The Dragon Supreme Of Nazarick

Chapter 124 The Real Master Is Here!

The sudden noise made everyone in the store look sideways, including Ye Yi and Momonga!

Someone is actually causing trouble here? It’s very strange!


With a muffled sound, the hotel's luxurious door was violently pushed open, and a little girl with red eyes rushed in from the outside!

The eyes with anger, anxiety and a trace of hatred kept wandering around the hall. Most people turned their heads as soon as they came into contact with such eyes!

No matter how strong or weak the opponent is, don't mess with the subtlety at this time. They have seen that crazy expression of risking one's life!

The moment they saw the girl, both Fei Shou and Ye Yi were stunned and couldn't help but look at each other!

"you know?"

"you know?"

The two people said in unison!

"Okay, it seems quite destined!" Looking at Ye Yi's expression, Momonga instantly understood!

"Tell me about it~" Hearing that Momonga knew the other person, Ye Yi was also a little curious. According to Momonga's character, he shouldn't pay too much attention to an unimportant human being!

"I got her portrait from Fluda, and I also know her information!" Momonga lowered his head and said softly: "This little girl has exactly the same innate power as Fluda. It seems that she is called ' The Demonic Eye of Seeing Through is also a genius in his own right, and according to Fluda's words, this girl may surpass him!"

"Scarce Resource met three people at once today? What's her name?" It's very strange to meet three owners of natural powers in a row in one day!

Momonga touched his chin: "I remembered it was called Arche? Yes, that's right, Arche Ivoryfield! That's the name!"


Ye Yi's eyes twitched and his gaze turned to a certain direction in the bar area. Could it be such a coincidence?

The two little lolita Gutilika and Verelika he brought back today are also from the Felt family... and listening to their conversation, they also have an older sister... the one in front of him is red-eyed. 's little girl?

So, the other party is here to cause trouble for me?

Momonga also looked at Ye Yi at the right time, and then the skull face under the helmet became more exciting! He also knew that Arche had two sisters, and Ye Yi abducted both of her sisters. Already?

Momonga suddenly wanted to laugh, and he coughed twice to cover it up: "Ye Yi, you are so lucky. You can meet three owners of natural powers at any house! But this Arche seems to have grown up. It seems that the time for developing lolita has passed, right?”

"I suddenly want to hit someone, Momonga, what do you think I should do?" Ye Yi's eyes twitched slightly, staring at Momonga with unkind eyes!

"Ahem, I didn't say anything, Ye Yi, you didn't hear anything!" After being threatened by Ye Yi, Flying Squirrel immediately sat upright, as if he didn't know anything.

Friends often tease each other like this for fun and entertainment, but Momonga can control the size, so it seems that now is not the time to joke!

Just when Momonga and Ye Yi were joking, Arche's eyes found her two younger sisters! Although there were no scars on their bodies and no expressions of fear on their bodies, Arche was still worried!

"Wei Lei, Guti..."

"elder sister?"

Hearing the familiar voice, the two little lolita immediately turned their heads and ran towards Arche quickly, which made Kaguya, who was playing with them, a little helpless!

These two little guys were a little sad when their sister came and threw her aside!

"Wei Lei, Guti, how are you? Did anything happen?" Ai Xue wanted to touch the two sisters all over their bodies to make sure they were not injured!

Seeing Arche's anxious look, the lolita shook their heads quickly: We're fine!"

"That's good, that's good!" Arche suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, then took the hands of her two sisters and started to walk out: "Let's go, Wei Lei, Guti! I'll take you away right now!"

"Hey, hey, Ye Yi! Your two lolita are about to be abducted by others, aren't you going to do something?" Looking at Kaguya, who was completely motionless in the bar area, Momonga reached out and poked Ye Yi. shoulders!

"Tsk, I'm a little helpless!" Looking at Arche and the two lolita who were about to leave, Ye Yi finally spoke: "I said, Miss Felt, take my people away under my nose. Did you get my consent?"

Arche froze, knowing that she would never be able to leave without paying some price! After all, according to normal circumstances, it was definitely his bastard parents who sold the sisters at a high price!

Arche turned slightly, and the two figures in front of the bar came into her eyes. The next second, something called despair filled her heart!

The one on the left is a figure whose name was resounding throughout the imperial capital not long ago, the black hero Momo, a top existence among adventurers, a steel-level adventurer! Although the one on the right is relatively unfamiliar, but this morning She has also seen someone who is also a steel-level adventurer!

Ye Yi spoke, everyone's eyes turned slightly, and then looked away again the next second!

Two adamantine-level adventurers? You can't afford to offend them. This matter is not something they can participate in. They naturally left their seats, some went out and some went upstairs!

In just ten seconds, only Ye Yi was left in the entire first-floor hall, and the guards who had originally planned to come in to blow Arche away also gradually withdrew. The matter of the steel-level adventurer was still Less participation is better!

From this moment on, the scene suddenly became a little quiet!

Although Ye Yi and Momonga didn't release their momentum or anything like that, Arche still felt a fatal sense of oppression, which came from the superior!

Money? Commitment?

What price would it take for him to agree to let his two sisters go?

Arche can't think of it, really can't think of it! The other party is a steel-level adventurer, and money is completely at your fingertips. Promise? She is just a worker, a mithril-level existence. Do people care about your promise? What else can she offer?

"||To a certain extent, these two lolita are mine. If you want to take them away, you must at least exchange them for something of equal value?"

"do you have?"

Two rare talents with unknown innate abilities cannot be let go so easily! As for kindness and the like, to hell with it, nothing is more important than making Kaguya happy!

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