The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 191: gang war

Because of the Hogwarts co-class system, the gossip has always spread quickly in the school, not to mention that the news is related to Fisch.


   So just after one class, the fact that Lockhart was knocked out by Fisch with a punch has spread throughout the school.


   is different from what Fisch was worried about. Not only did Professor McGonagall not bother him, they would also secretly give Fisch a thumbs-up, or nod and smile when other professors were in class.


   makes Feixu confused.


  Gidro...Is it so popular?


   Kitty is a little dazed.


  Ming Ming Lockhart is so good at telling stories, why do you feel that everyone doesn’t like him very much?


   The relationship between humans is too complicated, and a simple kitten cannot understand the reasons why these are not so direct emotions.


   But fortunately, while eating, Gildro Lockhart, who had repaired his teeth, still appeared in the auditorium in a spring breeze. Judging from his appearance, it seems that there is no tendency to be dismissed from the school.


   "It seems that nothing happened to him?!"


   Ron stared at Lockhart, who was at the teacher's desk, unilaterally chatting with Professor Flitwick, and the fork in his hand fell on the desk with a "clam".


   Lockhart really refreshed his understanding of cheeky.


   To be precise, it refreshed the cognition of all teachers and students at Hogwarts except Fisch.


   In the mixed emotions of a group of people, Hogwarts ushered in the first weekend of the semester. Harry and Ron wanted to take a good rest, but they were shaken by Wood early in the morning.


   "We want to win the championship again!"


   This is Wood's goal this semester. He also plans to win a Quidditch Cup, or in other words, he hopes to win every year.


   Although Harry and Ron complained again and again, they got up and headed to the court with Wood. After all, they still like to play Quidditch.


After the two of them left, Neville and the others, who were woken up by the noise Wood came in, also got up one after another, yawning and doing their own things, leaving only the lazy cat Feish still on his back. Lying on top of the curtain of the bed, he fell asleep.




   slept until almost noon, Fei Xu climbed up in a daze, shaking his ears, it was noisy outside, it seemed very lively.




   After completing a set of wake-up actions, Fisch jumped off the top of the bed, turned back into a human form and ran outside the bedroom.


   came to the common room and saw a group of people making a fuss, surrounding Harry and other members of the Quidditch team in the center, and they looked bruised and injured.


   "What happened?" (●φωφ●)


   Fei Xu rushed over happily, patted Neville who was standing outside, and asked curiously.


   "Fei Xu?"


   Neville turned around and replied indignantly: "Our Quidditch team just had a fight with the Slytherin team!"


   Then in Neville's stumbling narrative, Fisch probably understood what had happened before.


   To put it simply, both teams wanted to use the Quidditch pitch to practice. After a fight, they clashed.


   Harry and Ron were the first to do it.


   I don't know if it was because they had fought with Malfoy before, or because they were affected by Fisch. They didn't use their wands, and just raised their fists.


   Malfoy was caught off guard, and after Slytherin and the other Gryffindor players reacted, they all joined the battle group one after another, triggering a group fight.


   "Who won Meow?" (●?ω?●)


   Feixu asked enthusiastically. He didn't expect such an interesting thing to happen at the Quidditch Stadium. He had known that he would also follow.

   As for the group frame between the two teams, in Fisch's view, it couldn't be more normal.


Isn't    just grab the site?


   This kind of thing happens from time to time between cats and other animals. Even the group of animals in the forbidden forest will fight every three days because of territorial problems.


  Fei Xu has seen a lot, and there is nothing to fuss about.


   "It should be regardless of winning or losing..."


   Neville said this with a guilty conscience. Except for Malfoy, Slytherin's team are all big men, and Gryffindor's team is not at all dominant.


   But he is not a lie.


   "Later... Lockhart... Professor came."


   Naville hesitated, and still added the title "Professor".


  Although Lockhart had no prestige in the eyes of the students because of Fisch, as for his excuse that Dumbledore had optimized, few students would believe it, but in any case, he was still a professor at the school.


   So when he came forward to stop him, both sides still gave Lockhart a face and stopped fighting, but Quidditch's training also fell through.


   "It's a shame meow..."


   Feixu sighed regretfully, and then patted Wood and the others with the rejuvenation technique, and said seriously: "Next time you grab the site, remember to notify Feixue. I want to watch the lively Meow."


   Wood twitched the corners of his mouth and said vaguely.


   Actually, he regretted it after he finished the game. Fortunately, Lockhart came this time. If Snape came, he might suspend the Gryffindor team.


   Even so, Professor McGonagall will definitely trouble him as the captain in the future, and he has a terrible headache thinking about it.


   The three chaser girls had an indifferent attitude, and the pungent Angelina even shook her fingers unconsciously.


The Weasley twins, the guy who treats violation of school rules as commonplace, doesn’t even care. The only thing that puzzles everyone is that these two guys seem to have a lot of peace recently, and they rarely even talk, all day long. The mysterious gods don't know what they are doing.


   And Harry and Ron, who were the first to take the shot, were also in a state of anxiety...their confinement at the beginning of school hadn't come down yet, and now they are taking the lead in fighting.


   When they were anxious, Senior Sister Xia Pei came in, "Wood, Harry, and Ron, Professor McGonagall asked you to visit her office."


   The three people who were named are instantly and walked out of the common room with heavy steps.


The result was not beyond what the three of them expected. Professor McGonagall first scolded them severely, then deducted one hundred and fifty points from his college, and asked Wood to join Harry and Ron tonight. The confinement punishment-wipe those trophies in the prize showroom.


   Feixu was punished this way last semester, but in the end he succeeded in "getting" for himself the privilege of using magic to clean up.


   And Ron and the others are not so lucky, they can only wipe it with their hands.


   In fact, Professor McGonagall is already reducing the burden for them. Adding a Wood will naturally reduce Ron's workload.


   And Harry was even worse, he was named by Lockhart to help write back to his fans.


   After hitting a wall on Fisch's side, Lockhart could only take second place and turned his attention back to his original goal-Harry Potter's head.


   Compared with Fisch, who looked like his fan and was actually extremely dangerous, it was Harry, a little wizard who was not too cold to himself, but was unable to resist him.


   Lockhart has now given up on his reputation among the students of Hogwarts, but he still retains the plan to use Harry Potter to make his reputation to the next level.




  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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