The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 184: Beater Willow

Finally, Fisch, who ran out of the castle, was found by Professor McGonagall.

He poked his head cautiously from the entrance hall, observing the quiet auditorium with a lingering heart.


After discovering that the sound had indeed disappeared, he trot back to his position, picked up the plate with the meat buns, and slammed to the end of the Ravenclaw table and sat down-here is away from the door. Recently, it was convenient for him to escape.

At the same time, the cat ears on Feish's head were also retracted to prevent him from being recruited again.

Ron, who was unable to look up because of the yelling letter, was stared by the murderous gaze of the little witches around him. He could only shrink himself as much as possible and quickly gave breakfast to him. Solved it, so I had to escape from the auditorium early.

However, his tiny wish could not be seen, because today is the first day of the formal class, and Professor McGonagall will give them the course schedule for this semester.

With Harry and Ron suffering on pins and needles, the breakfast was finally over.

Professor McGonagall handed out the timetable. Gryffindor's first class was a herbal medicine class with Hufflepuff.

Everyone flocked to Fisch and walked out of the castle and came outside the greenhouse.

The greenhouse door was still locked at this time, because Professor Sprout hadn't come over yet, so everyone could only wait outside temporarily.

"Fish, you can let your ears out."

A little witch reluctantly persuaded Feish who had put away the cat's ears, "After the roaring letter is sounded, it will be burned automatically, and there will be no more terrible sounds."

Although Ron wanted to refute, his mother's voice was not terrible, but facing the aggressive gazes of the little witches around him, he remained silent very carefully.

"Really meow?" ω

Fei Xu hesitated to look at the talking little witch, and the others agreed.

"Yes, yes!"

"Don't worry, Feish, the roaring letter is gone."

"As long as there is a roaring letter in the future, we will notify you immediately."

After a group of people assured him and explained what a roaring letter was to Fisch, Fisch hesitated to let out his cat ears.

At this moment, Professor Sprout, with a bandage on his hand, walked over from a distance, followed by Gildro Lockhart with a bright face next to her.

"Pomona, Guidro, good morning meow~" (●ΦωΦ●)

Feixu greeted the two of them. They hadn't appeared in the auditorium during breakfast.

"Hello, Feish."

Professor Sprout, who had been stinking his face, only smiled after seeing Fisch, but soon, this smile disappeared again because of Lockhart's opening.

"Oh, good morning, Fisch, and my lovely students!"

Lockhart excitedly demonstrated his sense of existence, "I just demonstrated to Professor Sprout how to treat a beating Liu..."

He shamelessly took the credit for Professor Sprout, even if he was just standing by and saying some wrong opinions.


Fisch didn't pay attention to what Lockhart was talking about at this time. He turned his head and looked at the huge willow tree outside the Forbidden Forest, and saw that several of its branches were hung by the kind of bandage in the hands of Professor Sprout. At the same time, the other intact branches also appeared to be a little wilting.

Feish, who often runs to play in the forbidden forest, is naturally no stranger to the beating willow. He even knows that there is a secret road under the beating willow, which leads directly to an abandoned shack in Hogsmeade Village.

"Professor Pomona, wait for me!"

Feish left these words, and ran to the beating Liu.

"Fish, come back soon!" Ron and Harry, who had just been attacked by the beating willow yesterday, hurriedly shouted towards the back of Fisch, "That tree is very violent!"

The other Gryffindors also looked worried.

However, Professor Sprout and the students of Hufflepuff were calm about this. When Feish went to the Hufflepuff Lounge as a guest, they had seen his magical affinity that even plants can affect. .

So they all spoke to appease the anxious Gryffindor. Usually Gryffindor had all sorts of troubles in front of the other three academies. Now it was their turn.

Regardless of how noisy the group of people behind him was, Fei Xu jumped to the side of Beater Liu. Instead of attacking Feishu, the original violent Beater Liu dropped the branches and rubbed him affectionately.

Fisch lightly patted the hanging branches of the willow, then walked to its main trunk, raised his hand and patted it.

Yingying's green light wrapped around the beating willow, wrapping the entire tree.

After a while, the green light faded, and the fully recovered Willow waved the branches, shaking off all the bandages on his body, and then dropped the branches again and rubbed Feixu.

As everyone sighed at Yu Feishu's wonderful spell, a voice broke the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

"Yes, and this spell, I forgot it!"

Lockhart made an annoyed expression, and pretended to say: "Actually, this is just a very simple phytoremediation spell, but it is too simple, but it makes me forget its existence."

However, both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff cast an indifferent look at him, but he still continued to brag about his talent in herbal medicine without knowing it.

"Today to the third greenhouse!"

Professor Sprout just wanted to stay away from Lockhart, this shameful thing, she took out a bunch of keys, opened the door of the third greenhouse, and walked in first.

Other students followed one after another. Although they hadn't taken Professor Lockhart's class yet, they had no hope for this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

However, before Professor Sprout closed the door, Lockhart arrogantly stopped Harry, making Professor Sprout's face even more sullen.

Finally, when Harry came in from the outside, Professor Sprout's herbal medicine class officially began.

The content of today's course is to change the pots of Mandela grass. Professor Sprout asked two questions about Mandela grass, and then hermione answered them all correctly.

"Look, everyone. The mandela grass here is still very young." Professor Sprout pointed to the green and purple seedlings and said, "Although their crying won't kill people, they can still kill people. You fainted for a few hours, so we need to put on earmuffs when changing their basins..."

While Professor Sprout was talking, Feish, who was squatting in front of the flowerpot, had already stretched out his hand and pulled out one of the mandela grasses.

"Oh! Merlin's beard!"

Professor Sprout let out a scream and quickly covered her ears, and Hermione and some students who knew something about mandela grass did the same.

Harry and the others did not react, but they understood what Hermione meant by "cry" before—not grass roots under the but a wrinkled baby .

However, the baby did not cry in Feish's hands, just made a slight "Ahhhh" sound.

Even if it was just such a slight voice, Harry and the others felt a slight dizziness, but Feish didn't seem to have anything at all. He even stretched out his finger to tease the mandela grass.

"Hmm..." Professor Sprout put down his hands in a bit of embarrassment, and then seriously said to the other students: "Fisch's situation is a bit special, don't be careless because of this."

From time to time, he would be in a trance because of the voice of Mandela grass. Naturally, Harry and the others would not be stupid, so they nodded quickly.

Then Professor Sprout coaxed Fisch, who had affected her class, to sleep, while the others put on earmuffs and began to change pots for the Mandela doll.

Fisch: "Zzzzz..."


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