The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 134: Scared the cat to death!

After sending Norbert away, the campus life of Harry and others returned to calm again.

But Feish and Hermione have new troubles...

"Why do you want to give Feishu so many books! What Feishu hates most is reading!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

When Senior Sister Xia Pei took a group of girls and stuffed a thick book into Feish's arms, his little head was completely stunned.

What kind of cat is suffering!

I'm just a poor little cat, why do you do this to me? !

Especially when Feish lowered his head and saw the top book "Atlas of Dog and Cat Anatomy" and the pictures of cats and dogs skeletons on its cover, he was so scared that all his tail hairs exploded, okay?

"You bad guys! I'm going to tell Minerwa!"? (●`Д′●)?

This book was really scaring the cat. Feish suddenly lifted it, threw all the books in his arms, and then ran out of the dormitory yelling, even with a little cry in his voice.

The kitty was really scared.


Xia Pei-senpai and the others looked at Hermione's eyes are almost cannibalistic.

In fact, Hermione didn’t gradually realize what had happened until Feishe ran out of the common room. Together with other witches born in Muggle families, Hermione gave a general introduction to the school sisters about the so-called popular science books. what happened.

Seeing what it looks like now, it is obvious that they have specifically found a channel and bought some popular science books from the Muggle society.

It's just that they stuffed a lot of books to Fisch in such a brainy way. It's strange that Fisch doesn't run away. It's not that these people don't know that he doesn't like reading...

The only thing that made Her feel a little suspicious was that Fisch's attitude was very strange. Even if he hated reading, he would not be as frightened as he was just now, and even ran to find Professor McGonagall to make him the master.

Shouldn't these women think I'm cheating them?

Seeing that the expressions of Xia Pei and others were getting more and more wrong, Hermione felt that it would be better to calm down these crazy women first...

"Wait! There must be some misunderstanding here!"

While shouting, Hermione put down the book in her hand, and ran to the book that was thrown away by Phish in three steps in two steps and flipped through it.

"The Cat Is Not Intentional", "The Colored Illustrated Book of More than 250 Cats in the World", "Bloch's Hand-drawn Fish Atlas", "Face to Face with the Cheetah", "Notes on the Sea Mistakes", "Superb Hunter-Cats" animal"……

In all fairness, although Hermione hasn't read all of these books, in general, they are pretty normal. So how did Fisch get scared?

With full of doubts, Hermione flipped to the bottom of the book-"A Atlas of Anatomy of Dogs and Cats".


Hermione raised her head speechlessly, looked at Xia Pei and the others who were glaring at her, without opening any excuses, and passed the book in her hand directly.

Xia Pei took the book and glanced at the cover.


"Which idiot bought this?!"

Senior Sister Xia Pei could no longer maintain her former elegance, she furiously slammed the book to the ground.

Pig teammates! How could there be such a pig teammate? !

Everyone was silent for a moment, and a girl wearing big black-rimmed glasses, looking a little silly, walked out with a sneer.

"Yes, I bought it..."

The dazed girl carefully said to Xia Pei: "It's not Xia Pei that you said, is it best to pick books about cats as much as possible?"

Xia Pei-senpai almost wanted to vomit blood. She had planned to guide everyone to send the book with Hermione's ideas, but she herself took a different path to send a book dedicated to fish, and Feishe would definitely be impressed by herself.

Unexpectedly, one of them would have given away a cat anatomy book, which completely disrupted her plan. Now the most impressive thing about Fisch is the idiot in front of her... Why was she not assigned to Hufflepuff? Odd? !

However, it doesn't make sense to investigate these things now. Senior Sister Xia Pei sighed, waved her hand happily, turned her head and went back to her bedroom.

The remaining group of little witches, look at me and I look at you, and then they disappeared.

"Minerva~"? qaq?

Fisch rushed all the way to find Professor McGonagall, then plunged into her arms, shaking his head and coquettishly.

"What's wrong, Feish?"

It's rare to see Professor McGonagall, who was so flustered by Fisch, quickly holding his little head and asking softly.

"Sister Canary and they scare me!" (〃`3′〃)

Fisch puffed his cheeks and complained to Professor McGonagall.

As the leader of Fei Xu's cram school, in fact Xia Pei didn't need any tricks at all, Fei Xu was already very impressed with her.

"Evans? They scared you?"

Professor McGonagall looked incredulous. She knew about the cram group organized by Xia Pei for Fisch, so Professor McGonagall couldn't believe that they would scare Fisch.

But Fisch didn't seem to be lying like this.

"How did they scare you?" Professor McGonagall asked patiently.

"They brought a lot of books to Fisch, and one of them was about how to dissect a cat. It's terrible!"? (●qДq●)?

"A book for dissecting cats..."

Professor McGonagall twitched the corners of his mouth twice, already knowing that Hermione gave Fisch the "Encyclopedia of Cats in the World", she might be able to guess what was going on.

Only after Professor McGonagall knew that some of his students actually gave Feish a book on dissecting a cat... it was more or less embarrassing to her, the dean of Gryffindor.

Although she wanted to catch the stupid girl and reprimand him, Professor McGonagall also knew that she actually wanted to please Fisch, but she had deviated from her original intention in behavior, and the most important thing now was to comfort her puppies.

"They're not scaring you," Professor McGonagall squatted in front of Fisch, comforting softly, "Do you remember the book Hermione gave you? After they knew you liked it, they bought some The same type of book is here for you, but one of the girls bought the wrong book..."

After Professor McGonagall's patient explanation, Fisch finally understood that Xia Pei and the others did not deliberately frighten themselves.

Seeing that even though Fei Xu had calmed down, he was still in shock. Professor McGonagall picked him up and sat at the desk, took out the storybook, and told Fei Xu a new fairy tale in a soft voice.

Fisch didn't change back to the cat form as before, but just sat in Professor McGonagall's arms, put his arms around her neck, leaned on her shoulders, and listened to the story quietly.

"Minerva, can I sleep with you today?"?●w●?

After listening to a story, Feishe, who was sitting in Professor McGonagall's arms, said coquettishly. Today he was frightened by the anatomical drawing, and instinctively wanted to stay next to Professor McGonagall.

"Okay, but like this, you are not allowed to run around tonight."

Professor McGonagall kissed Prophet on the cheek and agreed.

"No problem, meow! I'll listen to the story here at Minerva!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

Today, Fisch doesn't plan to go to the Forbidden I don't even have the mood to go to the kitchen for supper.

Professor McGonagall rubbed Fesh's head and cat ears, and continued to read the story to him.

In Professor McGonagall's gentle story, Fisch, who was in her arms, slowly fell asleep.

Even in his sleep, the tip of Fisch's tail will wiggle lightly from time to time. In the cat's body language, this represents relaxation, leisure, pleasure, and...satisfaction.


Today's homework was mixed by him!


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?


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