The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 260 Collision again

Fake! What is this?

This is impossible!

A group of Blue Star people screamed in shock.

The hairs on my body stood on end.

I saw.

After the dragon blew out that breath.

A huge gap appeared throughout the star.

That was blown away by the dragon!

The high-temperature material that makes up the star is thrown forward at this time.

With nearly one-tenth of the beam, it shoots continuously.

Along with it, there is the dragon's breath that turns into a cosmic storm! !

At this moment, all the attacks that were fired at the giant dragon were completely destroyed and broken down into elementary particles.

But even so.

The high-temperature material of the star and the cosmic hurricane did not stop, but continued to rage.

Heading towards the invasion of the legions of the Bailegang Empire.

The closest starships.

There was no time to escape, and some were directly exploded.

Some were shaken by the bombardment, and their protective shields were almost broken.

The huge objects, which may be several kilometers or dozens of kilometers in length, are like small ants falling into the water. They fly out involuntarily and sway in the starry sky.

Farke! Farke! Farke! What the hell is this?

Just now... just now... that dragon just blew a breath, right? Just one breath, but actually... it has such power? Blow out stars? Start a cosmic storm?

Is this guy a god? A real god?

Many Blue Star people were confused in their thinking for a while.

But fortunately, there are still some commanders who are in charge of the overall situation. They immediately straightened their faces and roared on various channels:

Calm down, everyone! What are you talking about?

Our blue stars have just conquered the so-called gods! These guys are just a group of powerful creatures! Nothing to fear at all!

The technology of Duolan Star is enough to grind everything into powder!

That's right! Duolan Star's technology is the strongest!

A group of Dolan Star people who were greatly shocked finally regained their composure.

But at this time, they no longer had any intention of attacking first.

And beyond the distant galaxies.

Be on the side of Le Gang Empire.

A group of wizards who had just given the order sat together and looked at the scene that had just been transmitted.

Each one showed a vicious and relieved smile:

Sure we expected, there is an unpredictable and powerful monster in the star.

This guy's power is probably dozens or hundreds of times stronger than His Majesty the Witch King... He is a creature of another dimension than us.

Just one breath, but it was so terrifying.

Damn Io plane, damn gods! Just accompany us and perish together!

They cursed viciously and stared at the big screen.

The giant dragon that had just opened its eyes from the star slowly flew out of the star.

Its body length is approximately 300 kilometers.

Born with four wings.

The scales on the body bloomed with a brilliance more dazzling than the stars.

Needless to say, this dragon is naturally Rand.

Once again, it has experienced eight hundred years of development and growth.

Rand's body already has unimaginable energy.

This is not an ordinary split, not one-hundredth of Rand's power.

But one sixth of the original.

In fact, none of the fragments that Rand used to train were diluted. What was diluted was only the first two individuals used to develop his power.

It is precisely for this reason that it is just a breath of air that can have such exaggerated expressiveness now.

There are currently tens of thousands of scales in his body that have developed an inner world.

Each of these scales is a small plane, with trillions of beings living in it.

And these life forms are not ordinary individuals. Most of them have dragon blood and have relatively strong strength.

So it all comes together.

Spirit, energy, all for Rand's use.

Make him strong to the point of exaggeration.

Of course, in addition to this, Rand also stuffed some stars into it to act as a source of energy.

However, compared with the energy of life, these stars are too light and chaotic, so Rand probably only stuffed a few dozen stars into this body...

After blowing it in one breath, even he showed a hint of surprise.

But immediately, he showed a hint of satisfaction.

He glanced at the fighting parties in the galaxy.

Showing some surprise.

One of them belonged to the Baile Gang Empire, and their troops and equipment still looked familiar to him.

But what the hell is the other side?

Looking at the paint on their weapons, it seems like... many blue stars...

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes. These guys from Duolan Star actually have such power in this time and space, and can actually go toe-to-toe with the Bailegang Empire?

Rand remembered that this timeline was very similar to his main timeline.

It was also quite familiar to him.

This is why he chose this one.

But why do many Blue Star people have such combat power?

Rand thought carefully about the many Blue Star people. It seemed that in the original timeline, the technological development speed of these guys was much faster than the average.

These guys should have some adventures.

There should be some kind of treasure, and it should be a very strong treasure.

Maybe from the source universe?

His eyes were dark, as he was thinking about whether to take action against them.

Suddenly, I discovered that there was an additional figure on the side of Blue Star.

This figure is still very familiar to Rand.

The body hovers as huge as a planet, with two snake brains.

It is the Snake of Order.

He slowly spit out the snake letter and looked at Rand with some curiosity.

This made Rand's expression darken. He didn't expect to encounter this snake again in this time and space. Is this some strange entanglement between fates?

Rand could tell that this snake was not the one before, it should be from this time and space.

But he knew that even if it wasn't that one, the battle between the two was unavoidable.

Both sides stared at each other closely, as if they only had each other in their eyes.

The Dolan Star people around the Snake of Order were also startled by the sudden appearance of the giant snake.

The commanding officer was even more shocked and said:

Damn it! How did this snake appear in our army? This space should have been blocked by us! No! We cannot allow such an unknown creature to appear in the heart of the army! Attack! Attack quickly it!

the commander yelled.

Many people from Blue Star forces also immediately launched an attack.

The overwhelming attack came with a blast, and there were even anti-matter bombs hidden in it.

However, in the face of these attacks, this giant snake just turned one of its heads slightly and disintegrated all the attacks with a glare.

Completely disappeared.

This made Rand's eyes freeze.

He could see it with his eyesight.

All attacks were completely erased by the other party in the form of deletion.

Thousands of demons, demons, and unmanned machines all disappeared under this gaze.

In just a few seconds, dozens or millions of troops were almost wiped out.

These people have almost no resistance.

The feeling given to Rand is very similar to his [Final Territory], but somewhat different.

The opponent's ability is like using an eraser to erase everything.

It is a way to eliminate the other party from the source.

And his [Final Territory] is a way to turn the surrounding territory into a restricted area, blocking out all miraculous attacks.

This method of killing enemies is extremely clever and terrifying.

The Duolan Star side and the Bailegang Empire side were also greatly shocked when they saw this.

This... this is the root erasure... the ability that still exists in our imagination. This snake actually has this ability. It's over! Run!

Damn it! There are so many powerful beings in this world, which are completely different from the information obtained!

Don't you think this snake is very similar to the legendary Snake of Order in the world of Io?

The Serpent of Order? The auxiliary of the legendary god Io? How is this possible?

Many people were confused, but that didn't stop them from turning around and running away.

Between the two giant beasts in front of them, they seemed too small.

Watching these escaping ants.

The Snake of Order ignored him, gently twisted its head, and glared at Rand.

next moment.

A strange force descended on Rand's body, seeming to want to eliminate him along with it.

However, Rand is different from ordinary demons, devils, and mechanical beings.

When receiving this power, it will not be erased instantly.

Instead, the energy in the body is constantly being eliminated.

Just like files on a computer.

Small files can be deleted with one click.

However, deleting large files will take a lot of time.

Apparently, Rand is one of those oversized documents.

The Snake of Order also absolutely understands that it cannot erase Rand instantly, so the purpose of doing this is to quickly consume Rand's energy!

At the same time, similar to eight hundred years ago, a huge pressure was rushing towards Rand from all directions!

this moment.

This snake obviously regards Rand as an opponent who needs to be taken seriously, rather than someone who could be easily manipulated in another timeline eight hundred years ago!

hold head high!!!

Faced with the Serpent of Order again, Rand roared angrily.

Do you think you can defeat me?

[Final Territory] expands.

As he continues to grow, [Final Territory] becomes more and more powerful.

The constant collision with the ability of the Snake of Order disrupts everything around him and turns it into chaos.

The abilities of the two cancel each other out.

The pressure still hasn't gone away.

Rand was not surprised by this, he just smiled ferociously and roared again.

Erupting his own terrifying energy.

At the same time, he displayed the incarnation of his extremely serious study over the past eight hundred years!

After the energy in the body surged, it changed rapidly.

next moment.

His body, which was nearly 300 kilometers long, expanded at an unimaginable speed.

Five hundred kilometers! Two thousand kilometers! Ten thousand kilometers! Fifty thousand kilometers! One hundred thousand kilometers! Half a million kilometers! A million kilometers!

His size, at this moment, is as big as a star!

The wingspan is more than two million kilometers!

With a gentle stretch, the pressure that was squeezing his body disappeared instantly.

The huge dragon wing stretching room.

Throughout the galaxy, cosmic storms raged.

Countless stellar fires floated out bit by bit.

These little bits of flame on the dragon's body.

Each flower, if calculated carefully, is several kilometers, or even more than ten kilometers long.

Like huge meteorite flames, they hit all directions with more than one tenth of the beam.

Turning a group of multi-blue star fleets and the Bailegang Empire fleet that wanted to escape into fireworks in the starry sky.

Then it was attracted by the energy emitted by the gigantic dragon, adsorbed and rotated with some strange rhythm.

Damn it! What on earth did that dragon come from to become so huge all of a sudden! This is unscientific! The energy in his body, the kinetic energy brought by a slight movement, and the energy consumed are simply astronomical. !

It is impossible for a flesh-and-blood creature to reach this level!

Damn it! Creatures from the outer plane are so unscientific!

A group of Blue Star people shouted, looking at the huge dragon standing across the starry sky on the screen, their eyes almost popped out.

There is a feeling of being shattered.

This galaxy is like the dragon's back garden, it is so great and dazzling.

He is indeed a difficult guy, much stronger than I expected... But that's fine. Only material like you is more worthy of dedicating to Lord Ao.

The Snake of Order is not afraid of this, but is very interested in it.

At this time, Rand even sneered and reached over with his paw.

The Serpent of Order, which was as big as a planet, once again became a small insect in front of Rand's dragon claws.


The Snake of Order is completely fearless.

After neighing, the space around him stretched strangely, causing him to suddenly appear in another galaxy, and then the surrounding space collapsed.

On the path, many people and fleets from the Blue Star Bai Le Gang Empire who were in no hurry to escape were swept in one after another.

The entire space is constantly shrinking.

Those Dolan Star people who were involved still retain their own consciousness.

It felt like I was being made two-dimensional.

Only one-sided things can be seen, and the space is flowing.

There was a great fear in my heart.

What kind of technology is this? It's unscientific! It's so unscientific! Why can these monsters do such unreasonable things just by themselves!

Damn! The outer plane is too dangerous!

Mom! Mom! I want to go home!

They wept and wailed.

Until they felt a shock all over.

The entire field of vision went dark.

outside world.

The collapsed space has completely turned into a mass of dark matter like a black hole.

After approaching Rand, it suddenly exploded!


A roar far greater than that of a supernova explosion swept across the galaxy.

The speed of this explosion is close to that of a beam.

The Bailegang Empire and the multi-blue star forces that had just escaped the disaster were all involved!

Turned into cosmic dust.

Rand was also overwhelmed by this light.

Some battlefields further away.

They all looked here in astonishment.

Don't wait for the explosion to completely pass.

Rand, who was in the center, broke out. He seemed to be unscathed. The huge energy in his body and his immortal body meant that he didn't need to worry about being hurt at all.

Just with a ferocious smile and spread his paws.


It was one of his dragon scales.

But soon.

This dragon scale showed a slight change.

In Rand's eyes, it became a small world.

In fact, this is indeed a small world.

The world that was originally contained within dragon scales!

The living people inside have been completely transferred to another dragon scale world.

And this little world.

Then he was suddenly thrown out by Rand!

He flew out at near-light speed, fell into an open wormhole, and came to the Snake of Order.


The entire scale suddenly revealed its prototype!

In the surprised gaze of the Snake of Order, there was a violent collision with the space around it! explode!

This is the collision of space and space, small world and big world!

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