The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 115: No wrong nickname

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"Scarhead, what happened to you today?"

Because he doesn't need to turn the book every day, Ron is in a good mood recently. He grabbed his friend's shoulders and joked: "I've been staring at Fisch, do you want to help him with homework like those girls?"

"Trust me, if you really do this, you will be torn to pieces by them."

Ron seemed to think of some bad memory and shivered abruptly.

"You would never want to know how scary a woman is going crazy."

Harry thought of his Aunt Petunia, shuddering as well, and vowed to say: "Actually, I knew it a long time ago."

After speaking, Harry realized that the topic was turned off by his friends and immediately added: "I didn't want to fight with them, but...well...we might be in trouble again."

Harry hesitated for a while, thinking of the class friendship established between them before, he decided to tell Ron about Fisch and let him work out a solution together.

"...That's how it is."

Finding a remote place to tell the story, Harry reluctantly covered his head, "You help me think about it, what excuse should I use to bring the invisibility cloak back from Phishna."

"Uh..." When Harry heard about the spider, Ron felt a little hairy all over his body. He twisted uncomfortably, and said indifferently, "It's okay to just hit the spider, right? Spider-like Things are really annoying."

"Don't forget, it's the forbidden forest! Can there be ordinary spiders in the forbidden forest?!" Harry reminded with his throat suppressed, "Fuchs also said that there are a lot of them, and he has been chased. ...What if Fei Xu accidentally missed it?"

Ron paid attention to it. He thought for a while, "Just tell Fisch directly whether you want to use it yourself."

"But I can't use it all the time... Besides, Ephesh's temperament, what if he doesn't even use the invisibility cloak and runs to find those spiders?"

This is where Harry is entangled. Don't ask for the invisibility cloak. He is worried that Feish is in danger. If he wants to return the invisibility cloak, it might make him more dangerous.

"Then... shall we go tell Professor McGonagall?"

"You're crazy! How could we betray Phish?!" Harry's eyes widened. "He sheltered me in front of Snape before!"

"Then..." Ron hesitated, or suggested, "Why don't you try to discuss it with Miss Mouseya?"

Harry's face suddenly showed an embarrassed look... When he learned that Fisch often went to the trapdoor, Hermione's excitement was still vivid.

Not to mention what Ron just mentioned...

"You don't know how terrible a woman is going crazy... If you tell Hermione, she will definitely go crazy."

Harry said to Ron categorically.

"Then I have nothing to recruit..."

Ron actually had this concern, so seeing Harry objected, he could only helplessly spread his hands out, indicating that he could do nothing.

"So, it's no wonder I haven't seen Feish wandering around in the castle at night. It turns out that you lent him the Invisibility Cloak."

Just when the two were scratching their heads and wondering what to do, a gentle and familiar voice rang behind them, shocking Harry and Ron.

"Deng, Deng, Deng, Professor Dumbledore!"

The two turned their heads in horror and found that Dumbledore had appeared behind him at some unknown time. The expression on his face was as calm as water, and there was no joy or anger at all.

In fact, Dumbledore has recently discovered something is wrong. Although Feish still goes to the kitchen every day, he often feeds Lu Wei food, and even often goes to Professor McGonagall to let her review her homework, but in the middle of the night , The others seemed to disappear.

Dumbledore usually had a lot of things, and he didn’t have the time to stare at Feish all day long. In addition to the cold weather a while ago, Feish also reduced the time he spent on wandering, so although Dumbledore found it a little strange, But I didn't pay much attention either. I just thought I missed Feishu when I came out for a walk (wei) at night.

If it hadn't been for seeing Harry and Ron sneaking around today, he had eavesdropped curiously. He didn't know that the little fellow Feish had sneaked out for a long time, and ran to find the eight-eyed giant spider to fight!

To be honest, when Dumbledore handed the Invisibility Cloak to Harry, he thought about whether Fisch would use it, but he felt at the time that no one stopped Fisch when he wandered through the night. , There was no need to use the invisibility cloak, and he hadn't tried to sneak out of the castle for a long time, so Dumbledore relaxed his vigilance.

As a result, this little guy's thoughts were really like cats, and he couldn't guess it at all.

Dumbledore's expression was very solemn when he was lost in thought, especially when he thought of the danger of fighting with the eight-eyed giant spider, his body faintly exudes a sense of pressure.

Harry and Ron were terrified.

"Professor Dumbledore, I...I..."

Harry's head was blank, Ai Ai could not speak, and Ron on the side was even more afraid to move under the pressure of the blue eyes.

Dumbledore came back to his senses, reduced his momentum, and smiled amiably at the two of them.

Harry and Ron were in a trance for a while, the temperament switched too fast, as if the majestic version of Dumbledore who had just overwhelmed them was like an illusion.

"Friends want to help each other, right?" Dumbledore squeezed his eyes at the two people who were still in a trance, and switched from a kind old man to a playful old man. "I'll stare at Fisch. Yes, but keep him secret."

This continuous change made Harry and Ron unable to react at all, and they nodded vaguely until Dumbledore had left for a while, and the two slowly regained their sanity.

"What do Professor Dumbledore's words mean? Could it be that Fisch was actually stared at by Professor Dumbledore during the night tour?"

Ron thought of a possibility, but he was not sure, so he asked Harry to prove it.

Harry, who had been stalked by Dumbledore, confirmed Ron’s guess, "It’s impossible to keep staring at him. Professor Dumbledore is the principal. How can he have so much time to stare at Fisch? He should just be watching the school. There are a few more special places... like the room where the magic mirror of Eris was placed."

Harry shrugged, took him to look in the mirror alone, and then told Ron about Dumbledore.

"You didn't tell me this before!" Ron glanced at him a little dissatisfiedly, and then said: "Did Professor Dumbledore already know about the fact that Fei Xu entered the trapdoor?"


Speaking of trapdoors, Harry thought about Snape's intention to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and suddenly realized that if their conjecture was true, the Philosopher's Stone could not be stolen at all.

"In other words, even if Snape finds a way to deal with Louway and Quirrell, he will still be discovered by Dumbledore, who is staring at him secretly. We don't need to worry at all!" Harry slapped his thigh sharply and suddenly realized road.

"So, he just watched Snape deliberately trying his best to steal the Philosopher's Stone there, even if he was bitten by a dog and didn't pierce it? It's too funny, right..."

Ron searched and thought about it for a long but could not find a suitable vocabulary to evaluate what Mr. Principal did, and finally agreed with Fisch.

"No wonder Feish wants to call him a bad old man."

After discovering that the Philosopher's Stone could not be lost, and Professor Dumbledore was watching from Fisch's side, Harry, who was still worried, completely relaxed.

In addition, there is no need to go to the library every day to read books, and Harry suddenly felt that the whole world suddenly became brighter.

"Let's go! Red Four!" Harry grabbed Ron by the shoulder, "Let's go back to the dorm and play two crackling exploding cards!"


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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