The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 156: Fisch's holiday life

"Master Feixu, it's time to get up!"

Comey the elf shrieked and woke up Feish, who was sleeping with his head covered.

The kitten in the quilt stuck out a furry head, yawned with a big mouth, and then slowly got out of the quilt, sat on the pillow and started licking his claws and rubbing his face.


After rubbing his face with his small paws for two or three minutes, Feish jumped off the bed, straightened his front paws, and slouched his butt.


Rubbing his head against Comey next to him, and licking his skinny arm again, Fisch greeted him lazily, and then stared curiously at the clothes he was holding.


Fisch put his front paws on Comey's arm, stretched his neck and sniffed several times on the neatly folded set of clothes.

Except for Comey, Minerva and... beautiful aunt Estella lingered on it.

Estella, who is called a beautiful aunt by Fisch, is the proprietress of the Hogsmeade Village branch of the Fengya brand wizard clothing chain store. She often changes various fashionable new in-store costumes to those of ordinary wizards throughout the year. Habits vary greatly.

Of course, the main reason is that she has thick curly hair. In Fisch's eyes, the density and luster of the hair are the first criteria for judging her appearance.

In addition, Estella's hair was half black and half white that made others feel weird, but this hair color made Fisch feel very kind.

Because he and Minerva's coat colors are also black and white, so when he saw Estella for the first time, Fisch gave her the nickname of a beautiful aunt, and made the heartbroken Estella on the spot. Just gave Feish several clothes.

However, Ms. Rosemerta of Three Broomsticks is very opinionated about this. Why is Estella, who is dry, thin and has weird hair, is called a beautiful aunt, but she has a big **** aunt. call!

Putting aside Ms. Rosmerta's irritation, after Fisch smelled that it did not stain him, he knew that it was the beautiful aunt who gave him new clothes to wear.

So he happily changed into a cat form, standing in front of Comey wearing only a pair of underwear.

"You are not wearing pajamas, Master Feixu."

Comey reminded shrillly.

"Oh, new clothes are going to be changed, don't worry about the pajamas!"

Fisch snatched the clothes in Comey's hand, and put them on himself.

"It's so beautiful! Master Feixu! This suit really fits you!"

After helping Fisch to put his clothes neatly on, Comey praised him loudly.

After stinkingly taking a photo with the full-length mirror in the room for a while, Fisch nodded with satisfaction. Only then did he have time to ask: "Why did the beautiful aunt give me new clothes again?"

Minerva would never buy clothes in the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, because for the old-fashioned, the styles of clothes inside are too outrageous. Her choice will always be the Madam Morkin Robe Shop in Diagon Alley. .

"Have you forgotten, Master Feishe?" Comey replied, staring at his huge eyes, "Today is your birthday."


Feishu just remembered that today is the birthday time of his original election.

The main reason was that he had just been on summer vacation and had been visiting the village in recent days. The neighbors who hadn’t seen Feixu for a long time took turns asking Feixu to eat. He hadn’t eaten at home for several days, so he was so busy, where There is still time to pay attention to what number it is today.

"Go downstairs, Master Feixu's friend has sent you a lot of gifts."

"There is a gift!"? (●?w?●)?

Feisha opened his legs and ran out of the room.

As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, he saw the pile of gift boxes piled in the middle of the living room, which were only a lot more than Christmas presents. They were stacked high on top of each other, looking like a hill.

"Open the gift, meow!"

Feish swooped down directly from upstairs, and landed in front of the "Gift Mountain" with ease.

"Come for breakfast first!"

Professor McGonagall appeared at the kitchen door, and she shouted to Feish with her arms akimbo.


Fisch immediately dropped the gift box in his hand and rushed over.

"Can I not do my homework today?"

He raised his small face and quickly made the request for this birthday to Professor McGonagall.

If there is anything that makes Feishe unhappy during the vacation, that is, Professor McGonagall has to do some homework every night.

Professor McGonagall looked down at Fisch and asked blankly, "Are you sure this is the requirement for this birthday?"

Under Professor McGonagall's stern gaze, Fisch shrunk his neck slightly, and then he soon summoned the courage to shout: "You promised Fisch!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

"All right..." Professor McGonagall sighed helplessly, and the corners of his mouth could no longer be restrained. "Then you don't need to do your homework today."

"Master Feixu."

I don’t know when Comey, the elf who appeared by the side, tugged at Feish’s clothes and whispered, “Professor McGonagall originally planned to give you a day off today.”

After speaking, Comey immediately ran to the side and began to fight with the wall with his head, and he kept chanting: "Bad Comey! Bad Comey!"

However, his self-harm was quickly stopped by Professor McGonagall.

"It's okay, even if you don't tell me, I will tell Fisch."

Professor McGonagall's smile at this time was vaguely similar to Dumbledore's.


But Feish, who was still dancing happily, froze for an instant, slowly turned his head, and stared at Professor McGonagall.

I saw Professor McGonagall nodded to him with a smile, and then her smile became more and more cheerful, and finally laughed. This is a very rare thing for the staid Professor McGonagall.

However, Feishe was not in the mood to laugh, the cat's ears on his head drooped faintly, and his big green eyes were full of grievances.

Professor McGonagall wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with a smile, and slowly said to Fisch: "Your request has been made, and you can't change it anymore, we're done."

"This is not meow!"? (●qДq●)?

Feish threw himself in front of Professor McGonagall, waving his small fist indiscriminately.

"Minerva big liar!"

"Why did I lie to you?" Professor McGonagall knocked on Feish's head dissatisfiedly, and continued to molested with his mouth. Will change it."

"...I don't care! Minerva, you are a big liar!"? (●qДq●)?

Feish, who said that Professor McGonagall could only choose Sapo.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall wanted to tease Feishe. After Feishe made a reluctant noise, she made a reluctant appearance.

"Well, I can agree that you won't do your homework tomorrow, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?"?w?

Fei Xu, who had just been cheated, looked at Professor McGonagall warily.

"It's a simple thing," Professor McGonagall smiled and said: "Don't just call other people by their nicknames, just call them by their names."

"Got it, meow!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

Fisch accepted it without hesitation, as long as he didn't let him do his homework, he could say anything.

"Don't agree to it happily, but it doesn't change at all," Professor McGonagall threatened: "If I find out that you are perfunctory, but you will add homework."

"But...Fish has become used to meow..."

Fisch immediately became hesitant.

It's not that he really didn't intend to change his words, but he was worried that he would be blunt sometimes, and was used by Professor McGonagall as an excuse to add homework to himself.

"I will look at your usual performance."

Professor McGonagall saw through what Fisch was worried She reached out and squeezed Fisch’s little face, and said angrily: "At least let me see that you are really trying Get rid of this bad habit! I don’t speak like you like a scumbag."

"Fei Xu is not a ghost!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

"Hurry up and wash your hands and eat!" Professor McGonagall didn't have the time to argue with him. She patted Fei Xu and urged: "After eating, we will take down the gift early. In the evening, we will go to the Three Broomsticks Bar together. You prepared a birthday party."

"Birthday party!" (●?w?●)

Fisch's eyes lit up for an instant, and then he hugged Professor McGonagall.

"I like Minerva best!"?●w●?


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?


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