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As a seemingly valuable magical item, the Eris Mirror is quite strong, at least it did not show any damage under Fisch's continuous cat punches.

Of course, Harry and Ron reacted fast enough to stop Feish who wanted to continue smashing the mirror in time.

"Fish, what are you doing!"

Harry and Ron alone embraced Fisch's arm and tried to drag him away from the Eris's Mirror.

"I want it to hand over the delicious and fun things in the mirror!"? (●ΦωΦ●)?

Fei Xu broke away from the hands of the two and replied plausibly.

"Uh...so what you see in the mirror is eating and playing?" Ron asked.

"That's right!"

"It looks like this mirror can probably reflect what we want most?"

Ron touched his chin, seeming to guess the function of Eris's magic mirror.

"So what do you want most for Hongmao No. 4 to be the chairman of the student council?"

"Uh... can't it?" Ron flushed and said with a stubborn neck: "We must know that only Bill has been the chairman of the student council in our family. Percy may be the future, but George and Fred must do it. No!"

Listening to Ron talking so much, but Fisch didn't understand what he was talking about, because Fisch had no idea of ​​the term student council chairman.

But Fisch is still keenly aware of the nature of the problem from these words.

"I know Meow!" Fisch patted Ron on the shoulder happily. "The reason why you want to be the chairman of Meow is the same as the reason I want to defeat Minerva!"

Then without waiting for Ron to answer, Fisch saw a new change in the content in the mirror in front of him.

"Meow hahaha!" Fisch pointed to the mirror and laughed, "I saw Minerva was forced to do homework by me!" (●▽●)

Harry and Ron: "..."

How should I say, it is really a Fei Xu characteristic wish.

After smiling for a while, Feishu thought of other things in his mind. As a result, besides eating and playing in the mirror, there was only the picture of himself "bullying" Minerva, so he quickly lost sight of this magic mirror. Interest.

"It's not really...boring meow..."?ω?

After trying to change the food in the mirror again to no avail, Fisch walked away from the mirror, then opened the magic pocket and took out his Christmas presents, trying to satisfy the appetite that had just been aroused.

"You want to eat meow?" (●Φ~Φ●)つ

As Phish ate, he handed a portion of the food to Ron and Harry.

"Thank you Feish, I happen to be a little hungry too."

Ron was not at all polite to take the food, but Harry waved his hand, "I don't need it," he stood back in front of the Mirror of Eris, "I still want to see my parents again."

After guessing that the sight in the mirror was just an illusion, Ron's interest in the Mirror of Eris also greatly diminished. Although he still wanted to see his glorious moment when he became the chairman of the student council and the captain of Quidditch, he obviously needed more of his friends. It, so Ron also stood aside, ate snacks with Fisch, and watched Harry staring at the Mirror of Eris in a daze.

Raising his head and pouring the residue from the bag into his mouth, and licking the snack powder from his fingers, Fisch sat cross-legged on a table with his stomach filled, twisting and twisting restlessly.

"Hongmao No.4, how long will Scarhead have to watch meow?"?ω?

Feishu, who was getting bored, pulled Ron by his side for a moment.

Ron shrugged and replied helplessly: "I don't know, after all, Harry has never seen his parents...ah, sorry..."

Suddenly remembered that Fisch was also an orphan. Ron quickly covered his mouth. After seeing that Fisch didn’t seem to care much, he asked tentatively: “Why don’t you try again and see this? Can the mirror reflect your family?"

"Meow?" Fisch, who was writhing, paused for a while, then jumped off the table, "I'll try meow!"

After trotting to Harry's side, Fisch patted him on the back, "Scarhead, let me show you! It's Fisch's turn to play!"

"What? Ah... OK..."

Once again in his own world, Harry came back to his senses and reluctantly gave up his position after seeing that the person who awakened him was Phish.

Fisch took Harry's place and looked in the mirror with widened eyes.


"How? Did you see it?"

Ron waited for a while, seeing Feish standing motionless, couldn't help asking curiously.

"No Meow!" Fei Xu shook his head, curled his eyebrows and replied suspiciously: "Even the food and Minerva have disappeared. Fei Xu is the only one."

"how so?"

Harry was also extremely puzzled, but he managed to see the big son of Potter's family, why did it fail when he got to Feish?

It's impossible that Fisch was changed out of thin air, right?

In fact, the reason is very simple. When Fei Xu left the female cat, he was just an ignorant ordinary cat. When he got the little light beads, he could not remember the fact that he had a mother at all.

As for the father, Fisch is even less likely to have an impression, because the cat's habits are similar to that of a tiger, and the female raises the cubs alone.

Even for domestic cats raised by their parents, male cats rarely show affection for kittens. In order to regain the attention of female cats, some male cats even intentionally hurt or kill kittens.

In addition, before being adopted by Professor McGonagall, Fisch had always been alone in accordance with the cat's nature, and had never longed for a family, so naturally he would not have such obsessions.

After being adopted by Professor McGonagall, Fisch gradually developed the concept of family. His family members have always been Professor McGonagall, instead of two cats that he has no memory at all.

"Ah! Minerva is out!"

After thinking of Professor McGonagall, the picture in the mirror became the content of Professor McGonagall's overseeing Professor McGonagall's homework.

"So this mirror is not broken?"?ω?

Feishu took two steps forward and poked the mirror with his finger curiously.

But no matter whether the Eris Mirror is broken or not, Fisch has no interest anymore, and there are only two scenes that change, neither of which is true.

Feishu turned back to the form of a tabby cat, ran to a wooden chair, put his front paws on the legs of the chair and rubbed his claws.

Harry and Ron didn't bother him either. They had long been accustomed to Philsch's mode of action that suddenly ignored anyone and ran aside to entertain themselves.

"Let me see it again, you have been watching it for a long time."

Ron still remembered himself as the chairman of the student council, and he squeezed Harry away and stood in front of the mirror.

"You're just holding the Quidditch Cup, what's so fun about this?"

"Don't push me..."

The two shoved in front of the mirror for a while. In the end, Harry's obsession was a little deeper, he regained his position, stood in front of the Eris magic mirror, and once again fell into the fantasy of reuniting with his relatives.

Ron saw that there was nothing for himself here, and for a moment he was a little confused...

So, what should I do next?

He stood blankly for a while, and finally ran to the side of Fisch, took out his wand and used a fluorescent flicker to create a small light ball, and began to tease the cat.

"Meow~"? (=?ω?=)?

Fisch immediately threw up the light ball happily, and Ron quickly waved the wand in his hand.

It’s a pity that Ron’s reaction and speed are too poor compared with Fei Xu, and his fluorescent flashing cannot be separated from the wand like Professor Flitwick, so after only two teasing, his wand was given by Fei Xu. Caught.

Fortunately, Fisch still remembered the purchase of the magic wand, and knew that this thing could not be bitten, so after he threw the wand down, he just held it and rolled on the table twice.

After releasing the wand and returning it to Ron, Fisch, who was lying on his back on the table, glanced at Eris' magic mirror inadvertently.

"I know what that sentence means, meow!"

Fisch, lying on the table, regained his cat-like form, turned over and jumped off the table.


Ron hadn't reacted yet~www.wuxiamtl.com~ asked subconsciously, and Harry, who had been looking in the mirror, also looked over curiously.

"It's the meow~" Fisch pointed to the line above the Eris Mirror and said: "Erised-stra-ehru-oyt-ube-cafru-oyt-on-wohsi, the reverse is I-show-not-your -face-but-your-hearts-desire (What I show is not your face, but the desire in your heart)."

Fisch patted Ron on the shoulder and praised: "It's just like Red Hair No. 4, you guessed it!"

Then he folded his waist triumphantly, his tail and ears raised high.

"Fei is smart!" (●ΦωΦ●)


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