The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 161 Ye Yi Is Coming!

"They are... the enemy!"

"We want to fight!"

"Yes, we should try to bring as many people with us to die together!"

At this moment, in the eyes of the villagers, the Kingdom soldiers outside the village turned into demons, and the demons who wanted to take their lives were enemies~!

"Sister Enri, please make a decision as soon as possible, there is not much time left!"

Looking at the burning watchtower, Enri took a deep breath: "Everyone, the final opinion of the village will be voted by everyone present!"

"Those who agree with the kingdom's proposal~~"

No one among the dozens of villagers present said a word!

"Then, those who are willing to oppose even at the risk of their lives, those who want to fight against the soldiers of the Kingdom, please raise your hands!"


Everyone present raised their farm tools, looking as if they were dead!

"Then let's fight!" Enli's expression gradually became serious: "We choose to fight to repay Lord Ye Yi's kindness!"

"Mr. Jegum, please make a plan!"

Jiegemu nodded: "You are very brave! But it is enough that the only people who died are us and the uncles!"

"We really want the women and children to escape!" The village chief nodded lightly: "But the back door is already guarded by soldiers from the kingdom, numbering about a hundred horses!"

"Because of this, the first thing we have to do is to open the main gate and lure all the enemies here. Even if they realize that this is a feint attack, as long as our attack is fierce enough, they will have to concentrate their forces!"

“Do you have any questions or other questions?”

Regarding Jiegemu's words, most of them chose to acquiesce. After all, they really couldn't think of a better way! Crushing in sheer numbers is indeed very disappointing sometimes, especially in the village where there are no What a strong premise!

"Then, where should everyone escape?"

"Go to the Duwu Forest!" Jiegemu said solemnly: "With Agu, who is rich in forest knowledge, and Miss Britta, a former adventurer, following us, we can waste them in the forest until they retreat!"

"I'll take it!" Britta nodded!

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Jagem nodded gratefully: "Finally, the command of the retreat group will be left to Sister Enli!

"Ah?" Enri was stunned: "No, I want to stay and be with everyone..."

A pair of rough hands gently touched Enri's cheek, and the village chief's wife's face with a happy smile came into Enri's eyes: "Enri-chan, please!"

"Our child, I leave it to you!"


"We must escape smoothly!"

"Please, leave this to us!" The village chief also nodded towards Enri: "The next step is up to you, remember to be careful!"

"But, everyone..."

"Sister Enri, there should be another horn flute used to summon us, right?" Jagem looked directly at Enri!

"Ah, yes!" Enri took out the last horn flute that she had kept carefully from her arms: "There is indeed another one!"

Jiegemu nodded lightly: "Even if you use it now, it will be a drop in the bucket. Let's wait until the matter is over before using it! When the time comes, please feel free to give orders to our newly born companions!

"Yes!" A slightly choking voice came from Enri's mouth, her right hand tightly holding the Goblin General's horn: "I understand!"

She knew that even if they could successfully escape with the women and children, even if they could wait until the kingdom withdrew its troops, by the time they came back, everyone would definitely be gone, right?

"Then, the battle plan begins!"

"No more!"

A calm voice came, and Ye Yi's figure slowly descended from the sky, followed naturally by Lupusregina, who had been monitoring Kahn Village!

"Master Ye Yi..."

Looking at the figure slowly descending from the sky, Enli gritted her teeth and said, "Master Ye Yi, run away. There are five thousand soldiers from the kingdom outside. They are here..."

"Yes, Master Ye Yi, please leave quickly!"

"It doesn't matter to us. It doesn't matter even if we die. We must not let the demons in the kingdom discover Lord Ye Yi!"

"Our lives were saved by Master Ye Yi. It's our turn to repay you, Master Ye Yi!"

Looking at the anxious and worried villagers, a gentle smile appeared on Ye Yi's face, and he stretched out his hands and slowly pressed down: "Don't worry, it's just five thousand soldiers, I don't take it seriously. !"

"I'm very happy that you have the heart to protect me!"

…………Please give me flowers…0

"However, because of Ye Yi... Anli is still a little anxious!

With a smile on her face, Lupusregina patted Enri's shoulder gently: "Don't worry Anri, Lord Ye Yi is very powerful!"

"But..." An Li was still a little worried. After all, they were five thousand soldiers. Even if five thousand wild boars rushed in, the power would be considerable. There is only one person in Ye Yi. Is it really a problem? ?

"Don't worry!" Looking at Anli's anxious look, Ye Yi reached out and patted her little head: "Leave the next thing to me, I will handle it!

An Li's face instantly turned red: "I, I..., I listen to Lord Ye Yi!"


"Before that, I want to ask you something!"

"Master Ye Yi, please tell me, as long as it is your order, we will obey it!" the village chief said without hesitation!

"Yes, please give me your orders!"

"Let's fight together too!"

"You no longer have any nostalgia for the kingdom, right?" Ye Yi smiled softly: "Then, do you want to become my subjects?"

The villagers were stunned, and a burst of cheers broke out from behind!

"Yes, we are all willing!"

"We are willing to become Lord Ye Yi,,, no, we are willing to be His Majesty's subjects!"

“Long live Your Majesty Ye Yi!”

“Long live Your Majesty Ye Yi!”

"Then it's settled!" Ye Yi nodded lightly: "Then let's go home first, and let me handle the next thing!"

"I want to fight with Lord Ye Yi, please let me come with you!" An Li said loudly with a firm face: "I will never drag Lord Ye Yi back, so please let me follow you!"

"Please let me lead the Goblin gentlemen to fight with you, Lord Ye Yi!"

An Li looked directly at Ye Yi with firm eyes, not showing any flinch or fear at all!

Seeing this, Ye Yi's expression was slightly startled. This scene seemed a little familiar. It seemed that someone had said this to him a long time ago!

"Okay, I agree! Then I will confer Enri as a general and join me to conquer the kingdom's five thousand soldiers. How about that?"


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