The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 255 Results and Interviews


Another thirty years have passed.

these thirty years.

For the Dragon Royal Court, which is now concentrating on development, not much has changed.

But for those teams ordered by Rand to delve into a certain project.

But the harvest was huge.

In a somewhat empty and huge metal room.

In the center, there is a bright red scale that is bigger than the villa.

This scale is covered with countless carvings and the aura of space.

around it.

Surrounded by a group of scholars and researchers wearing white coats or blue robes.

Each of them looked ecstatic and kept cheering:

Successful! Finally successful!

This is definitely the greatest invention ever!

Quick! Go and inform Queen Fiona, Hindley, Doris and other Her Majesty's.

A dragon scholar with some gray hair and a big head shouted in surprise.

Yes! Doctor!

Immediately a young dragon man next to him took action and ran out of the room filled with incandescent lights.

Just a moment.

They returned again.

But this time around them.

But there were a few more figures.

A red-haired elf woman with red hair and dragon horns. She has a delicate appearance and a bit of domineering.

As well as a purple-haired female angel, a blue-haired female dragon, and a man with black hair and a somewhat majestic appearance.

These latecomers are at the forefront.

All the scholars and researchers who saw these people bent down to show respect.

Among them, the red-haired elf woman with red hair and dragon horns walked at the front with a grin on her face and said:

Curry! I heard that the research was successful? You kid, don't lie to this queen!

If you dare to make my trip in vain, I will definitely take off all your clothes and throw them to those worm girls! Let you experience what bliss is!


The person who was named and called Curry was the old dragon man with gray hair at first.

After hearing this, his whole body was shocked.

In his mind, a certain plane, a creature called a worm woman, could not help but appear.

These creatures have insect-like bodies and withered heads of human women. They are extremely ugly, but they have strong desires.

Spring comes all year round.

After discovering these creatures, the Dragon Court recruited them as prison guards.

Males who often commit crimes are imprisoned in prisons guarded by these creatures, and then...

When these criminals are released from prison, each one of them will either become a good person or go crazy...

Needless to say what happened to him.

Curry naturally understands the horror of this.

He showed a wry smile and said:

Your Highness, how dare I lie in front of you! Look! This is our finished product!

He quickly came forward, walked to the red-haired elf, bowed slightly with a respectful expression, pointed to the scales in the center, and then led the dragons to the side with great interest.


There was a glimmer of light on the dragon scales.

The dragons disappeared in place.

when it appears again.

He has arrived in the starry sky in another world.

They use magic and stand in the starry sky.

Watching everything.

The world is not big.

It is more than ten times smaller than the ordinary solar system.

It is comparable to those ultra-small planes.

A huge white ball of light hung high in the sky, lighting up the starry sky.

This is an artificial sun.

Or the magic sun.

This kind of technology is not difficult for today's Dragon King's Court.

Generally speaking, although it can be produced, it does not last long.

However, there are many magic circles engraved on this artificial sun, which actually emit light and heat while constantly recycling them, thus maintaining a balance.

And underneath the artificial sun.

There is also a planet with a diameter of about 10,000 kilometers.

The entire planet is filled with birds singing, flowers fragrant, and green forests everywhere.

A group of dragon blood creatures are sleeping, resting and playing on it.

This is……

Looking at everything in front of her, Fiona was a little surprised.

Your Highness, this is the second world you requested!

A world that is more real and vivid than the Kingdom of God.

There is no need to rely on extremely powerful divine power. Everything inside forms an excellent internal cycle, which can supply ordinary and even weak creatures to live in it.

And these living creatures can provide all their energy to the owner!

The supply will not stop until the energy in it reaches the minimum. It is also very simple to restore it. You only need to inject your excess energy into it, which is extremely convenient!

Curry introduced enthusiastically, with an excited look on his face.

It feels even more powerful than the Dragon Soul! Fiona said happily.

“Of course it’s better than Dragon Soul.

After all, the Dragon Soul is still something external to the body, and there is a possibility of being cut off by stronger spell casters.

But the [inner world] we create today does not have this problem.

Just implant this scale into your body.

Then the [inner world] and the host can be said to be perfectly integrated. There is me in you and you in me. There is no problem of being blocked at all!

Oh? Hahaha! Not bad! Not bad! Give me this scale and try transplanting it!

Fiona said immediately.

Um... Your Highness the Queen... I'm afraid this won't work...

No? Why not? You kid, do you want to disobey this queen?

Fiona was immediately furious, and her body temperature continued to rise.

This shocked Curry and he quickly said:

Your Highness the Queen! Didn't you say that these scales belong to His Majesty Rand?

Its quality and strength are truly outstanding.

Ordinary creatures cannot be perfectly compatible with it!

If you force compatibility, it will just be another dragon soul.

I see, then it would be nice to have my scales instead.

It still doesn't work! Your Majesty the Queen, only Her Majesty Rand's scales can withstand this level of transformation! I'm afraid your scales...

You mean I'm much worse than Rand, right?

Fiona stared with an evil look on her face.

Okay, Fiona, stop being scary here.

Is there anything wrong in what they said?

Aren't you and your eldest brother Landby just little scumbags? A weakling.

What is the strength of Brother Rand's scale, and what is the strength of your own? Don't you have any idea? Are you still embarrassed to scream here? I was ashamed to hear it.

On the other side, the black-haired dragon man who had been following at the end spoke.

He is naturally the black dragon Ed.

At this moment, he looked at Fiona with a look of disdain.

This look made Fiona so angry that she immediately glared again and shouted:

Ed! You bastard! Now that you have a new practice method, do you feel that your wings are hardened and you want to resist your sister?

bring it on! Let's have a battle and see who is the second master of Longting now!

After saying that, her body showed obvious signs of dragon transformation, as if she was about to go crazy.

“Save it, both of you.

Now that the research has been successful, we should inform Rand as soon as possible.

If Rand is delayed, can you afford it?

Hindley on the other side spoke in a bad tone.

Fiona stopped after hearing this.

But he still looked depressed.

She felt that this bastard Ed's wings were getting harder and harder, and he had often contradicted her recently. If his strength was really surpassed, he didn't know what the world would be like...

She had a headache.

However, now it is indeed as Hindley said, she should inform Rand.

So she said with a calm face:

Rand's matters are important, so let's let you bastard go first.

Say it.

Fiona took the lead in carving a magic circle on the ground.

But the scientific researchers nearby were all excited.


They were finally able to meet the legendary Lord of the Dragon Court.

Does His Majesty Rand exist only in legend?

Rumor has it that His Majesty Rand is the strongest dragon.

He is also the key figure in the Dragon Royal Court's defeat of the Bailegang Empire and the absolute soul core.

The protagonist who ushered in a new era!

He is the person who appears the most in history today!

It has been more than five hundred and thirty years since Rand defeated the Le Gang Empire.

This is not a short time.

An ordinary enough dynasty to change.

The current group of researchers has basically changed.

Only a few people had seen Rand's true form a long time ago.

It can be said.

The current group of researchers all grew up hearing the history and legends about Rand.

They have great admiration for the great Lord of the Dragon Court.

Now he is studying his scales.

Just those scales.

Let everyone who studies it feel incredibly powerful and fall for its power.

The thought of wanting to see Rand comes up all the time. you finally have this opportunity?

Your Majesty the Queen! I heard that Her Majesty Rand's body is as big as a continent? Is this true?

Some scientific researchers couldn't help but ask.

This information comes from the older generation.

Of course it's true, Fiona said casually.

Oh~ It's amazing. It's simply unimaginable that a flesh-and-blood creature can be so huge.

Those star beasts wandering in the starry sky are named after stars.

But the average body size is only a few dozen kilometers. Compared with His Majesty Rand, there is no comparison at all!

How is this huge creature composed? How huge is the energy contained in the flesh and blood of the body?

Idiot! How can you imagine my big brother Rand! When you see him then, don't be so scared that you wet your pants!

Fiona laughed.

It doesn’t have too much airs and looks very bold.

Beliefs inherited from Rand.

Fiona doesn't care about those useless wastes, and is even harsh.

But he has always been kind to these talented researchers, and he is not stingy with rewards.

It can be said that I have a good relationship with these researchers.

Hahaha! In that case, let's all prepare diapers!

I heard that His Majesty Rand has the power to destroy stars. Is this true?

Of course it's true! My eldest brother Rand is invincible in the world and can be destroyed by a mere star!

That's amazing, worthy of His Majesty Rand.

The researchers were very excited and kept talking to Fiona.

Wait until the portal is built.

They also got into it one by one.

The surrounding scene changes.


Fiona and her party.

Just arrived on an extremely empty planet.

The entire planet is extremely barren, with no green plants at all.

And extremely small.

It seems to be comparable to larger meteorites.

The researchers looked up at the sky. A piece of yellow sand-like material almost obscured the sky.

Only the gaps revealed occasionally allowed them to see the stars.

But the starry sky was very different from what they usually saw.

here! It’s too empty!

Meteorites that should have been densely populated in the starry sky are almost invisible, and no traces of other planets further away can be found.

That shining star seems a little pitiful? Is this an illusion?

The expressions of the group of researchers were a little strange.

Curry couldn't help but said:

Her Royal Highness the Queen.

Your Majesty Rand, are you here? But here, there seems to be no life breath at all.

And... so barren.

You kid, why are you so anxious?

Are you anxious to take credit?

Fiona glanced at the old boy and grinned.

Ahem~ We are just anxious to meet the legendary His Majesty. Ku Li blushed and said with embarrassment.

The other researchers also lowered their heads.

Don't worry, Rand will be here soon. I just sent the signal, he should be nearby.

Fiona replied again.

But Hindley on the side suddenly raised her head:

Rand has arrived.

Are we here? Don't you feel the breath of life? a researcher asked curiously.

But he raised his head again.

Afterwards, their whole bodies shivered, and several people were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

This...what is this! It's so big!

Is this a star? Why is the star approaching?

No! No! It seems! It seems like an eyeball! Oh my god! How can an eyeball be so big!

exclaimed a group of researchers.

I saw.

In the sky filled with yellow sand.

At some point, a sphere that exuded the brilliance of a star actually appeared.

This sphere seemed to be very close to them.

Covered the entire sky.

The vertical pupil in the middle is like a mark in the sky, shrinking slightly.

Endless brilliance and dazzling brilliance bloom from it.

Just watch.

Many researchers felt a little breathless and had an extremely uncomfortable feeling all over their bodies.

But if you feel it carefully.

It seems that the scene in the sky is just a shadow, lifeless.

Why is this?

There is too much difference in personality! Rand's current strength has reached a level that is unimaginable to any mortal being.

If those titled wizards from more than five hundred years ago were to come back to fight Rand again.

They might all be easily crushed to death by him.

With just one dragon, he can easily destroy the Baile Gang Empire.

There is an unbridgeable gap between us... and this existence.

This is the dimensional gap...

Hindley looked a little solemn, but also said happily.

These words also made other dragons and researchers look astonished.

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