The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 169: Best birthday

Although it feels a little weird, Fei may not be easy to feel relieved. He walked up to the Dursley family, with his hands on his hips, and said to them with full expression: "From today, you are not allowed to bully Scarhead... well, It's Harry Meow!"

The Dursleys nodded hurriedly and promised: "I know, I know, we will treat Harry well in the future."

"Speaking as a meow?" (●ΦωΦ●)

Feish shook his small fist in front of them, making the three people holding each other tremble even more.


Fisch, who found this seemingly interesting, began to keep raising, retracting, lifting, and retracting his fists.

And Dursley's family also shivered, relaxed, shivered, relaxed very cooperatively...

"Meow hahaha! Come and see, the three of them are so funny!"

Fisch laughed and turned his head away, and shouted at Harry and the others.

The aggrieved Vernon took advantage of Fesh's turn and glared viciously at Harry from behind his arm—he didn't dare to stare at Feish.

Then he was dismantled by Ron.

"Fish! He was staring at Harry just now! They will definitely regret it!"

"Meow?" ω

Fisch turned his head quickly and stared at Vernon Dursley with a scrutiny gaze.

"I didn't, I didn't, he was talking nonsense, nonsense..."

Vernon, who was still fierce just now, hugged his head and murmured in panic.

Compared to the big fat guy, Fisch believes Ron, of course, but he can't keep staring at the big fat guy...

Fisch curled his brows, folded his hands on his chest and fell into contemplation, and the tail behind him flicked irritably.

"Um... there is a way, meow!"

After groaning for a while, Feishu ran to the window and stuck his head out of the window.

"Meow--! Meow! Meow--!"

Fisch made meows of varying rhythms outside the window.

Soon, the originally silent Privet Road became lively in an instant, and the nearby cats, cats, dogs and dogs all yelled loudly in response to Fisch’s call, and the noise continued to spread outward, spreading to the whole Xiaohuijin District.

Those dogs who were kept at home or tied to chains had no way to come, but the cats were free, and cats of different breeds and colors came over from all directions.

They got into Dursley's home from the balcony and windows, and came to Feishe's side, rubbing their furry heads on Feishe's body.

Sharp-eyed Harry even recognized the cats raised by Mrs. Feige who had taken care of him among the cats.

At the same time, some stray dogs also ran to the door of Dursley's house, barked at the inside, and swiftly scratched the door with their paws.

"Comy, you go and open the door, meow."

Feishu, with more than a dozen cats hanging on his body, ordered.

"Okay, Master Feixu!"

Comey ran downstairs quickly and opened the door of Dursley's house. The stray dogs outside the door immediately rushed in, surrounding Feishe and the cats in the middle, sticking out his tongue while wagging his tail at Feishe.

After a while, the corridors were crowded with fluffy cats and dogs, and there were even several cats squatting on the window sills and staircase handrails.

Harry watched as these cats and dogs stepped on countless dirty footprints all over the corridor, couldn't help grinning, and turned his gaze to his Aunt Petunia.

If it is normal, Petunia Dursley sees that her clean floor is dirty, she must scream and drive away these cats, dogs, and dogs, and then give Harry a mop and wooden bucket to let him clean the floor again. .

But now, because of the intimidation of the "dangerous man" Feish, she can only endure it without daring to show any displeasure.

Harry happily looked at the strangely tangled expression on Aunt Petunia's face, and his heart was too happy. He felt that even if he was retaliated by the Dursleys in the future, it was worth today.

However, it was a pity that after struggling for a while, Aunt Petunia simply closed her eyes and turned her head to stop watching these pictures that made her blood pressure rise... This made Harry feel very regretful.

"Okay, meow," Feish clapped his hands. The cats hanging on his body jumped down and squatted on the ground with the stray dogs, looking up at Feishe.

"That person's name is Harry Potter, and that owl's name is Hedwig. Both are my friends."

Fisch pointed to Harry and Hedwig who had been released, and said to these cats, dogs and dogs seriously: "If you see these three people bullying Harry and Hedwig in the future, bite them for Fisch. , Tickle them!"

Then Fisch took out many small dried fish, sausages and other foods from his magic pocket and distributed them to them.

Dudley, who was shrunk in the corner, saw it, and subconsciously moved his body, trying to get a piece of the pie, but in the end he was defeated by the fear of Fisch and the tight embrace of his mother Petunia.

"These are rewards for you, and I will ask Comey to give you food when I have time. If you can't beat them, you can also sue Comey at that time, and then I will help you get revenge!" ●ΦωΦ●)

Fisch shook his small fist, wrinkled his nose and looked at the Dursleys.

"No! We dare not! Never again!"

Vernon yelled in horror, curling up his fat body with difficulty.

Feishu nodded in satisfaction and dispelled the group of cats and dogs.

"So you won't be afraid that they will retaliate against Harry." Feish held his head triumphantly and asked Ron and the others for credit.

"Thank you so much, Fisch!"

Harry hugged Fisch, moved, and Hedwig fell on his shoulder, rubbing Fisch's head with the beak.

"Don't thank me!" Feish patted Harry on the shoulder proudly, "Who makes scar...Harry, you are so weak! Minerva said, help the weak."


Harry, who was defined by Feish as the weak, was dumbfounded, but he also knew that Feish was not mocking himself.

"Okay, the matter is resolved, we should also go."

Fred spoke in time and saved the embarrassed Harry.

"Wait a minute, my things are locked in the storage room under the stairs."

Although he couldn't wait to leave, Harry still remembered what he went to school, his wand and broomstick.

"Oh, Feish knows where I am." ()

Feish remembered the room he had smelled before, and immediately ran down the stairs.

When Harry and the others followed downstairs, he had already tried his best to remove the door of the storage room.

Harry took his suitcase and asked curiously, "How do we leave?"

"Of course it was for Comey to send us back. He was the one who sent us here before." Feishu replied naturally.

"But, won't this be found by the Ministry of Magic? I was warned by the Ministry of Magic because of the house elf named Dobby."


Fisch looked at that was because the bad elf was deliberately monitored by the Ministry of Magic," Comey explained sharply, "The magic of elf is for wizards, so it’s normal. The following will be ignored by the Ministry of Magic's monitoring methods, unless we deliberately let our magic be discovered. "

"Moreover, as long as you don't use magic in front of Muggles, the Ministry of Magic will not care about using small spells."

The experienced Fred and George also added.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. If he was misunderstood and used magic again, he would be expelled from Hogwarts.

Then everyone held hands and formed a circle, and after spinning around for a while, they returned to the Weasley's yard.

"Welcome to Weasley's house, Harry." Ron grinned at Harry. "And, happy birthday."


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