The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 174: At the Lihen Bookstore

"You are the first wizard to be satisfied with our minecart service!"

Fizbabe said with surprise: "Other wizards always dislike them too quickly, but..."

"Time is money, my friend!"

The goblin shook his head, and was very dissatisfied with the wizards' behavior of not cherishing time.

Professor McGonagall twitched the corners of his mouth and interrupted the conversation between the two of them, "If this is the case, let's not waste time and get my money out quickly."

Then she turned to Feish and said, "When we go back, we can sit again."

Professor McGonagall's voice didn't sound very happy, but she still smiled reluctantly and said: "After we go out, we will first buy you new clothes and textbooks, and then go to the Florin cold drink shop to eat ice cream."

In addition to agreeing to Fisch a long time ago, Professor McGonagall also felt that he needed something cold to suppress her surging stomach.

"Okay Meow!"? (●ΦωΦ●)?

Compared with ice cream, the rapid mine cart is not that important. If you want a "bike cart", Fisch can go to the Forbidden Forest to find the night jigs and unicorns.

At this time, Fizbabu also opened the door lock, and a green smoke sprayed from the door. It could make the person who broke into the vault fall into a coma and send an alarm to the guards of Gringotts. This is Gring One of the defensive methods of the pavilion.

But in fact, the symbolic meaning of this kind of smoke is a little bit more, because as long as the wizard is a little bit capable or knows something about Gringotts, it will not fall into this simple trap, and its effect is not even as good as the vault door itself.

This is also related to the fact that Professor McGonagall’s treasury belongs to the group with low security levels.

In Gringotts, the more important the vault, the lower the position, and the vault door no longer uses keys, but a certified goblin knocks gently on the door to make it disappear little by little.

Except for the goblins of Gringotts, anyone else who touches the door will be sucked in by the door and will not get out.

The vaults of the ancient families that have been passed down to this day are guarded by fire dragons and sphinxes. In addition, there are a series of anti-theft measures such as the anti-thief waterfall and the use of copy curses and fire curses on the vaults.

Of course, these all require extra money, and the fairies will not give free services because of the status of the wizard-this kind of thing even Voldemort back then could not do.

When the smoke cleared, Feish followed Professor McGonagall and walked into the vault, which was shiningly golden and silver, and there were basically no copper Nats in sight.

Professor McGonagall doesn't spend much money, and his savings over the years are still considerable.

She casually grabbed a handful of Jin Jialong and a handful of Silver Sico from the vault, put them in her small handbag, and then pulled Fisch, who was snarling among the piles of gold coins, and left the vault.

After another thrilling minecart ran wildly, the two returned to the lobby of Gringotts, and walked out of the gate under the guard of two fairy guards at the door.

They first came to Mrs. Morkin's robe shop, and the short and chubby Mrs. Morkin welcomed them warmly.

"Your ears and tail are so cute."

Just like everyone else, Mrs. Morkin couldn't resist the temptation of Fesh's cat ears. She stole Fesh's ears and tail several times while measuring her size.

Then when the kitten started to be impatient and the tail hair had slightly exploded, the measurement was ended decisively.

Those who open the door to do business don't have any eyesight.

After finishing the unnecessary measurement, Mrs. Morkin took out two sets of clothes with slightly different sizes, and said to Professor McGonagall: “If you feel uncomfortable wearing them, please feel free to bring Feishi over, and I will give it to you. He changed it."

Then they bought some potion materials, as well as consumables such as parchment paper, quill pens, and ink, and finally entered the Lihen Bookstore.

At this time, there were no customers in Lihen Bookstore, but the managers and clerk were busy, and saw that they kept moving a large number of the same books to the most conspicuous place in the bookstore, and put up posters on the surrounding walls. .

The posters are all the same person, a handsome man with wavy blond hair and blue eyes as Dumbledore. He is wearing a very elegant lilac robe, and the pointed wizard hat of the same color is playfully crooked. Wear it on the head.

When Feish and Professor McGonagall just stepped into the store, the man on all the posters blinked and smiled at him and Minerva simultaneously, showing neat white teeth.

However, Professor McGonagall showed a very disgusting expression on his face when he saw this handsome man.

And Feishe doesn’t care whether the other person is handsome or not. To be precise, he doesn’t feel that this person is different from other human beings. The only thing that makes Feishe a little bit interested is...this man’s teeth are very white. Maybe the fight will be tough.

Although the opponent’s teeth are not sharp, they seem to be strong and healthy enough. In the cat’s evaluation system, cats with good teeth generally fight very well, otherwise they will not take the initiative when fighting. The fangs were exposed to deter the enemy.

Professor McGonagall knocked on the side bookshelf irritably, reminding the customers of the shop to avoid the mentally polluted posters as much as possible at the same time-this is obviously more difficult, because of Gilder Lockhart’s Posters are posted everywhere.

It seemed too rude to keep staring at the ground. Professor McGonagall’s cultivation did not allow her to do so, so she could only hope to end this shopping as soon as possible.

"Professor McGonagall! Welcome!"

The manager of Lihen Bookstore heard the noise, and then pulled out of his busyness and came to the front of Professor McGonagall and Fisch.

"Fish is here too!" The manager rubbed his hands in excitement, and forcibly removed his gaze from the trembling cat ears, and then asked like a gun: "How does life on campus at Hogwarts feel? Are you here to buy a new textbook? Would you like a poster of Mr. Lockhart? I can give you one as the master."

It's a pity that Professor McGonagall doesn't appreciate his kindness.

"Thank you, but no need."

Professor McGonagall resolutely rejected the manager’s gift for Fisch, and quickly said: “I’m going to take Fisch to eat, please hurry up, a book of "Standard Spells, Level Two" and... Hart’s seven books."

"OK, just a second."

The manager perceived Professor McGonagall’s attitude towards Lockhart very so he stopped mentioning the poster, turned around and searched in the bookshelf.

Lockhart's seven books are easy to find, and they are all placed in the most conspicuous position, but in order to make room for Lockhart's signing meeting, they have not had time to sort out the other books, and they are all piled up in the corner.

The manager called two shop assistants, and after a lot of effort in the pile of books, he found "Standard Spell, Level 2".

"Chenghui, 36 Jialong."

Putting a thick stack of books in front of Professor McGonagall, the manager wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Then Professor McGonagall's expression became even more disdainful.

Miranda Gosak’s standard spell series has always been a Gallon one, and it hasn’t changed for many years, and Guidro Lockhart, an unlearned guy, actually sells five books in one book. Kanon...

What the **** did Dumbledore think, how could he invite such a **** to be a teacher!

Professor McGonagall, with a dark face, took out 36 gold coins from the bag and gave them to the manager. Then he stuffed the eight books into his small handbag that had cast the Traceless Stretching Curse, and then shouted at Feishu. : "Fish, let's go to eat ice cream!"

"Come on!"? (●≧?≦●)?

Throwing away the "Magic Me" in his hand, Phil Xu quickly rushed to Professor McGonagall, but his behavior caused the dissatisfaction of Lockhart on all the posters.

But at this time, Professor McGonagall had led Feishe to leave the Lihen Bookstore, leaving only the pile of Lockhart on the poster sulking.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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