The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 174: Special Guinea Pig!

"Then, Ibiruai, for the sake of our former comrades-in-arms, let me give you a choice. Should you choose to join us, or choose to continue to be your Thirteen Heroes and kill me, the man who is about to 'destroy the world'?" "

"Of course, no matter what choice you make today, you are absolutely safe until you become a complete enemy of Nazarick or me!"

Ibiruai's level is only in his early sixties, so he poses no threat to Ye Yi and cannot provide much help. The reason why Ye Yi made this proposal is simply because they have fought together in the kingdom!

It doesn't matter whether you take her into Nazarick or let her go!

Now that the Platinum Dragon King has noticed his arrival, he can probably figure out his identity by sending some people to inquire around the kingdom. In fact, what Ibiruai knows is almost the same as what he doesn't know!

By now, there really is nothing to hide!

At the beginning, Ye Yi planned to bring Nazarick into the eyes of the world step by step and slowly gain their recognition, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary!

You should dominate the world and dominate the whole world!

Ye Yi's straightforward words made Ibiruai fall into silence. She really didn't know how to answer! What to choose?

There seemed to be two completely different Ibiruai facing each other in my mind. Ibiruai, who was supposed to be immune to mental attacks, seemed extremely confused!

Watching this scene, Kaguya behind Ye Yi took two steps forward and slowly patted Ibiruai on the shoulder: Leave the rest to me!"

"My lord, can you let me talk to Ibiruai next?"

Ye Yi shrugged: "What does Kaguya want to talk to her about?"

"Alas~" Kaguya sighed helplessly. She suddenly found that she sighed much more times today than before: "My husband, please go back first. I will leave the rest to you. I will give it to you." A satisfactory answer from my husband~!"

"Okay~" Since Kaguya insisted, there was no reason for Ye Yi not to agree: "Then you can have a good talk with her, and I will go back to Nazarick first!"

Ye Yi frowned slightly!

There is no such thing as finding someone. That would be too troublesome. It is better to just ask Clementine to find him. This is convenient and simple, and he doesn't have to move!

power enhanced

Looking at the familiar sight (Li's), Clementine was slightly startled, and then her eyes became hot! It was here that she underwent a great transformation, transforming from a human to a dragon. , the calendar area has greatly improved!

"Stand still~!"

"Stop talking nonsense and come back to Nazarick with me first!" Ye Yi's face darkened. He had become skinnier after a few days. Does he look like such a hungry person?

When the two appeared again, they had returned to the arena on the sixth floor of Nazarick!

The strong wind breaks through

The ordinary information is still the same, but this is not what Ye Yi wants to see!

During the conversation between the women, Ye Yi felt that he couldn't get in the conversation, so he simply opened the door and walked downstairs! He remembered that Clementine seemed to still be in the empire. "Oh~ take her back and continue the experiment." !

"As ordered~" Clementine's eyes flashed with disappointment, but it dissipated in just an instant!

One second, two seconds...ten seconds, fifteen seconds, twenty seconds,,,

Ability super improved

water flow acceleration

Looking at Clementine who arrived in only twenty-one seconds, Ye Yi nodded with satisfaction! Looking at the strong wind coming behind him, Ye Yi just waved his hand and everything returned to calm!

Seeing the expectant look in Clementine's eyes, Ye Yi twitched the corner of her mouth slightly. Could this guy have the same masochistic tendencies as Shalltear?

Four powerful martial arts were launched instantly, and he rushed out of the arena without looking back, and quickly rushed towards the entrance of the hotel!

"As ordered~" Clementine immediately stood upright, her fiery eyes staring closely at Ye Yi!

"What's the reason?".

A harsh sound like braking suddenly came, and a black shadow instantly stopped in front of Ye Yi, followed closely by gusts of wind!

"Dragon Eyes, open!" A pair of dark eyes turned purple-gold, but Ye Shi didn't see the attribute panel from Clementine's body like he saw from Enri!

Although using martial arts for a long time will put a certain load on the body, with her current dragon body, she can completely ignore these. The most important thing now is to arrive within ten seconds!

I wonder what will happen to Clementine after he evolves to the second stage of youth and his race is changed by his own blood?

"Clementine, no matter what you are doing or where you are now, I only give you thirty seconds to come to me. I am right outside the hotel. You should know where it is!" Ye walked out of the hotel door. Yi gave Clementine a message directly!

Now Ye Yi is taking her again, so it doesn’t matter.


Ye Yi doesn't know the conversation between Kaguya and Ibiruai, but thinking about it, there are two results, either choose to stay and become one of your own, or choose to leave and become an enemy!

""|| Mr. Ye Yi, please give me your instructions. What do you need me to do? No matter what it is, you can do it!" Clementine licked her lips and said with a look on her face: "As long as Ye Yi Sir, if you wish, you can do whatever you want with the house!"

Will it be a surge in strength, or will there be some change?

At the same time, Clementine, who was enjoying the pleasure of torturing food in the Imperial Arena, froze~

From the arena to the entrance of the hotel, it would take a normal person about forty or fifty minutes to run. Even if she is running at full strength now without using any martial arts, it still takes a full two minutes. Ye Yi only She was given thirty seconds, and she didn't dare to waste any time!

I have to say that the maternal brilliance that Ye Yi added to Kaguya's setting is indeed very powerful, even a vampire who has lived for two hundred years is directly infected!

After Ye Yi left, Ibiruai flew directly into Kaguya's arms and called her sister with great grievance, just like a child who was bullied and complained to his parents!

Nazarick is about to surface, and his identity as a divine dragon is no longer a secret. Ye Yi's acting style has also become eclectic. In front of a group of onlookers, he directly drags Clementine and disappears. In front of the hotel entrance!

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