The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 126: The little cat who loves to listen to stories

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Under Hagrid's strong opposition, Fisch failed to eat this in the end. It looked very tasty, a huge black dragon egg.

"The big man how do you hatch it? Do you keep holding it?...suck!"?﹃?

Fisch sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at the dragon egg in Hagrid's arms regretfully, and asked curiously.

Although Fisch's eyes were still a bit dangerous, Hagrid believed Fisch's promise. He put the dragon egg back on the bed and clumsily re-wrapped it with the quilt.

"Actually, I don't know how to hatch it..."

Hagrid looked distressed, and scratched his tousled hair with his thick fingers and said, "I wanted to wrap it up like this first, and then go to the library to find out if there are any books related to dragon breeding, and borrow one. I came back to take a look."

"Then go chant," Since he can't eat the egg, Feish is also curious about how to hatch the dragon. "If you don't go to the Forbidden Forest today, there is nothing wrong with me. I can help you ask Minerva. Maybe she will know how to hatch a dragon and an egg."

"Wait!" Hagrid hurriedly raised his voice and stopped Fisch, "You can't tell Professor McGonagall!"


He looked at Hagrid suspiciously, who suddenly panicked...

It turns out that hatching a dragon egg is doing bad things!

The experienced Fisch instantly perceives the point of the matter.

So the smile on Xiao Feixu's face gradually became meaningful. (??ω??)

Of course he will not inform the secret, but with this handle in hand, if he accidentally gets caught by a big man when he sneaks into the forbidden forest in the future, it can be used in exchange for him not to take the matter. Tell Minerva.

Feishu suddenly felt that reading more books is still good. Whether it is the awakened clouded leopard form or the recent bad things, he has never been caught, and even avenging the eight-eyed giant spider. s help.

It's just that those words are really a headache for the cat, and I lose interest after reading it for a while.

Therefore, it is more convenient to find Minerva to read to herself!

"Big guy, don't worry, Feish will keep it secret for you!"

Fisch stood up and patted Hagrid on the arm, promising: "You go to the library, I'm here to help you watch Meow."

For a moment, Hagrid became suspicious of Fisch's positive attitude.

He had reason to suspect that Fisch wanted to secretly eat the dragon egg after he left.

However, the changes in Fisch in the recent period are also in sight. He has not been reckless and reckless as he did at the beginning of school. He has learned to take care of other people’s moods, so Fisch’s promise is still Believe it...probably.

In addition, Shanghai Ge was eager to hatch the dragon eggs, so he just hesitated for a few seconds, nodded, and said: "Okay, wait for me here, I will be back soon... Qian Don't eat it!"

"Don't worry meow! Feish speaks and counts!"

Receiving Fisch's assurance again, Hagrid stood up quickly, took a large and rapid step, and left the hut.

When Hagrid left, Fisch immediately flipped the dragon egg out of the quilt again. He put his nose close to smell the dragon egg, then put his cat ears on the egg shell, and listened carefully. The movement inside.

"It seems to be no different from other eggs...sucking!"?﹃?

Except for the faint smell of sulfur on the eggshell, Fisch didn't find anything special. He tapped the eggshell lightly with his fingers and sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

Sure enough, he still wanted to taste the flavor of dragon eggs, but it was a pity that such a big egg could not be eaten!

Fei Xu used great perseverance to put the dragon egg back into the quilt, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it if he continued to watch it.

Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, Fisch began to figure out how he could get a dragon egg.

When I wait for my birthday, let Minerva give me a dragon egg as a gift...

Originally, Professor McGonagall wanted to count the day of adoption of Fisch as his birthday, but Fisch did not understand what birthday means at the time, so he asked.

Professor McGonagall patiently explained to Fisch, and promised that Fisch could make a request to her on her birthday, and she would try her best to satisfy it.

Then the witty little cat made the day (June 25) his birthday without hesitation.

Therefore, when Fisch was considering how to start a dragon egg, the first way to consider it was to ask Professor McGonagall for one on his birthday.

But soon, Fisch gave up this tempting idea.

Because looking at the big man’s reaction just now, it seems that having a dragon egg is not something that can be promoted everywhere, and it may violate the school rules.

Although for Fisch, most of the school rules are decorations, it would be very deadly to find Professor McGonagall and tell her that she would violate the effect.

So I can't find Minerva...

Fisch's small head is still very useful, and he soon thought of a suitable candidate——

Bad old man Dumbledore!

Although the bad old man always gave Feish a feeling of bad intentions, he would often help cover up when he found out that he was doing bad things.

In addition, Fisch remembers that it was mentioned in the potions textbook that the bad old man once discovered the twelve uses of dragon blood, so he should be easier to get the dragon egg, right?

Decided! When I went to play with Fox and the Sorting Hat tonight, mention this to the bad old man by the way!

After thinking about how he could obtain the dragon egg, Hagrid’s dragon egg’s attraction to Fisch dropped a lot, so he changed back to the form of a cat, slumped on the quilt wrapped in the dragon egg and started to doze. .


On the other side, Hagrid hurriedly rushed to the library, and began to search for books related to the fire dragon on the shelf.

"The Types of Fire Dragons in Britain and Ireland", "From Fire Dragon Eggs to Hell", "Guide to Raising Fire Dragons"...

Hagrid flipped through these books quickly, looking for a more comprehensive one.

Finally, among a bunch of books, Hagrid found a book titled "Raising Fire Dragons for Recreation and Profit". Although this book was published earlier, the content is complete, from how to identify dragon eggs to different periods, Different types of fire dragon recipes are introduced in detail.

Hagrid glanced at the catalog and nodded in satisfaction, then returned the other books to the shelf, only holding this old but thick tome, and registered with Mrs. Pins.

"Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?"

Just as Hagrid took the borrowed book and planned to leave, Ron's shout came from behind him.

"keep quiet!"

Mrs. Pins glared fiercely at Ron, who was yelling, and warned.

And Hagrid took the opportunity to stuff the borrowed book behind his moleskin coat, with one hand on his back, maintaining this weird posture, and walked to Ron and the others who were rushing to work in the library.

"Aren't you taking Feishe to play in the forbidden forest today? Why did you come to the library? Feishe others?"

Hermione asked questions like a cannon the first time after Hagrid arrived.

"Oh... he's in my cabin," Hagrid replied in a dodgy voice, "Well, I'm here... to borrow a story book, yes! Feish suddenly wanted to hear a story, so I came to borrow one. Take it back and read it to him."

It's no secret that Fisch often listens to stories at Professor McGonagall, and occasionally other students will read some stories to him when Fisch is resting on his stomach.

So the credibility of Hagrid's excuse is actually quite high.

But unfortunately...

His appearance is too suspicious now, even if the excuses are found no matter how good they are, Harry and the others can't believe it.

"Well, I have to rush back to read a story book to Feish!"

However, Hagrid didn't think so. He even thought that his performance was perfect, and then he continued to maintain a weird posture with one hand on his back and left the library.

"I'll go see what book he was looking for just now."

Ron ran to Mrs. Pins and asked her for information.

As long as anyone who has been to the Hogwarts Library knows that everything that happens in this library can't be concealed from Mrs. Pins, she has a special ability to find and punish students who damage books immediately.

Although angry at Ron's previous noise, Mrs. Pince informed Hagrid of the book list.

When Ron returned to his seat with the pile of books about fire dragons, Hermione couldn't sit still again.

"Hagrid, didn't he keep a fire dragon secretly?! Isn't Feish very dangerous?!"

She suddenly stood up from her and stuffed the things on the table into her big messenger bag, and then rushed out the door.

Harry and Ron looked at each other helplessly, and followed them with their legs...

Then he was stopped by Mrs. Pins.

The bald eagle-like Mrs. Pince stared at the two men fiercely and did not speak, but just reached out to the pile of books related to the fire dragon that Ron had borrowed from him and was now casually thrown on the table.

"Uh... sorry..."

Harry and Ron, who knew they were wrong, shrunk their necks, ran back in disgrace, and shoved the books back into the shelf before Mrs. Pins let them go.


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