The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 158: 124 Shell Street

After his birthday, the summer vacation continued, and Fisch, as usual, slept in his room.

With a harsh "pop" sound, the elf Comey appeared in Fisch's room.

"Master Feixu, you should get up!"

Comey lifted the quilt, exposing the cat sleeping soundly inside to the air.


Fisch opened an eye and glanced at Comey, then twisted, facing him with his **** and back, and continued to sleep.

"Did you forget? Professor McGonagall said he would take you out today so that you would get up early!"

Comey, who had long been accustomed to the virtue of Fisch, was not discouraged, and continued to scream, and at the same time took all Fisch's clothes from the hanger and placed them on the head of his bed.

Hearing Comey's reminder, Fisch opened his eyes again, then turned around again, and continued to lie on his stomach facing Comey by the bed.


He grew his mouth and yawned and didn't get up. He just lay there looking at Comey, flicking his tail and shaking his ears from time to time.

Comey didn't urge anymore, and just stood aside and waited quietly.

Feish just lay down like this for a long time before sitting up slowly, and as usual, he began to lick his claws, rub his face and stretch out.

After doing all this, he changed into a cat-like form, and skillfully changed himself into everyday clothes.

"Good morning, Comey~" (●ΦwΦ●)?

After getting dressed, Fisch and Comey said hello.

Although the time has passed ten o'clock, Comey followed Fisch and responded: "Good morning, Master Fisch."

Jumping downstairs, Fisch saw Professor McGonagall sitting on a chair in the living room, looking down at something.


Feish flew over and hugged Professor McGonagall, "Good morning!"

"It's almost noon now..." Professor McGonagall put away the letter in his hand, tugged at Feish's cat ears, and said helplessly: "Didn't I tell you to get up early today? Where did you slip away last night? played?"

"Hey hey~" Feishu put his arms around Professor McGonagall's neck and rubbed his head against her shoulders. "Yesterday a baby was born in the unicorn. I ran to watch the fun."

With the existence of flying creatures such as Ye Qi, it was really easy for Feishu to return to the Forbidden Forest.

Professor McGonagall sighed helplessly again, "You can eat something to cushion your belly first, and we will go out to eat at noon."

"Okay Meow!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

Seeing that Professor McGonagall no longer pursued it, Fisch naturally agreed.

"I went to Aunt Rosmerta to eat meow at noon? Is there a banquet?"

Fei Xu, who was sitting at the dining table, dangled his legs, and asked expectantly while chewing on the pie.

Since the birthday party at Three Broomsticks, he has been eager to do it again.

"No, no." Professor McGonagall rolled his eyes angrily. "There is a party between Animagus today. I will take you to meet other Animagus."

"Animagus?" Fisch tilted his head, and found the relevant memory of the word in his own little head. "It's the cat that can become human like us?"

"more or less……"

Professor McGonagall squeezed the bridge of his nose, too lazy to explain.

"Fei Xu is going to Meow!"? (●?w?●)?

Fisch cheered happily.

Unexpectedly, besides herself and Minerva, there are actually others of the same kind!

So he ate the food in front of him quickly, and then shook Professor McGonagall while urging in a hurry.

"Minerva~Minerva~Let’s hurry up and go!"

"Okay, okay, don't shake it."

Professor McGonagall stopped Feishe's actions and thought for a while. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with today. It doesn't hurt to go there earlier.

So she stood up and brought Fisch to the fireplace.

"Remember the usage of Floo fans?"

Professor McGonagall twisted a small handful of powder from the jar by the fireplace.

"Of course I remember Meow!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

Fisch confidently pointed to the fireplace and replied, "Throw it in, walk in, and shout "Diagon Alley" Meow!"

"This time it's not called Diagon Alley," Professor McGonagall threw the Floo powder into the fireplace and reminded: "The place we are going this time is called 124 Shell Street. Don't make a mistake."

"Got it, meow!"

Feish snorted his head snoring, and couldn't wait to drill into the fireplace.

Then she was held back by Professor McGonagall. She turned her head and confessed to the house-elf on the side: "Comy, let you take care of the house, and the letter I just wrote. Remember to send it to the post office for me. go out."

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall! Leave it to Comey!"

Professor McGonagall nodded, and stepped into the flame of the fireplace, "124 Shell Street!"

Accompanied by the shouts from the fire, Professor McGonagall immediately disappeared.

Anxious to see other similar Fisch wave his hand to Comey, he quickly followed, and after a not so comfortable experience, Fisch was vomited out by another fireplace.

"Minerva, what about other cats?" (°w°≡°w°)

As soon as he reached his destination, Fisch looked around, but he didn't see other cats or humans.

From the surrounding environment, it looks like a house that has been idle for a long time. The surrounding furnishings are very old. The wall clock on the wall has stopped moving, and the beams are covered with cobwebs.

However, what is inconsistent with this environment is that there is no dust on the surrounding ground and furniture, and it looks like it is often cleaned.

Of course, this situation is quite normal for wizards, and it can be done with a simple clean up or a whirlwind sweep.

So Fisch didn't care, but continued to search for the so-called similar.


He kept meowing, trying to call out other cats.

"Stop calling, they're not here..."

Professor McGonagall stopped Feishe's non-stop calling behavior, suddenly feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Fisch is looking forward to it now. Will he be disappointed when he sees other Animagus become not cats?

"Minerva, where are they meowing? Take Feishe quickly!"? (●?w?●)?

Seeing Professor McGonagall standing dawdling on the spot, not knowing what he was thinking, Fisch grabbed her clothes with both hands and urged eagerly.

Professor McGonagall lowered his head and glanced at Fisch with a look of expectation. He felt that he was really too reckless this time, and he should take Fisch to contact other Animagus later.

But now even if he finds an excuse to go back, the little fellow Fisch will probably not let it go, so Professor McGonagall thought about it, and decided to take Fisch to the other Animagus according to the plan.

Anyway, this little guy is so coaxing, just give him something delicious, but it won't work, let him take a day off so that he doesn't have to do homework.

After understanding, Professor McGonagall touched Feish's little head, and then said to him: "Go, I will take you to meet the other Animagus, don't lose it."

After speaking, she turned into a silver-gray tabby cat and walked out of the room.

Fisch also changed back to the appearance of a little tabby cat, and followed Professor McGonagall with brisk steps.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?


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