The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 122: Same world and same mom

The intrigue between the girls would naturally not be known to Fisch. After he came out of Gryffindor's dormitory, he ran to Professor McGonagall's office on the second floor.


Feish directly slammed the door open and plunged into Professor McGonagall's arms.

"Why did you come so early today?"

Professor McGonagall kissed Prophet on the cheek, pinched his ear, then put him down and asked.

"Fish didn't want to do homework, so I came to you to read and listen to me!"

The kitten replied confidently.

But today was the first day of the holiday, and it was nothing if Fisch didn't do his homework, so Professor McGonagall just glared at him, then opened the drawer and wanted to get a storybook out.

"Don't listen to the story today!"

Feish stopped Professor McGonagall's actions, then took the "World Cats" from his magic pocket and handed it to her.

"Read this to Feixu, there are many cats in it!" (つΦwΦ)つ

Professor McGonagall took the book and glanced at the cover printed with various cats, the animals on it were motionless.

"Muggle book?"

"Yeah," Feish nodded, "Mousetooth gave me a Christmas present."

"Mousetooth? Oh, it's Granger."

After a little recollection, Professor McGonagall connected Mouse Fang and Hermione.

Well, she is a good girl.

Whether it is Hermione's usual excellent performance in class or her act of giving Phish books as a gift, she has gained a lot of points from Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall nodded silently, then sat down at the desk, spread the book on the table, and Feish immediately got into her arms and used Professor McGonagall’s legs as a chair. Sit facing the desk.

"Minerva, stand up the book, and Feish will also look at Meow!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

Feish dangling his legs, slapped his hands on the table and said.

When he read fairy tales to Feish before, he occasionally asked to read it together like this. Of course, as now, Feish mainly looked at the images in the book, and the words and so on, he could ignore it.

So Professor McGonagall set up the book in Yiyan, and Feish sat in her arms, watching the pictures of cats and cats in the book, and listening to Professor McGonagall reading the introductions next to him. Professor Ge discussed the appearance and ability of these cats.

"Minerwa, this cat is so fat!" (●>▽

Feixu pointed to the picture of the rabbit in the book and laughed.

"Although the tutu looks chubby, he is not small at all..."

Professor McGonagall squeezed Fisch’s ear with a smile, and then extracted the main information from the text introduction next to him, relayed it to Fisch in a more vivid way, and reached out his finger to point on some of the content he might be interested in to guide him. Feish went to see for himself.

It is rare for Fei to be interested in books other than fairy tales. Professor McGonagall naturally has to seize the opportunity to develop his reading habits.

In addition, Professor McGonagall himself is also very interested in this book from the Muggle world.

Wizards generally only pay attention to magical creatures, and they rarely study these ordinary animals without magical powers, so Professor McGonagall is also the first time to know that there are so many kinds of cats in this world.

As an Animags is a cat, his patron saint is also a cat, and his school is a lion wizard, Professor McGonagall naturally has a great affection for other cats.

Hermione Granger is really a good girl!

Professor McGonagall originally liked Hermione, who had excellent grades, with blue eyes, but now he naturally likes her even more.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall lowered his head suddenly, "Fish, what do you think of this girl Granger?"

"Mouse Meow?"?w?

Fisch tilted his head and thought for a while, "Her teeth are so interesting, they are like spots."

Professor McGonagall: "..."

"I'm not talking about this!" Professor McGonagall tugged at Fisch's cat ears wryly, "I mean, what do you feel about Granger? Do you like her?"

Like most old mothers, Professor McGonagall subconsciously began to think about Feish's life events when a relatively close opposite **** appeared around his cub.

It's not that she is going to find a girlfriend for Fisch now, but to see if there is something suitable for development, she can observe and observe for Fisch.

After all, our little Feixu is so innocent and cute, what if he is cheated by a bad woman!

At this time, Professor McGonagall had completely forgotten, the little guy in her arms was a heartthrob, and had forgotten her worries when she was preparing the Christmas gift list.

Fei did not know that his old mother had already begun to look for a future mate for him. He blinked his big green eyes, thought for a while and said, "Of course I like Rattooth. She is not like other girls. With Feishu, those people are always chatting beside Feishu, and sometimes they are very annoying!"?w?


This reason is a bit wrong, and it is not the answer that Professor McGonagall wanted.


Professor McGonagall didn't give up and continued to ask.

"Of course! The hair on Rattooth's head is as much and long as that of a big man. Feish likes Meow very much! It's a pity that the hair on her face is not as much as that of a big man!"

Fisch answered very seriously, but this answer made Professor McGonagall even more speechless.

"In addition, she gave Feishe this interesting book Meow!" Feishe continued: "But the reason why Feishe likes her the most is because Mouseya and Minerva are very similar to Meow!"? (●ΦwΦ●) ?

Professor McGonagall, who was still not laughing or crying, heard the last reason, and suddenly felt a warmth in her heart. She took Feish in her arms and kissed his little head several times.

It's a pity that Fisch doesn't really like such a passionate way of expressing emotions.

"Meow! Minerva, let go of my meow!"? (●`Д′●)?

Fisch twisted his body and tried to resist the kisses that kept falling on his face with his hands, protesting Professor McGonagall's behavior in disregarding the feelings of cats and cats.

After a few kisses, Professor McGonagall gradually calmed down. She released her arm, but her face was still smiling.

"What do you mean when Granger is like me?"

Professor McGonagall, who was contented physically and mentally after sucking the cat, had time to ask. She didn’t think she was similar to Hermione. Professor McGonagall’s hair has always been neatly organized, and her hair is the same as Hermione’s. Hagrid's hairstyle is almost very different.

If you insist, Hermione Granger's excellent grades are the same as her own, but her son obviously wouldn't care about these things.

Fisch shook his head vigorously, then straightened out the messy hair by Professor McGonagall, and then answered Professor McGonagall's question.

That is, I told Professor McGonagall about the fact that Gryffindor's senior sisters had to do their homework for themselves and were stopped by Hermione.

"What she said at the time was similar to what you said by Minerva. I think Minerva should like her."

So Professor McGonagall was more satisfied with Hermione. She smiled so that her eyes were narrowed, and she reached out and rubbed Fesh’s little head and said, "You’re right. I do like Hermione, Fei. Maybe you can find her more to play with in the future."

Professor McGonagall, who temporarily included Hermione in his daughter-in-law list, replaced her with a more intimate way of addressing her by her first name. You must know that even the boy who survived the catastrophe, Professor McGonagall was just Just call him "Potter".

"But..." Feixu frowned slightly, "Mouse doesn't nag like Minerva, right?"?w?

"Am I nagging?!"

Professor McGonagall pretended to be angry and grabbed Fisch's little face.

"Of course, Meow! Minerva always talks about it, and Feishe hurts her head when you talk about it!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

Even if the mighty and invincible Fisch was caught in his face, he still justified the accusation.

"That's because you are disobedient as a little fellow!"

"No! Fei Xu has been behaved recently!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

The kitten was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Professor McGonagall, who didn’t know what good things Fisch had done in the last night, touched his head, and then praised: “Fish has performed very well recently, so I didn’t talk about you, right? As long as you are obedient. , Mom will stop nagging, but will reward you."

"Reward? What reward?"

Fisch got excited all at once.

"What reward does Fisch want? I will try my best to satisfy you."

For the sake of Fisch's recent peace, Professor McGonagall felt that it was not impossible to give this little guy a little reward.

"Na Fei permits not to do homework?" (●ΦwΦ●)?

Fei Xu said his request without even thinking about

And Professor McGonagall refused decisively, "No!"

"Meow! Minerva, you big liar!"? (●`Д′●)?

"I just said to satisfy you as much as possible. It won't work if you don't do your homework."

"Then I don't want to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Neither does this."

"Minerva, you really are a big liar!"∑(●`Д′●)


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?


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