The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 154 A Big Step Without Realizing It!

"Please forgive me for being rude, Lord Ye Yi! I have some questions about the empire's affiliation. Why not ask them to become a vassal state of Nazarick? Isn't it the end of the empire to just conquer it by force?"

Aura spread her hands in agreement: "Shalltear is right. I just visited the capital of those guys, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal! And the strongest person in any country is the timid one just now. Old man, I think it shouldn’t be any difficult to conquer directly by force!"

Looking at Shalltear and Aura, Ye Yi said softly: "The reason is very simple. Momonga does not want to see anything like the Reign of Terror. If only a ruin is left after conquering a country, then I am afraid it will damage Ainz Ooal Gown. name!"

"In addition, there is a more convenient way than conquering by force! Once he understands the absolute gap between him and Nazarick, he will naturally be convinced and choose to lower his stance. This is very effective!"

"Even if we don't mention it then, they will take the initiative to become a vassal state of Nazarick!"

Ye Yi's words were not without purpose. After Ye Yi and Demiurge finished the scene, Gilknife's attitude said it all!

"I'm very sorry, my subordinates were stupid!" Shalltear and Aura bowed at the same time!

"So, has anyone noticed anything else?"

The gazes of the guardians were all focused on Albedo and Demiurge. As Nazarick's wise men, they must have noticed other aspects that they had not noticed, right?

Sensing the gazes of the others, Demiurge chuckled softly: "Do you really think that this is the plan of Lord Ye Yi and Lord Momonga?"

"Hufufu, how could a wise man like Master Ye Yi only have such a small plan!" Albedo chuckled, with a look of pride on his face!

"Ah ««?" Aura and Mare's faces were filled with shock!

Cocytus' face was still expressionless, but his tone was also full of surprise: "What are you talking about?"

"Is there anything else we don't know?" Shalltear's face was filled with doubts. Apart from the ones just mentioned, is there any other purpose?

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~~" Demiurge shook his head helplessly. Lord Ye Yi and Lord Momonga couldn't even see such obvious intentions. Should we say it was a dereliction of duty?

"Master Ye Yi, Master Momonga, should you tell Shalltear and the others your true purpose? This is also related to our future policy!"

The two looked at each other and finally nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you!"

Although a little bit of information had been revealed during the half-hour discussion, there was still no clue about the specific plan. It would be best for Demiurge to take the initiative to tell Momonga, and it would save Momonga the trouble of asking again!

"Yes, you two have already planned such a sophisticated strategy ever since Lord Ye Yi rescued Karn Village. The identities of adamantine-level adventurers since then have all been strategies to prevent the country from turning into ruins. !”

Momonga and Ye Yi looked at each other and nodded! They had already thought about this. Not to mention the steel-level adventurer Momo that Momonga fabricated in the empire, Ye Yi's Ainz Ooal Gown team in the kingdom had achieved A great achievement!

In terms of reputation, in Yelantir and the royal capital, it is no less than the royal family of the kingdom! During the time of Yelantir, the Ye-people solved the siege of thousands of undead people and directly saved the entire Yelantir. Er, in the end, he destroyed the extremely powerful vampire and defended the safety of Elandir. He can almost be called the hero of Elandir!

In the Royal Capital, Ye Yi even single-handedly defeated the demon Adabao and the vampire Shalltear who invaded the Royal Capital, saving the safety of the Royal Capital, and his reputation has already exploded!

If Ye Yi expressed his wish to establish a kingdom to the subjects of the kingdom at this time, it is estimated that most people would choose to follow, right? In this way, most of the Kingdom of Riestij can be taken over without any blood!

Coupled with the Eight Fingers that are secretly controlled by Nazarick, it can be said that except for a small number of nobles and royal families, the entire Kingdom of Riestij is already under the control of Nazarick!

However, the reason why we can achieve this point must be attributed to the stupid nobles of the kingdom! Sending troops to attack the Dragon Tower is a great assist!

The kingdom's failure to protect its people has already disappointed them, but now it's actually moving towards the great hero who saved them?

What a great teammate!

"In addition, Lord Ye Yi showed off his might just now and defeated the demon king Adabao and the vampire combination with absolute power, which directly convinced the Blood Emperor. It can be said that he took down the entire empire without even a single blow!"

"||With the Kingdom sending five thousand troops to attack the Dragon Tower as a starting point, we have the right to let the Empire send troops to the Kingdom to divide the territory of Erantil into the territory of Nazarick!"

"Most of the founding of the country has come to an end. Master Ye Yi and Master Momonga integrated one small plan after another, and in a very short period of time, they completely conquered the Kingdom of Riestije and The Bajas Empire! Completed a big step towards conquering the world!"

Speaking of high points, Demiurge had an extremely fanatical look on his face, raised his hands in the air, and almost sang loudly to praise Ye Yi and Fei Winning!

Listening to Demiurge telling all the causes and consequences, all the guardians suddenly realized that Master Ye Yi (Li Lie's) and Master Momonga had achieved such great results without them knowing it!

After a sudden realization, everyone became excited. Has it been a big step to conquer the world? Two of the five known countries in the surrounding area have been conquered by Lord Ye Yi and Lord Momonga without any expression!

How wise is this to buy!

Momonga and Ye Yi, who were on the throne, looked at each other. They both saw admiration in each other's eyes. They actually directly controlled two countries without making a sound. Momonga (Ye Yi)'s wisdom Really strong!

Why didn't he think of Mmp?


The two people who had just turned around looked at each other passionately again~

Their thoughts are naturally very clear to them, and they have discussed almost every step and communicated in a timely manner. They didn't think so much when executing these steps, right?

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