The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 172: Lu Dongbin, drunk, lifting the pot with 0 catties

"Welcome, Professor McGonagall, and Little Feishe."

When Professor McGonagall took Feishe to the lobby of the Broken Cauldron, the owner Tom immediately greeted them with a smile on his face.

"It's not Xiao Feixu, Feixu has grown taller!" (●ΦДΦ●)

It was only then that Feishu, who had grown taller, couldn't hear the name "Little Feishu" now.

Old Tom hurriedly changed his words and stroked his chest to Feish very formally, "As you wish, Mr. McGonagall."

Coaxed Fei Xu eyebrows and smiled.

"What do you two want to order?"

As a bar owner, Tom instinctively started to pull business for himself.

What's more, the bar at this time is extremely deserted. If you want to be really lively, you have to wait for the Hogwarts students to receive the book list and start shopping in Diagon Alley in large quantities.

So now old Tom can earn a little is a little.

For this reason, he also specifically said to Fisch: "As an apocryphal for the blunder, I can invite Mr. McGonagall for a drink. What would you like to drink?"

"Fei Xu wants to drink meow!" (●ω●)

Although he has had the experience of drinking and drinking fragments, hasn't he grown up now?

Minerva said that she can drink when she grows up!


However, Professor McGonagall on the side directly stopped.

"Obviously Minerva just said that, Fei Xu wants to buy me everything!" ∑(●ΦДΦ●)

"But I also said that you have to wait until you grow up to drink."

"Fish has grown up, Meow?! Minerva, you big liar!" (●`ω●)

"You've just grown up a little bit, and you haven't grown up to drink."

"Nu Fei will not drink until he grows up?" ω

In order to avoid being fooled by Professor McGonagall again, Fisch asked persistently.

"Um..." Professor McGonagall pondered for a moment, then made a mistake, and replied: "Wait when you grow a beard."

"Fei Xu has a beard long ago!"

"I'm talking about your long beard in human form." Professor McGonagall quickly asked for help.

Then she saw Fisch put the palms of both hands on her fleshy cheeks and rubbed them indiscriminately.



"Beards are growing out!"

When Feish put his hand down, there were already a few more cat whiskers on his face.

Professor McGonagall: "..."

"It doesn't count what changed!"

"It's not changed! This is Fei Xu's beard meow!" (=`Д=)

Fisch was unhappy. The cat beard has been there since he remembered it. How could it be changed?

"No way! You are too young now!"

"Minerva, you big liar! Fisch will never believe you again!"

"It's useless to be awkward, it doesn't work, it doesn't work!"

Just when Fesch was reluctant to break with Professor McGonagall, Tom, the boss, came to round the scene and said, "Why don’t you give Fesch a butterbeer? Even if it’s a little wizard, it’s okay to have a drink. of."

Professor McGonagall looked down at Fisch, and saw that he was stubbornly raising his small head, pouting his lips in anger, and staring at himself. The cat's whiskers on both sides of his cheeks were still shaking, looking divided. Outside cute. (=`3=)

After holding back a smile and thinking for a while, Professor McGonagall took the initiative to take a step back and said: "All right, but there is only one cup."

"Fish starts to like Minerva again!" (=ΦωΦ=)

Feixu, who has won a phased victory, accepts as soon as he sees it.

So Professor McGonagall turned his head and said to Tom: "Then have two glasses of Butterbeer. After drinking, I have to bring Fisch to buy this year's textbook."

"Oh? This year's Hogwarts book list is a bit late."

Old Tom, who walked to the back of the bar and prepared Butterbeer, casually asked Professor McGonagall for news. This is also a professional habit as a bar owner.

"No way," Professor McGonagall sighed, because it wasn't a secret, so she told Tom directly, "The teacher in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not easy to find. This year we have another... well... very troublesome. Guys."

"Butter beer for two."

Old Tom placed two glasses filled with golden liquid with a thick layer of foam on the top in front of Professor McGonagall and Fisch, and then subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

In his impression, Professor McGonagall seldom gossiping behind other people's backs, and since she even commented on the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, the other party is basically really a troublesome guy.

"It looks like this year's Hogwarts students won't be too comfortable."

Old Tom sighed with emotion, and did not continue to inquire who the other party was.

Just enough, this is also a skill that a qualified bar owner must master.

The topic of the adults is not attractive to Fisch. He is sipping the butterbeer in his glass—the matter of drinking slices of chicken blood brandy before, let him keep the "magic" of wine. With a certain amount of awe.

Because the top layer of foam would always stick to the cat's whiskers, Fisch had to take the beard back after several attempts.

Although the white foam didn't taste much, it had a sub-scent, and the taste was weird and interesting in the mouth. Fisch took a small sip, then stuck out his tongue, trying to lick them up.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of the tasteless foam, Feish held up the cup and gently poured the golden yellow liquor below into his mouth.

As a low-alcohol wine that can be sold to little wizards, butter beer tastes closer to beverages, with a toffee-like sweetness.

At the same time, it also has the essential aroma of alcoholic beverages, but compared with the chicken blood wine that Fisch drank at the beginning, the aroma of butter beer is much weaker.

After sipping a few sips, Fisch was very satisfied with the taste of butter beer, and he did not seem to have lost his memory like before...

Fei Xu really grew up!

The kitten who thought this way was no longer cautious, dragged the wine glass with both hands, raised her neck, and swallowed the wine.

"Goooooooooooooo...ha!" (●`Д●)

Bravely drank the butterbeer in his glass, Fisch reached out his hand and wiped the foam standing near his lips, and let out a cheerful sigh.

"Minerva! This wine is delicious!"

Fei Xu's voice became louder involuntarily. He slapped the tabletop and yelled: "Fei Xu wants to drink...hiccup!" (●`Д●)

The kitten hiccups and yells.

The jealous expression matched his little fleshy face, which looked extremely cute.

"It seems that Mr. McGonagall doesn't drink very well."

Old Tom, the culprit, said with a smile.

Professor McGonagall glared at him with a black face, and then pushed down the little hand that was waving wildly.

"You are already drunk and can't drink anymore!"

"Fei Xu is not drunk! I am awake...hiccup!" (●ΦДΦ●)

As if trying to prove what he said was true, Fisch stood up swayingly, and then raised the stool under him high.

"Look! Fei Xu is not drunk!"

Fisch shook the stool in his hand and argued loudly.

I don't know how he got the relationship between the two together.

After holding up the stool for a while, Fisch suddenly threw it aside, and then looked at Professor McGonagall with a vague look, "Minerva...hiccup! Why did you become two meows?"

Then without waiting for her to answer, Fei Xu hugged his head and wailed, "Fei Xu's head is so dizzy! Minerva~ Fei Xu is poisoned! Meow woo woo burp!" (●QДQ●)

As Phish spoke, he began to cry.

Professor McGonagall could only laugh and cry and hugged him up. UU read while rubbing his head for him, while softly comforting: "It's okay, you're just drunk, not poisoned."

Just when she was about to ask Old Tom for a potion for sobering up, Feish shivered suddenly, and his misty green eyes suddenly returned to clarity.

"Don't faint, meow!"

Fisch blinked, then looked at the empty wine glass on the table very carefully.

"The wine is terrible! As expected, Fei Xu is still too young now!" (ˇˇ)

He now fully believes what Professor McGonagall said that he must grow up to drink, because the first time he was drunk, he has no memory. Now he has grown up a bit and can retain his memory, but he just becomes dizzy. Huhu, very uncomfortable.

Professor McGonagall looked at Feishe, who was like an enemy, without giving any explanation. At least for a long time in the future, she didn't have to worry that Feishe would rush to drink secretly.

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