the same time. , Lu Wei also bit on that tentacle fiercely.


   Kanaloa, who was suffering from tentacles, waved another tentacled subconsciously and drew at Lu Wei, who was biting him. Lu Wei immediately let go of his mouth, and then rushed towards Kanaloa, not to be outdone.


   Kanaloa, who didn't plan to do anything, had to fight back.


   Although it doesn't think how difficult it is to defeat Lu Wei this junior, but the opponent's size and three-mouthed teeth are there, even Kanaloa has to deal with it carefully.


   So the two giant beasts fought on the edge of the black lake. For a time, water and dirt splashed, and the movements of Kanaloa and Lu Wei caused the water in the black lake to surge.


   "You both have to cheer meow! Don't be afraid of getting hurt, Fei Xu can cure meow for you!"


  ? (●?▽?●)?


  Fish, who wanted to watch them fight, got up from the ground and quickly stepped aside, cheering on Kanaloa and Luwei loudly, and his two big green eyes shone brightly.


   On the other side, the students who were scared away by the road also watched the battle in the Black Lake with excitement...No ordinary little wizard has ever seen such an exciting scene.


Everyone yelled out other students who were staying in the castle. After a while, the other side of the black lake was full of people, Malfoy and Colin, each with a camera, and it was a joy to take pictures. .


   Many professors even ran out, standing by the lake watching the excitement.


Among them, Lockhart, a guy who likes to be pushy, is naturally indispensable. He happily fabricates his feats and feats that he once fought with various giants, but no one around him pays attention to him. Everyone puts their minds on Kanaloa and Lu Wei's battle.


   Kanaloa's surplus before is reasonable, regardless of age or strength, it has stabilized Lu Wei.


After a spectator watched fiercely, but after an ordinary battle between the two giants, the majestic three-headed dog Lu Wei was **** tightly by Kanaloa with several tentacles. , Hung above the black lake.




   "Canaloa, Lu Wei has surrendered, you should put him down soon!"


  After Fisch’s translation, Kanaloa threw Luwei back to the shore, and the defeated Luwei grievedly whimpered at Fisch...


Although Lu Wei has three heads, his mental level is not as good as that of Fei Xu, so even if Fei can't beat him, it still considers Fei Xu to be his eldest brother. Now Lu Wei is wronged. Of course I need to seek comfort from my eldest brother.


   As the eldest brother, Feish naturally wouldn't make the younger brother chill. He patted Lu Wei's nose to comfort him, and then threw a rejuvenation technique at him and Kanaloa.


   Under the treatment of the rejuvenation technique, the injuries of the two giant beasts were quickly healed. After a lesson and the mediation of Fisch, Lu Wei also put down his guard on Kanaloa.


   And Kanaloa, as an "old man", naturally would not care about such a junior as Lu Wei.


  Because he couldn't communicate with Feishu in words on the water, Kanaloa just tapped Feishu's head with his tentacles again, which was regarded as a rebuke, and then sneaked back into the black lake.


   Luwei also returned to the forbidden forest after leaving Kanaloa.


  The battle between the two giants came to an end.


   Originally, Fei Xu wanted to go back to the Forbidden Forest with Lu Wei, but it’s a pity...


   "You brat, stop me!"


  Professor McGonagall ran over as soon as the battle was over, and squeezed Little Leather Cat’s face.


   "If you don't pay attention, you cause me such a big trouble, I want to put you in confinement!"








  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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