The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 151 A Strange State!

After hanging up the communication with Fei Shou, Ye Yi's brows furrowed slightly!

It is indeed a good thing to have stronger skills, but along with it, there are also most unknowns! The power of the descending dragon greatly exceeds Ye Yi's own imagination. If it was said that it could destroy the country if it was used at full strength, now it is estimated that it only takes a few slaps. The country is gone!

The serious injury and bleeding effect of the Dragon God's arrival should not be that powerful. As long as it reaches the tenth level of healing magic or negative status removal, it should be easy to eliminate!

But now, even Momonga is helpless to deal with the negative effects brought about by the arrival of the dragon? The super magic wishing on the stars is also ineffective?

What - exactly - went wrong?

"Albedo, I'll leave you with the things here first. I have to go back to Nazarick first. Demiurge and Shalltear seem to be in trouble!"

"Yes, Lord Ye Yi!" After hearing Ye Yi's instructions, Albedo smiled and nodded!

"Yeah!" Ye Yi nodded slightly and stood up from the throne. Just when he was about to leave, he seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, after Mare has repaired the battlefield, please inform them to gather between the thrones. !”

"Even Kaguya and the others have been notified. Nazarick is about to surface. There are some things that everyone must be aware of!"

Albedo's eyes flashed, and she immediately bowed and said, "Yes, I will notify them one by one!"

"Then I'll trouble you!"

Nodding slightly, the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown on his right hand flashed with light. Ye Yi disappeared directly to the top of the Dragon Tower. When he appeared again, he was still between the thrones!

Looking at Demiurge and Shalltear who were pale and depressed, Ye Yi asked Momonga: "Have you figured out what's going on?"

"I can't find any clue at all!" Momonga shook his head in confusion: "I have tried all the healing spells from the first level to the tenth level, and even the negative healing curse skills almost killed me. I’ve tried it, but it’s all useless! I’ve also used negative effect removal, but it can’t remove the negative status from them at all!”

"The magic is indeed working, but the negative state cannot be eliminated. It's a very strange state!"

Listening to Momonga's analysis, Ye Yi frowned slightly: "Dragon Eyes, Craftsman!"

A flash of golden light appeared, and the dark pupils were replaced by gold. The situation of Shalltear and Demiurge was immediately seen by Ye Yi!

"Negative status: Serious injury (Dragon God's Curse), Negative status: Bleeding (Dragon God's Curse)!"

Looking at the information that came to his mind, Ye Yi's expression became strange: "The curse of the Dragon God? I didn't remember that my super magic would come with a curse!"

"Besides, the curse is also a negative status, so why can't it be eliminated?"

"Did you find anything?" Looking at Ye Yi's strange expression, Momonga asked hurriedly!

"Although I'm a little confused, I'll give it a try!"

After playing the game for so many years, Ye Yi is extremely familiar with his information. The super-level magic of Dragon God's Arrival simply summons the dragon soul to fight for him. All damage is physical damage, bleeding and... There are indeed serious injuries that have been repaired, but they are just ordinary negative effects, which can be easily dispelled by tenth-level magic!

As for curses, Ye Yi has never known that skills have no such effect at all. If it is a mutation caused by coming to this world, then it needs to be investigated carefully!

Looking at the two people, Ye Yi raised his hands slightly, and two green magic circles suddenly emerged: "High-level life healing!"

A glimmer of light flashed across Demiurge and Shalltear's bodies, and the pale color on their faces seemed to have dissipated a lot, but maybe their heads were still not loosened!

The vitality has been replenished, but the negative state has not dissipated. The HP of the two of them has been decreasing sharply at a slower rate!

Seeing this, Ye Yi's brows really knitted together. He waved his hands slightly, and two different magic circles suddenly appeared: "High-level negative status removal, high-level life healing!"

The brilliance disappeared in a flash, and the two magics worked as they should at the same time, but Ye Yi's brows still did not loosen!

"The magic is working, but the expulsion effect seems to be resisted? It's like the curse effect itself has magic resistance. It's incredible!"

…………please give me flowers……

Ye Yi only felt that her three views had been subverted. The curse effects of Damn are all magic resistant? Those are negative effects and not personal. What is the situation?

"I still don't believe it!" Ye Yi really can't do this evil. The human state gradually begins to change. Layers of dragon scales instantly cover the whole body, and the whole body begins to shine with golden light!

"The third level of dragon language is the most powerful sacred breath!"

The pale golden magic circle opened at Ye Yi's feet, including Demiurge and Shalltear. Two illusory dragons gradually rose into the sky and entangled themselves with Demiurge and Shalltear. The dragon's mouth at the top opened slightly, and a milky white light instantly enveloped the two of them!



Being shrouded by the illusory dragon, Demiurge's expression remained unchanged as usual, while Shalltear's face was flushed, and she finally let out a moan~~

Ye Yi and Fei Shou's expressions suddenly darkened. Can they be more reserved? When did this happen?

As soon as the duration of the magic expired, the magic circle under Ye Yi's feet immediately dissipated, and the shadow of the dragon surrounding the two people gradually disappeared!

Ye Yi's Dragon Eye glanced around the two of them, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief, and his frown relaxed: "It's done, the negative status has been eliminated!"

"That's good, that's good!" Hearing Ye Yi's words, Momonga finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Demiurge, Shalltear, how do you feel?"

"It feels... better than ever before. The negative state has been eliminated!" Demiurge shook his hands and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Not only that, I feel that my strength has improved a little."

Momonga was stunned for a moment, then turned his attention to Ye Yi: "Ye Yi's sacred breath also has a status bonus? I don't remember it, right?"

"Indeed not!" Ye Yi said slightly puzzled: "The effect of the sacred breath is to eliminate all the amplification and debuff effects on the character and return to the original state!"

"Not only will there be no increase, even the amplification effect it carries will be forcibly expelled!"

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