The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 103: The benefits of reading more

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Scarhead is not there! This matter is new.

Feish touched Harry's bed with his little paw, and it was cold inside, and it seemed that he had been away for a while.

Tilted his head and recalled that when he was asleep before, he did hear some movement, but he thought it was because of scaring his head to go to the toilet or something, and he didn't care after shaking his ears.

It now seems that Scarhead ran out for a night tour with the invisibility cloak.

Isn't he going to test Lu Wei with the invisibility cloak by himself? ?ω?

Fisch was a little worried about Harry's safety. Although he had introduced Harry to Lu Wei, he still hadn't forgotten that Professor Youtou had his leg broken by Lu Wei.

But I said in the daytime that the Invisibility Cloak can't hide from Lu Wei, Scarhead shouldn't be that stupid...

Dangling his tail and jumping off Harry's bed, Fei Xu walked out of the dormitory.

Anyway, if Scarhead really went to find Lu Wei, he would have been bitten if he should have been bitten, so he didn't need to rush over.

Fisch thought so, and did the same.

He didn't rush to the fourth floor at the beginning, but started to patrol his territory at the usual pace.

With his tail cocked, Fei Xu slowly started from the eighth floor, wandering down the floor, and in a short while he reached the fifth floor of the castle.


He had heard it before when he was on the sixth floor. The movement on the fifth floor seemed to be a bit loud. At first, Feish thought it was a Pepy Ghost. When he visited the territory in the past, he usually made such noisy noises.

But after listening carefully now, it seems that it has nothing to do with Pepi Ghost. It should be the voice of Professor Big Eyes and Oil Head.

Curiously, Fei Xu quickened his pace and jumped to the place where the sound came from.

"Meow~" (=ΦωΦ=)?

Soon Feish saw the big eyes holding the oil lamp and Professor Youtou standing next to him. He ran up to the two of them and said hello.


Filch was stunned, and then secretly glanced at Snape next to him, and found that he didn't seem to want to pursue Fisch, then he bent down and continued to ask Fisch: "You just touched the banned book. District book?"


Fei Xu tilted his head and turned into a cat man. He continued to squat on the ground and shook his head like a rattle. "There is no meow, I don’t like reading, and the books in the restricted area feel a bit strange, I don’t. I want to touch..."

As a person who often wanders around Hogwarts, Fisch, the restricted area of ​​the library, has naturally visited, but most of the books there are either cold or rotten, which makes Fisch very uncomfortable. So he basically doesn't go there.

"I came over after hearing the movement here...Is Pippi making trouble again, or is there someone else roaming at night?"

Before Filch continued to speak, Fisch asked rhetorically.

"It's not Pippi, there should be other students sneaking into the restricted book zone to read those dangerous books."

Filch answered without a word.

"It's meow..."

Fisch turned his head and looked around, then moved his nose and sniffed...

It really was Scarhead.

Fisch had guessed before that the person who made the noise was probably Harry Potter wearing an invisibility cloak. After confirming the smell nearby, his face suddenly showed a clear look.

Snape, who had been watching Fisch, moved his expression slightly, "It looks like, do you know who it is?"

"Meow? Professor Youtou, what are you talking about? Feish doesn't understand..." (●?ω?●)

Seeing Fisch's eyes rolling on the ground, even Filch could see that he knew who was here just now.

While he was still hesitating whether to ask Fisch's other nightwalker student, Snape snorted beside him and walked towards the stairs.

"Forget it if you don't understand. Although Dumbledore has given you a special case, don't go shopping for too long."

While walking by Feish who was still squatting on the ground, Snape said to him that he told Filch to notify himself as soon as he noticed someone strolling around the school, mainly to prevent Quirrell, even though during the Christmas holidays. He did not stay in school, but who knows if he will come back secretly.

As for Fisch's reaction just now, it was obvious that it was someone he knew who broke into the forbidden book zone. Snape guessed that it was the twins of the Weasley family again. Since then, there is no need to continue wasting time here.

"Wait for me, Professor."

Filch quickly took out a bag of dried fish from his pocket, put it into Feish's hand, and then chased Snape away.

"Dried fish!" (●?ω?●)

Feish took the dried fish and ate as he walked, walking around the fifth floor casually, shaking his nose from time to time, trying to find Harry's position.

However, the smell left by Harry at this time has been washed away by Filch and Snape a lot, and coupled with the interference of the aroma from the bag of dried fish in his hand, Feish could not find him. The specific location of Lee.

After turning around on the fifth floor, he couldn't find Scarhead, and Feish didn't bother to look for it. He continued to eat the dried fish while walking downstairs, and then walked directly to where Lu Wei was.

"Lu Wei, I came to see you!" (●ΦωΦ●)?

Shumen opened the wooden door in a familiar manner, and Feish took out his magic pocket. Today he received so many delicious foods that he didn't need to go to the kitchen to replenish food.

"I received a lot of food today that I haven't seen before, let's eat it together~"

Fisch turned the magic pocket upside down, pinched the two corners at the bottom and shook it a few times, and immediately a large amount of food fell out of it, as well as those Christmas gifts he likes better...except for Flitwick The cat climbing frame given by the professor.

"Wow!" ×3

Lu Wei threw his tail in excitement, and all three heads leaned in front of the pile of food that Feish had poured out, sniffing, but it did not directly catch it as usual, but stuck out his tongue and waited for Feish to remove them. open.

"Eat these uneaten meows first!"

Fisch picked out the unedible gifts and threw them aside, then picked up a food he hadn't eaten before, unpacked it, and ate it with Lu Wei.

After tasting four or five kinds, Fisch stopped. He had eaten a lot today, and he ate a bag of dried fish just before coming, so he was full quickly.

"I'll keep these for now, and I will eat with you next time. These are for you. Even if you eat, I still have a lot of meows!" (●ΦωΦ●)つ

Fisch collected the new foods that he hadn't tasted before, and then pushed the other foods to Lu Wei.

"Woo--!" ×3

Lu Wei was not accustomed to Feishu's way of unpacking a little bit of feeding before, and now he doesn’t have to give in to Feishu anymore. All three of his heads howled in excitement, and then he buried his head in the food pile and gulped. Nibble.

As for the outer packaging, Lu Wei has always swallowed it together. Even canned glass and metal can be easily melted in the stomach acid of a three-headed dog.

Feish, who was idle, took the Christmas gifts he had just put aside, and used them to start time.

Fisch got on the children's flying broomstick given by Professor McGonagall. After flying around Lu Wei two times, he lost interest. The speed of these things is not as fast as Austin's.

And he can now ride Pegasus like Yeqi and Yseron, and he doesn't need any flying broomsticks.

So he landed on Lu Wei's back, found a flat place to sit down, took out the "World Cat Book" given to him by Hermione, opened a music box, and was rare to read a book.

Of course, thanks to Hermione’s books, most of the books are otherwise Fei Xu is not interested in reading them.

"Why don't the pictures in this book move..."

Feishe poked the picture of the tiger in the book and muttered with some confusion, but he soon figured it out again.

"The poster Heiwa put on the bedside will not move, as if he said that Muggle paintings will not move... Obviously the paintings on TV can move..."

While Fisch was thinking about whether Dean Thomas was deceiving or not, there was a burst of grunts from beneath him.



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