The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 165: Feish's nose is good!

"Hahahahaha! So you are Phish!"

At dinner time, at the Weasley family table, Mr. Arthur Weasley, who was also red-haired, but whose hair was somewhat dangerous, was laughing.

After the chickens ran away, he and a few children took a lot of effort to get them back. This made Arthur, who had been busy recently, somewhat unhappy.

He had planned to wait for Feishu to give him a good preaching.

As a result, when Feishe appeared in front of him with his cat ears drooping, and looked at him pitifully with a pair of big eyes, Arthur immediately decided to let the matter pass by with a smile.

Children, it's normal to be naughty, and what people say is also a guest, so don't be too harsh!

Arthur Weasley quickly made excuses for himself, and in turn comforted Fisch, who seemed to be guilty.

"It's okay. Haven't all the chickens been caught? We have nothing to lose."

"Uncle Arthur, you are such a nice guy!" (●ΦωΦ●)

Fisch's ears pierced immediately, and he spoke the kind words of Mr. Weasley expertly.

"Hahaha! I'm not that stingy!"

Mr. Weasley, who was praised by Fisch, smiled happily.

The children of the Weasley family glanced at each other and shrugged helplessly. The people who saw Fisch for the first time basically had no resistance to this little guy. They had to spend a long time with Fisch in school like them. Only then can we treat Fisch in a more ordinary way.

Well, it must be boys.

While everyone was talking and laughing, Mrs. Weasley and the elf Comey brought out today's dinner.

"What kind of dishes are these? It looks so strange."

Ron's eyes widened and looked at the peculiar food on the table. Even in the Muggle world, it is rare to see Chinese cuisine in England, let alone the more closed wizarding world.

"This is Chinese food, Meow!" Feixu said triumphantly: "It's the recipe I asked for from my sister in September, it tastes great!"

Fisch definitely has a say in eating, so Ron and the others took up their knives and forks and reached out to the food on the plate without thinking about it.

The Chinese food that was certified by Fischer did not disappoint the Weasley family. Except for a few more spicy foods that did not suit their tastes, the other dishes almost made them swallow their tongues together.

Mrs. Weasley’s secret sausages, which had been popular with children in the past, were abandoned by everyone, but Molly was not sad. She was busy asking Comey how to make these dishes.

Although they were preparing dinner together in the kitchen before, they were basically doing their own things, and she did not expect that her proud cooking skills would be crushed by these weird dishes.

However, after learning the ingredients needed for these dishes, Mrs. Weasley could only sigh helplessly. It is no wonder that Minerva had always said that she would pay for her meals before. If Fisch had to eat these things at every meal, their family It is indeed a bit unaffordable.

"It's a pity, Harry never replied to me, otherwise he could have a taste of these delicious foods."

Ron slumped on the chair, satiated and sighed regretfully.

"Scarhead...No, what happened to Harry, Meow?" ω

Fisch, who was licking his paws and rubbing his face in the form of a cat, heard Ron's sigh, and curiously changed back to a human form, asking about Harry's situation.

Ron was about to answer, but Fred on the side slapped his thigh and interjected: "I'll just say what's weird! Phish, don't you call our nickname now?"

"Minerva said it's always impolite to call others nicknames, so let me try my best to change it."

Feish flicked his tail guiltily, and was given a routine by Minerva, and promised her that there was no need to elaborate.

"Aren't we talking about Scarhead?" He quickly changed the subject, "No, it's Harry."

The others didn't notice Fisch's careful thoughts, and they talked in a rush.

"In addition to you, I also invited Hermione and Harry to visit the Burrow, but Hermione said that she had other things to do during the vacation and didn't come over, and Harry didn't reply to me directly."

"Perhaps it was because Errol was too old, but Percy refused to lend his Hemes."

George seized every opportunity to put eye drops on Percy, and after "Model Percy" and "Prefect Percy", he thought of a new nickname-"Pecy Percy".

"That's all! Hemes, I'm using it!" Percy's cheeks flushed with anger, he argued: "You don't know, it hasn't come back yet!"

"Fred, didn't I say that I won't talk about this topic anymore?" As before, Mrs. Weasley came forward to end the quarrel between the brothers.

"Mom, he is George and I am Fred..."

Fred, who was shot innocently, said helplessly: "We just changed our clothes."

"Oh, sorry, dear."

Mrs. Weasley smiled embarrassedly at Fred, "You two look so alike, I dare say whoever it is, you will confuse you two."

"It's a pity, mother," Fred shrugged, and struck, "Fish can easily recognize both of us, and he didn't miss it once."

Ron and Percy nodded hard to confirm his statement.

"Fei is amazing!"

Although I don't understand the difficulty of this matter, the kitten still akimbo triumphantly, lifts his chin, the cat ears on his head are pierced and shake from time to time.

"How do you tell them?"

After marveling, Mrs. Weasley asked Fisch immediately.

Mrs. Weasley was actually quite embarrassed about the fact that she was a mother but could not distinguish her twin sons. So when she discovered that someone could separate George and Fred, she eagerly wanted to know it. The secret.

Mr. Weasley and Ginny on the side pricked their ears quietly, and they wanted to know why.

And Ron and the others, who had already inquired about Fisch, looked at each other and smiled. No one else could learn Fisch's method.

"Of course it smelled meow!" Feixu wrinkled his little nose, "Feixue has a good sense of smell! Although it is not as good as Wuwu and Luwei and the others."

"Mom, don't think about it. Feish's five senses are at the cat level."

Successfully seeing the dumbfounded faces of their parents and sisters, the contented George and Fred burst out laughing.

And after Ron laughed for a while, he pulled the topic back again.

"Let's talk about Harry. Percy, you must lend me Hemes. Harry's birthday is coming soon. I want to invite him over to help him celebrate his birthday."

Ron said seriously: "It is said that Harry's uncle's family was not very good to him. Last Christmas, they only gave Harry a Muggle coin, which is worth less than two Sicos."

"Well...but I only borrow it once."

Percy's eyes wandered back and forth between his parents and Phish for a while before he agreed reluctantly.

"Birthday?" Hearing Ron mentioned his birthday, Fisch suddenly remembered, "On Fisch’s birthday, Scar... Harry didn’t seem to give me a gift! He didn’t even have a letter, he was Isn't something wrong?"

Fisch was not greedy for Harry's gift, but he remembered that he had never seen Hedwig this summer. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, but now it seems something is wrong with thinking about it.

"In this case, it's not Errol's problem, so there is no need for Hemes, right?"

Hearing what Fisch said, Percy was not worried about Harry for the first time, but wanted to regret it.

"Hey! You just agreed!"

Ron stared at his most annoying brother dissatisfiedly, not to worry about Harry, and he only thought about his own owl. This is too much!

Although he didn't think Harry could encounter anything particularly dangerous in the Muggle world, Percy's attitude was very problematic.

Even Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley cast dissatisfied glances at him.

"I just don't think there is any need to do it again..."

Percy murmured an excuse, and then shut up automatically because of shame.

"Let Hemes send the letter first," Mr. Weasley finally said: "Harry is at his uncle's house. It is unlikely that it will be dangerous. Maybe something else has been delayed."

Although the Ministry of Magic does not allow students to use magic at will during the holidays, if there is any danger, Harry's wand is not a display, and the Ministry also has relevant emergency regulations.

And Mr. Weasley, who works at the Ministry of Magic, has never received any sign of Harry using magic. Mrs. Feige was keeping an eye on Harry's movements.

Of course, there is no need for Mr. Weasley to talk to the children about these things.

At this moment, a horned owl flew in from the window and landed in front of Percy.

Percy quickly removed the envelope from its paw and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Well, Hemes is back. You can use it to send Harry a letter at any time," he said to Ron a little flustered, "but you better let it rest for a while."

At this moment, Feishu came up curiously. He touched Hemes's head and said hello to it: "Hello, my name is Feishu." (●ΦωΦ●)

"Cuckoo." (v)

Hemes flapped his wings in response, opened his mouth, and lightly bit Phish's finger.

Then Fisch sniffed and murmured suspiciously: "Weird meow, why do you have curly hair... Sister Penello smells?"

Percy, who hid her entire summer vacation: "..."

The rest of the Weasley family: "!!!"


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