The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 153: Father's debts

It's just that Snape's nostalgia was quickly interrupted by Harry's roar.

He turned around, glaring at Harry who was constantly twisting on the floor, and Harry stared back without fear.

"Ron, where's Hermione? What did you do to them?!"

How much Harry wished that the invisibility cloak in Snape's hand was not his own, but that Snape had prepared separately, but he couldn't deceive himself. The invisibility cloak in Snape's hand was probably the original one. The one I put on Ron.

There was a cruel smile on Snape's face, which made Harry's heart fall to the bottom in an instant, and his next words made Harry even colder.

"What do you think? Will I let them report to you and get Dumbledore to prevent me from obtaining the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Huge sadness surged from the bottom of Harry's heart, and he even temporarily lost the ability to think.

Ron and Hermione are dead? Because I brought them to get the Philosopher's Stone...

Endless regret and grief swallowed Harry's heart, and tears filled his eyes instantly.

And Snape continued triumphantly at this time: "Do you know how much trouble your father used to cause me? How could I not prepare early when I knew you had the invisibility cloak."

While talking, he lifted the silver invisibility cloak in his hand and shook it twice, and then sighed with emotion, "I used to do everything possible to destroy this dress, but now it fell to mine. Hand it, and then I can easily escape from Hogwarts with it."


Harry gradually recovered from his grief, struggling **** the floor, his eyes flushed and glaring at Snape, his heart was full of hatred.

"Ha ha ha..."

Facing Harry's hateful gaze, Snape sneered indifferently, but he still remembered Harry's previous words that could contain his own madness for a while.

So he waved the magic wand in his hand, and the rope binding Harry was immediately loosened.

"Kill me? Okay, let's try."

Harry, who found himself loose, got up from the ground, raised his wand and yelled at Snape with the most powerful curse he knew--

"It's hot and spicy!"

As a first-year freshman who grew up in a Muggle family, Harry now has few spells that he can master, let alone an offensive curse. It's all that he and Ron wanted to give to Mar. Fortunately, I learned a lesson by myself in the library.


Snape let out a contemptuous laugh, and with a light tap of the wand in his hand, he easily shifted the golden light from Harry aside without even chanting a spell.

Harry's heart sank.

Perhaps it was the illusion that he had been entangled with Professor Feishe and McGonagall for a long time, or the confidence brought to him by the previous continuous breakthroughs, or the surrounding classmates’ attitude towards the name "Boy Who Lived in Distress" The flattery made Harry have a considerable degree of misunderstanding about himself and Snape's strength.

It wasn't until he saw that his spell was easily picked up by Snape, that Harry really realized how far he was from an adult wizard, and at the same time he was awakened from a bunch of illusions.

Fisch was able to play back and forth with Professor McGonagall because of his extraordinary talents, and he went through the levels continuously before. It was because they, to be precise, Hermione had done a lot of preparation, and he had only done something insignificant. Work.

In fact, Harry Potter is just a little wizard who has just been exposed to the wizarding world for a short time. Apart from an inexplicable title, he may also have a good flying talent.

At this moment, Harry had a clear understanding of his abilities for the first time.

But even so, he did not give up.

Now that he knew his magic level could not be Snape's opponent, then he just moved his fist!


Harry yelled and rushed to Snape, his fists clenched tightly.


Snape spit out two words coldly, then pointed his wand at Harry.


Harry felt his body suddenly light when he was running, and then he was dragged into the air like a rabbit stepping on a rope trap.

"That's how you intend to hold me back temporarily? Leaning on your fist...or... that ridiculously hot roast?"

Snape looked at Harry hanging upside down in the air, sneering mercilessly.

"It's hot and spicy!"

Even though he was hung upside down in the sky, Harry still cast a spell at Snape unconvinced.

Of course, there was no difference in the result, and he was easily pushed aside.

"Except for your weapons!"

A red light flew from below and hit Harry in the air. The wand in his hand instantly dropped and fell into Snape's hand in a whirlpool.

Then, Snape was very disgusting, and he used the fire to heat him up.


Harry let out a scream, he felt like his face was splashed in boiling water, producing a strong burning sensation. At the same time, one ugly boil came out of his face, making him look It's like being stung by a group of wasps.

"Admiralty fell to the ground."

Snape's smiling voice sounded, and Harry snapped from the sky and fell back to the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Go to hell! Snape!"

After landing, Harry resisted the sharp pain on his face and rushed to Snape again.

"Stick to death."

Snape slowly fired a tripping spell at him, and Harry's legs merged together uncontrollably. He fell to the ground violently and humiliated him while he was running. At Snape's feet.

Trying to prop up his body with his hands, Harry looked up at Snape angrily, clenching his teeth.

"I don't like the look in your eyes."

Snape stared at Harry coldly, then cast an eye disease curse on him.


The sharp pain in his eyes caused Harry to reflexively cover his eyes with his hands. After losing the support of his arm, he fell to the ground again and rolled on the ground in pain.

After Snape's torture, Harry's heart was desperate. His strength was too low, let alone defeating Snape and regaining the Sorcerer's Stone, he could not even touch him.

In despair, Harry shed tears of regret, and at the same time uncontrollably raised a resentment towards Hagrid and Professor McGonagall who didn't believe him.

But more, it was the anger at his own incompetence and the bitter hatred of Snape.

Already unable to move, Harry, who could not even see anything, began to yell at Snape. He searched through his stomach and placed the most vicious language he could think of on Snape's body.

But soon, he couldn't even curse.

"The tongue seals the throat."

Accompanied by Snape's whisper, Harry's tongue and his upper jaw were forcibly glued together, making him only moaning.

At the same time, Snape's deep laugh sounded in his ears. The laughter contained emotions of relief and self-deprecation, but Harry in despair and anger could not hear it.

Moreover, the pain coming from all over the body had already made Harry's mind a little dazed.

In a daze, Harry suddenly heard Dumbledore’s voice—

"Time to stop, Severus."


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