The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 112: A cat is a creature of grudges

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There are very few creatures in the Forbidden Forest that have clashed with Fisch, but there is definitely more than the eight-eyed giant spider.

But there is a reason why Feish alone seeks revenge on the Eight-eyed Giant Spider.

Except for the eight-eyed giant spider, the other guys who have had conflicts have fought with Fisch. Only these unruly spiders chased him everywhere by suppressing numbers, which made Fisch very angry. Nevertheless.

If his skills are not as good as humans, it's okay for Feish to be chased, but what's the matter with more spiders? And each of them is so much older than Feish, they actually use gang fights, which is too shameless!

Although he was looking for the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider to avenge him, Fisch knew that he couldn't beat such a large group of spiders alone. With the cruelty of those spiders, Fisch couldn't find his animal friends to take risks with him.

So only outsmart!

Fisch, who has learned a lot from fairy tales, is still very confident.

Putting on the invisibility cloak borrowed from Harina, Fisch turned into the form of a tabby cat. He found out when he slipped out with the invisibility cloak before. When he put on the invisibility cloak in human form and then turned back into a cat, he would become An invisible cat.

After turning back into a cat, Fisch gave himself a druid spell [Smell Elimination]. He did not use the Silencer and the Smell Curse, because these two spells would weaken or even block his perception, which is still inexplicable. The spells that appear are more useful.

After thinking for a while, he added a feather foot technique and freedom of movement to himself, and then quietly stepped into the territory of the eight-eyed giant spider.

Spiders have very rich sensory organs, but unlike most creatures, with the exception of a few types of spiders, their vision and smell are not sensitive. Compared with these two organs, they rely more on their feet. The various sensations of Mao and Qin-shaped device to feel the vibration around.

Although eight-eyed giant spiders have eight eyes and their eyesight is considered excellent among arachnids, their sense of smell is almost the same as none. Its main ecological characteristics are not essentially different from those of ordinary spiders. They are still based on feelings. The surrounding vibration is the main sensing method.

Although Fisch added a lot of BUFF to himself, the cat has always been known for acting ghosts, but even so, he can't completely shield the vibrations generated by him in action, so when he approaches a certain eight-eyed giant The spider queen was still noticed by it.

It's just that the invisibility cloak came in handy. Although the presence of Feish was sensed, the eight-eyed giant spider could not see Feish's figure.

"Click, click, click, click..."

The eight-eyed giant spider that perceives Feishu's existence hit his big claws, facing the direction of Feishu, and stroked his eight legs agitatedly.

"What's the matter? Lucas?"

Feishu's feather walking and freedom of movement were still effective, and the other three eight-eyed giant spiders nearby could not detect his presence.

"There is an unknown creature in front of me, maybe an invisible beast."

The eight-eyed giant spider named Lucas slowly approached Feish and answered his companion's questions.

The other three eight-eyed giant spiders also approached from different directions, encircling them.

It's just that before they came around, Fisch, who was in a bad mood, strayed first.

"It's gone!"

Lucas let out a low growl, then tapped his big claw and followed closely behind Fisch.

The other eight-eyed giant spiders finally felt some vibrations when Feish ran away, and immediately followed Lucas behind them.

With Feish's current speed, it is not difficult to get rid of the pursuit of these four spiders, but he is here to take revenge, and leave without doing anything. That is not Feish's style.

Moreover, this time is different from last time. He didn't insist on running to the eight-eyed giant spider's lair, but drove away as soon as he was discovered, so they did not call up a large group of spiders like last time. Come here, only Lucas and other four spiders are always chasing him.

So... some fight!

However, it is necessary to draw them farther, otherwise it will startle the other eight-eyed giant spiders.

Once the horseman knew that he went to trouble with the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider, they might tell Hagrid, and once Hagrid knew, then Professor McGonagall would also know, and Fisch would surely be caught by the time. Talking and confinement.

Fisch kept the speed to the extent that he could dangle the eight-eyed giant spider without being overtaken, and quickly shuttled through the woods, estimating the distance between them and the spider's nest, and was ready to stop and start the fight at any time.

It's meow now!

While running, Feish stopped suddenly, turned around and patted the ground with his paw.

[Entangled Roots] [Jiu Shishu]

The roots of the surrounding trees grew crazily at an extremely fast speed, and they broke out of the soil one after another, wrapped around the body of the four eight-eyed giant spiders, and at the same time, the ground became like mud, making their eight long legs deep. Deeply plunged into the mud.

"It's the cat!"

"kill him!"

"But I can't see him!"

The four eight-eyed giant spiders were beating their big claws and roaring in anger.

The eight-eyed giant spiders with roots entanglement have not been seen before, but they are not unfamiliar with Jiu Shiju. When they were chasing Feishu, this spell caused them a lot of suffering.

They pulled their feet out of the mud with all their might, while biting fiercely on the roots, injecting the venom from their mouths.

As the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider entered the roots, those roots immediately withered, and quickly spread to the body of the tree, and the leaves of the surrounding trees turned yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Meow—!" (=`Д′=)

Fisch howled with his throat, and a circle of milky white light spread around him. The plants that were swept by the light became luxuriant in the blink of an eye. Not only did the withered trees return to their original state, but also the leaves. Much greener than before.

At the same time, those roots were obviously thicker and surging crazily, entwining the four eight-eyed giant spiders tightly.

【Nature Calling】

Restore the vitality of surrounding plants and increase the power of natural spells.

The four eight-eyed giant spiders continued to struggle, but their venom was exhausted after a few times, and they could only rely on their own strength if they wanted to resist.

And the eight-eyed giant spiders are not worthy of being part of the magical XXXXX creatures. Under their struggle, the roots entwined with them gradually cracked.

But Feish wouldn't just watch them break free from the roots, he skillfully put himself on the battle buff.

【Ant Power】【Bull Power】【Wild Power】【Beast’s Claws】

"Meow!"? (=`Д′=)?

Fisch's sharp claws blessed by magic scratched the body of an eight-eyed giant spider fiercely, but only a little black hair was cut off from it. There were only a few very shallow scratches where was scratched.

Feish, who was just one-shot away, stepped aside and looked at the eight-eyed giant spiders with almost no damage. The feeling he had just scratched on them was almost the same as when he scratched on the iron armor curse of the black-robed weirdo.

The ordinary spider Fei Xu hadn't taken photos too much before. He had overestimated these large spiders as much as possible. He didn't expect that these large spiders were much stronger than he thought.

Even so, Fisch did not intend to back down.

Rather, it's better this way.

Feishu licked his paw, a pair of turquoise eyes gleaming fiercely.

?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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