The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 252 Testing and Discussion

The Supreme Court of God...

Rand murmured, his eyes full of thoughts.

After a moment he said:

“It really makes Long unhappy that he can’t take action against the idiots in the Io world.

The worlds of Duolan Star and Io are almost connected as one at this moment and cannot move.

There was some annoyance in his expression.

“The abyssal plane in the world of Io.

All creatures invade other planes almost uncontrollably.

Generally speaking, we have encountered a powerful plane long ago, which led to the destruction of the entire plane... To be able to persist until now, the Snake of Order and the [Supreme Divine Court] have contributed a lot.

Xingchenlong said again.

Hmph... It seems we can only let them go for now.

Rand looked slightly unhappy.

But that's okay.

After all, for more than six hundred years, what he hated most was the Bailegang Empire.

As for the plane of Io, when he traveled through the long river of time and came to another timeline, didn't he just make a big fuss there?

It was a good way to vent.

But then again.

Didn't he alert the Snake of Order when he was so noisy in another timeline?

If I am alarmed, will it affect myself on this timeline?

Thinking of this, Rand couldn't help but ask.

Star Dragon heard this.

Staring at Rand with some surprise:

I see, Andric said he met you before in the long river of time. I didn't expect you to do such a thing...

Don't worry, the Snake of Order on another timeline can't control other timelines.

They don't have this ability.

Can't control it.

Rand felt relieved.

In his previous life, as a bookworm, he had read a lot of novels.

Among them, there are many descriptions of the most powerful person, which is to unite all the selves in the timeline into one.

But at present, it seems that those so-called gods, gods of creation, have not reached this point.

This actually made him feel much more at ease.

Because once the enemy becomes that powerful, even if Rand has a plug-in, he will feel unable to compete with him.

All timelines converge into one.

This kind of conceptual powerhouse seems exaggerated when you think about it.

There are countless selves on countless timelines.

And countless selves become one.

So, can the only self be regarded as having infinite power?

And with unlimited power, have you reached the state of omniscience and omnipotence, where you can do whatever you want and speak the law?

That's best. Don't worry, I won't go to the Io plane for the time being. Rand replied.

The two-headed dragon smiled again:

“Then, our mission is completed.

By the way, as a newcomer, this is for you.

Star Dragon said, spitting out a golden key that was only as big as a human fist.

“This is the door key to the organization.

Only by possessing it can you find the unstable gathering plane of the Garden Breakers in the gap between time and space.

You gave me the key to the organization so easily? Aren't you afraid that I will do something strange?

Rand looked at the key and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

“I have already seen through the future of this meeting.

The conversation between us now is developing as I see it in the future.

Although you are proud and arrogant, you are inclined to evil.

But he is not arrogant to the point of being completely reckless, and is still quite cautious in his heart.

Therefore, when facing the possible existence of the [Supreme Divine Court], one must choose to trust.

At the very least, you would investigate the matter.

Xing Chenlong explained.

Rand then thought of it.

The dragon in front of him has the ability to see through fate.

Therefore, I did not continue to struggle with this issue.

He grabbed the golden key with one paw.

The figures of the two dragons gradually became fainter, and when they were about to disappear, the Star Dragon said again:

To be on the safe side, you'd better not show up casually in the future. It's best to find a place to hide.

Of course, you can also go to the plane where the [Gardenbreakers] gather.

It would be safer to hide there.

There is also a lot of information in it, which may interest you.

Of course, this is not forced, everything depends on your own will.

That's it for now, goodbye.

Until the last words fell.

The figures of the two dragons completely disappeared.

The frozen time and space also returned to normal at this moment.

The little female dragon Fiona was still roaring anxiously, looking at Rand and saying:

Give me the order! Rand!

We're all ready! Let's go!

A group of dragons were also roaring.

Only Hindley and Doris, the female dragon who became a god, seemed to have discovered something was wrong, and their expressions showed the slightest abnormality.

Rand, just now...

Your senses are very keen, you two.

Rand praised and said:

“Just now, two guests came to visit, which made me change my mind.

Let’s put the matter of attacking the Io plane aside for now.

The goals after that are still to expand the plane and improve strength and technology.

What? Let go of the Io plane?

The little female dragon Fiona was stunned for a moment, her eyes appearing astonished.

It seems that some people can't believe that Rand, who is determined to retaliate, would actually say such a thing.

But he immediately thought that the two female dragons seemed to understand something about the situation.

That's all. Let's break up the meeting. I still have some things to do now.

After Rand said that, he was about to fly away.

The female blue dragon Doris quickly hugged his thigh and shouted:

Don't leave! Rand! Since we're not going to attack the Io plane anymore, let's continue!

He kept blinking, looking like he was in love.

Doris's wish had come true before.

But obviously, He was not satisfied, but remained hungry and thirsty.

Rand immediately pulled him away and left him far away.

A group of somewhat dumbfounded dragon blood creatures were left behind.

Fortunately, Fiona, the little female dragon, was already acting like a general at this moment. She quickly encouraged the many dragon-blooded creatures and then sent them away.

Rand soon completely disappeared from the sight of Fiona and the other dragons.

Then use the golden key given by the Star Dragon to activate it.

Immediately, blood-red and mysterious lines were densely covered in the surrounding void.

Even Rand couldn't understand it.

Until these blood lines completely surrounded him.

Rand's figure disappeared.

Endless time and space flowed around him.

When his figure stabilized again.

Appeared in another gray space.

No margin is visible here.

But there are also countless stars.

It's like an extremely strange cosmic space.

Many of these stars are inhabited by life.

Many of them live in humanoid form, and some are in the form of huge beasts.

Rand's appearance attracted the attention of many of them.

One of them maintained a human appearance, was about ten meters tall, and had nine tails on its back. It looked like a vixen creature, and suddenly appeared in front of Rand.

He narrowed his eyes and said:

Are you the newcomer this time? Welcome to the rift between time and space.

This is the new home of all [Garden Breakers].

I am Miriam Kyuubi.

From the Nine Courts plane.

The characteristic of the plane is to practice spiritual energy and become an immortal. This is the pursuit of all life in our plane.

Your Excellency must be Rand Safis Oakburn, right? A true dragon from the plane of Io?

By the way, what kind of dragon are you from the Io plane?

Hate dragons? Or a legendary dragon? I don't think I've ever heard of your existence before.

I heard from Ska that you seem to be very strong?

Calling herself Miriam Kyuubi, she was a vixen-like humanoid creature. Her whole body was floating in the void, wandering around Rand's body, constantly looking at him.

Strong? I don't know if I am considered strong or weak.

As for race? This is a secret.

Rand looked at the human-shaped Miriam. This creature was not as big as his own scales, so small and pitiful.

Being big doesn't mean you are strong.

Suddenly, another voice sounded next to him.

Rand turned to look.

A humanoid creature that was only about five meters long, with two pairs of horns on its forehead, a naked upper body, and covered with red hair, appeared above his head, folded its arms, and looked at him.

His demeanor was extremely arrogant and condescending.

Rand's heart moved.

I thought to myself, this so-called [Garden Breaker] is indeed not monolithic.

This idiot's attitude towards newcomers and this broken organization gave Rand the impression that he couldn't accomplish anything.

“This is Tianchi Red Bull and I come from the same plane.

He is a beetle demon, a type of cow, with a bad temper.

Mr. Rand, don't be familiar with him.

The nine-tailed fox monster said again.

This is what I call a straightforward personality!

Newcomer! They all say you are strong!

But I'm not convinced! The two of us, let’s discuss it! You shouldn't refuse, right?

The beetle demon looked directly at Rand with a pair of bull's eyes, and his expression was somewhat eager to try.

In response, Rand grinned:

What level am I at? You invited me to join, but you don't know?

This makes me a little strange.

But it doesn’t matter. Since you have invited me to a duel, I will naturally not refuse.

It just so happens that I can also measure the gap between me at this moment and the official members of the organization. It is also pretty good.

Say it.

Rand immediately swung his dragon claw and swung at the Minotaur above him like a mosquito!

Direct attack? And a purely physical attack? This kind of attack is so stupid... You don't think you can hit me, do you?

Let me show you how powerful the magic is!

The Minotaur Tianchi Red Bull showed a somewhat sarcastic smile and was about to take action.

But the next moment.

A strange energy swept through Rand's body.

The Minotaur's eyes were filled with astonishment, and it didn't even move. It was directly hit by Rand's claw!

Buzz! ! ! !

The dragon claws and the Minotaur's body collided together, causing a violent energy reaction.

It exploded with a dazzling energy.

The entire body of the Minotaur exploded out like light.

Bang bang bang...

Countless meteorites were shattered in this light.

Is this...the soulless restricted area? Is your domain actually this kind of thing? If combined with powerful physical power, it will indeed be first-class powerful.

Miriam was shocked at first, and then said with some surprise.

That guy is not dead, is he?

Rand was a little unsure.

Peng! !

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the bull monster shot into a planet again, smashing it into pieces.

Just when Rand was worried.

Moo! Incarnation!

A loud cow howl sounded. A giant bull figure as big as a planet appeared.

This cow was like an ordinary cow. It had four hooves and was covered in red hair. Its horns shot straight into the sky. It was covered in red blood. It stared at Rand with a pair of red eyes and immediately raised its four hooves. .

In one ups and downs, he arrived outside Rand's territory. Then he stepped into the [Final Territory], raised his hooves, and kicked Rand hard.

Even Rand's body, which is a hundred kilometers long, seems extremely small compared to the huge body of the bull monster, which is ten thousand kilometers long.

However, Rand did not panic at all.

Instead, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Just because.

After the cow entered his territory, its figure quickly faded.

If the other party hadn't continued to input energy, I'm afraid it wouldn't have even fallen on Rand's head, and he would have simply disappeared.

This guy's body at the moment is completely fake!

Rand swept away with a paw lightly!

boom! ! !

The roar sounded again.

After the fight between the two.

The body of the bull monster, which was as huge as a planet, immediately collapsed.

Then, a 'calf' that was about one kilometer long and looked like a giant cow appeared from it. Its whole body shook violently, spilled blood, and flew backwards again.

After smashing a bunch of meteorites and planets again.

This guy ran back covered in blood and looked at Rand with a rather horrifying look.

You're so strong! The domain actually disintegrated all my magic. I'm no match for you!

You guys, haven't you been beaten in the past few hundred years, so your skin is itchy? It's true.

How could someone whose strength was praised by Ska be matched by you?

The fox monster Miriam complained, but her eyes kept looking at Rand, a little sparkling.


Some guys who were watching the fun gradually gathered around.

One of them, who looked almost like a human being and was three meters tall with gray hair and gray eyes, said with a smile:

As expected of a powerful dragon that almost single-handedly destroyed the Bailegang Empire. Its strength is much stronger than that of ordinary newcomers.

Has the Bailegang Empire been destroyed?

I remember that this power seems to have been under your control... Are you two okay?

The fox monster Miriam said in surprise.

Are you going to destroy the Bailegang Empire on your own?

This force, the strength of the strongest, although suppressed.

But its population is extremely large, how could it be that it was destroyed by oneself... The newcomers this time are indeed very strong.

Huh huh huh~ This idiot Tianchi Red Bull actually wants to compete with a strong man of this level. Will he be beaten badly this time?

The powerful creatures surrounding him were somewhat gloating about his misfortune.

Even Rand showed a hint of surprise.

He remembered that in the previous battle, the so-called Witch King was beaten violently by him. Although he ran away in the end, he only lingered and disappeared completely.

Even if the opponent changes his appearance, he can never escape his eyes.

Who is this guy in front of me?

He is the real one, which one is fake?

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