The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 134 The Emperor Was Almost Frightened!

"We are servants of the Supreme Supreme Lord Ye Yi. On the order of the Supreme Supreme Lord, we invite the emperor of this country to go to the Dragon Tower to speak! The emperor of this country sent a group of rude people to invade the Supreme Supreme Being. Master Ye Yi’s residence, Dragon Tower, Master Ye Yi is very unhappy!”

"Therefore, if you don't come and apologize, we will destroy this country next!"

"What we just gave to the emperor is our meeting gift!"

Kaguya's tone was quite gentle, but Thor didn't think so: "Stupid human emperor, get out of here! If you don't go to the Dragon Tower to apologize to Master Ye Yi, I will kill all of you!"

The slightly opened dragon's mouth is emitting a little bit of fire. Thor is now full of intimidation!

Disobedient? Take a look at the originally flat atrium before you speak, and take a closer look at the bottomless pit emitting black smoke before you speak!

"Old man, is that Ye Yi they are talking about?" Gilknife forced a calm stomach and asked the fat Fruda!

"I don't know, Your Majesty!" Fluda shook his head: "This dragon and that woman are terrifying. I can't win. If it's me, I will take you to escape!"

"Are you trying to say that because we have pulled out the dragon's beard, we came here on a dragon? Run? Where can I run?" Gilknife directly rejected the proposal without thinking: "That's not what I'm thinking about now. It’s time!”

Gilknifer took two steps forward and leaned directly on the wall: "I am the emperor, Gilknifer Runfarod El!"

"I want to have a good talk with you. Could you please go to the palace and have a talk?"

After saying that, he turned around and shouted to the minister next to him: "Make the highest level of preparations to welcome you, and go quickly!"


The frightened ministers fled the place quickly and began to prepare Gilknifer's arrangements!

Gilknife's eyes focused on Kaguya and the blue dragon below her: "The master of the Dragon Tower? It seems that I underestimated him! If they are just subordinates, this person is definitely not someone I can compete with. `"!"

"Even so, there must be no retreat at all, otherwise

Facing Gilknife's invitation, Kaguya just sneered: "We are just conveying orders on behalf of my lord, so forget it about accepting the invitation!"

"Please make your choice, go or not go!"

Seeing Kaguya who was not moved at all, Gilknife's expression gradually became serious, and the thoughts in his mind began to swirl: "I have absolute confidence in my own power, or it should be said that I can't wait to hear it." Will my denial directly destroy this country?

'That's definitely what that dragon thinks, right?'

Absolute force suppression! Gilknife already knew it when he looked at the dragon! Just a mouthful of dragon flame wiped out two hundred royal elite knights. "Among them was one of the four knights he relied on most: Do not move!

He didn't even have the strength to fight back!

"Old man, it seems that we underestimated our opponent too much. I think it is necessary for me to go to the Dragon Tower in person to explain to the opponent!" Gilknife clenched his fists and replied loudly: "I will comply with your conditions. , go to the Dragon Tower in person to apologize to your master!"

"This is the best, then let's go!"

"please wait!"

"What's the matter? Have you regretted it?"

"Please listen to my explanation!" Gilknife could see clearly. There was a happy expression on the other person's face, and his already heavy heart became even heavier!

"I will definitely go. I need to apologize properly. Although I have no impression of sending people to the Dragon Tower, it is entirely possible that my subordinates made the decision without permission.

As the person in charge on the surface, it was natural in the past!"

"Although there were no problems in the past, there is no need to worry about me running away! But I am also the head of a country, and I cannot leave the country immediately and go there without caring about it. Can you ask the two envoys to give me some time?"

"Three days, or two days will do. Let me finish the urgent matters first, and then add some other trivial matters and prepare an apology to Lord Ye Yi!"

"Apologise?" Kaguya had a mocking look on his face!

"Listen, human!" Thor's figure slowly descended, and his huge dragon eyes looked directly at Gilknifer: "We only give you one day, if you haven't set off when the sun rises tomorrow, hum~"

Thor's hot breath made Gilknife break into a cold sweat, and even his hair and clothes seemed to be a little burnt!

Kaguya gently patted Thor's dragon horn: "Okay Thor, we should go back. If you accidentally scare him silly, we won't be able to explain to your husband!"

""||I can't let him go even if he's stupid. If Ye Yi hadn't allowed him to do this, I would have burned him to ashes! It's better to be stupid, so that if he doesn't set off tomorrow, I'll have a reason to put him away. They were all burned to ashes!"

Thor whispered very softly, but she forgot that she was in dragon form now. Even if she whispered softly, the sound was quite heavenly!

Listening to Thor's blatant threats, Gilknifer's face turned blue, and some small thoughts in his heart were immediately suppressed. It seemed that he couldn't sleep tonight. He had to arrange everything in one night. We have to set off for the Dragon Tower, otherwise we will be in tears if the dragon finds an excuse!

"Well, human being, I've seen you at Dragon Tower. I hope you can come!"

With a slight smile on her face, she waved her wide sleeves of the witch robe, and a huge dark hole suddenly appeared in the sky. Thor's figure rose rapidly and sank into it, and finally disappeared completely!

Everything seemed to have returned to calm, except for the bottomless pit of flames in the atrium!

After Thor and Kaguya left, Gilknifer's tense body relaxed and he almost collapsed to the ground, but as the emperor, he couldn't fall!

Veins popped out in the hands holding the fence, and he forcefully stabilized his figure: "Old man, can you see how strong the opponent is? What level of magic roar was it just now?"

"Old man? Can you answer my question?" His question could not be answered for a long time. Gilknife hurriedly turned around and saw Fulda with a fanatical look on his face!

"Your Majesty, do you know?" Fluda stared at the sky in a daze: "Space magic is also divided into levels. The most common one is the fifth level of space teleportation. To activate this magic, you not only need specific coordinates, but at most only You can only bring one person for teleportation!"

"But just now, I saw a miracle!".

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