The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 171 A Small Change!

Nazarick ninth floor conference room!

"So, Momonga~ the first blow of the war can only be struck by you, right?"

"Well~ If this plan is to be implemented, I will be the only one to do it myself! But what kind of magic should I use?"

"The first point is that the super magic of the necromancy system cannot be used!" Ye Yi thought for a while and said softly: "Since Momonga wants to become the god of magic, he cannot lower his evaluation, even though the identity of the undead has been exposed. It doesn’t matter, but some necromancy magic that denigrates the image is best ~ don’t use it!”

"After all, if you want to use the indigenous people of this world to push Momonga to the status of a god, you must spread your faith, so you can't let them resist you!"

"If the kingdom goes to war with the empire, they will have to recruit soldiers, and the soldiers are almost all recruited from civilians. As a fortress city, Elandir will probably bear the brunt.

"That's true!" Momonga scratched his chin: "If I kill them all, I'm afraid my reputation in Elandir will fall directly to the bottom, right? But I have to kill them, which is a bit troublesome!"

"Wouldn't it be better to kill and resurrect?" Ye Yi clicked on the table: "The first blow of the opening must let the world know how powerful you are, so this time the magic coverage must be broad, and it is best to be able to directly The attack will directly annihilate the royal army, and in order to properly preserve the corpse for easy resurrection, it is best to have an instant death feature, and the destructive power must not be too high!"

"Wait until the war is over and let the residents of Elandir retrieve the bodies of their loved ones. You are using resurrection magic or resurrection items to resurrect them. This not only shows your power but also your kindness. Isn't it perfect? "

"If you beat me with a stick and give me a red date, the residents of Elandir will be filled with gratitude to you? In this way, there will be no resistance at all in spreading your flying squirrel faith in Elandir, right?"

Momonga scratched his chin in embarrassment: "Well~ Ye Yi, your plan is really simple and crude, but it seems that this is the only way to do it!"

Dong Dong Dong~

Kaguya smiled softly: "My husband, Ibiruai, who is in the empire, sent me a message, saying that he wanted to meet my husband~ It seems to be something important!!

But Ye Yi remembers that he asked Kaguya to explain the situation to Ibiruai since he returned to Nazarick last time. Has the other party still not been able to make a decision? Can't accept the fact of joining Nazarick, or is it something else?

Ye Yi asked: "Where is Clementine? Isn't she with Ibiruai?"

Kaguya was stunned for a moment and couldn't laugh or cry. As an undead, Momonga-sama actually had to go to the toilet? Why did she never know!


Hearing that it was Kaguya and Thor, Momonga smiled softly at Ye Yi, the meaning of the laughter was something that any man could understand: "They should be here to find Ye Yi, do you want me to avoid them?

"If you want to spread your faith in other areas, I'm afraid I'll have to ask Xiao Di to cooperate with you!"

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

"Demiurge?" Momonga raised his head slightly and said a little uncertainly: "If Demiurge is also involved, I'm afraid my future plans..."

Peel, just peel it off as hard as you can! You can peel off your skin as much as you want, just pretend you don’t exist!


Seeing that only Ye Yi was left in the conference room, and Momonga was nowhere to be seen, Kaguya said hesitantly: "My lord, are we here at the wrong time?"

"However, the rhetoric this time is easy to handle, right? Becoming a god is much more important than conquering the world. "You have to explain the stakes directly and clearly to Xiaodi!"

"Lord Ye Yi, Lord Momonga, Lord Kaguya and Lord Thor, please see me!"

"Ibiruai?" Ye Yi frowned slightly: "She still hasn't made a choice?"

As soon as Momonga left, the door to the conference room opened, and Kaguya slowly walked in with Thor and Enri!

"What is there that you are reluctant to part with?" When Kaguya asked, Ye Yi was a little stunned: "Are you talking about Ibiruai?"

Kaguya shook her head again: "I asked, but she didn't know anything. Ever since we came back, Ibiruai has been staying in the room and never left the house!"

"Does Kaguya come to me now for something important? Of course, you can come to me at any time even if you have nothing to do!"


"I don't know!" Kaguya shook her head: "Originally, I was absolutely sure, but now something must have happened that I don't know about, so I changed her mind!

"It doesn't matter, you can come at any time!" Ye Yi smiled and shook his head: "Come and sit down, the flying squirrel guy has gone to the toilet, don't worry about him!"


"Is that so?" Ye Yi rubbed his eyebrows: "Okay, let's just meet once. Anyway, it's not bad. If the other party doesn't accept it, then don't force it!"

"My husband, are you really willing to give up?" Kaguya said a little doubtfully!

Momonga nodded helplessly. How could it be that Demiurge's intelligence was one of the three best in Nazarick? Although Albedo's intelligence was on par with Demiurge's, Momonga always felt that she was smart. Bede doesn't seem to care much about himself, and Pandora...forget about that guy, all his wisdom is used in strange places, and it's basically impossible to count on it!

"Since we want to make Elandir the capital, we can't let it die!" Ye Yi spread his hands: "Besides, this time the plan is limited to Elandir!"

Ye Yi rolled her eyes at Momonga: "If you want to avoid it, just avoid it. I won't force you!"

"I don't care about that~" Ye Yi shrugged: "The plan to conquer the world was given by Xiao Di, and since you want to add another goal on top of this, then naturally you can only let Xiao Di help you!"

So after all the calculations, the only one that can be used in the end is Demiurge!

Looking at Ye Yi's confused expression, Kaguya felt secretly bitter in her heart. Should she praise her husband for not being half-hearted, or should she blame her husband for being a fool?

"Huh? Kaguya and Thor?" Ye Yi was stunned for a moment, then said: "Let them come in!"

"It's possible that someone conveyed something to Ibiruai through message magic, or that Ibiruai used teleportation magic to leave without Clementine's knowledge and experienced something we don't know about!"

"Then~ I won't disturb your good things, and I wish you a happy mind and body!" As soon as he finished speaking, before Ye Yi became angry, Momonga teleported away!

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