The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 245 Do you know how I have lived these six hundred years?

Eternal Starlight thought to himself, then quickly opened the space door and disappeared.

And further away.

Doris and Hindley were also watching.


The wizard planet that had just been attacked by Rand had exploded into dust and debris in the starry sky.

But the crazy dragon has no intention of stopping at all.

Opening its huge mouth, one after another, it spit out dragon flame jades that were like miniature suns, shooting in all directions. The whole dragon looked extremely crazy.


These dragon flame jade are propelled by the power of thunder and are extremely fast.

Whenever it touches some meteorites or planets, they will explode, blowing everything into brilliant fireworks in the starry sky!


Although the sound cannot be transmitted in the starry sky, the two female dragons still feel that these sounds are ringing in their ears.

It's really crazy! Hindley sighed.

The wizard just escaped and must have gone back to find his companions. Next, Rand may face a real battle. I don't know how long this battle will last...

And when will my wish be fulfilled?

Doris's face was full of displeasure.

Rand's power at the moment is too strong...those titled wizards should not be able to stop him.

Rainbow Dragon said calmly.

Then, he paused and said:

“No matter what, let’s stay away for a while and see what’s going on.

If necessary, we will also gather the power of the entire Dragon King's Court to fight to the death with the Bailegang Empire!

It has been six hundred years, and we have continued to develop the Dragon King's Court.

Although we are still incomparable to the Bailegang Empire, we are no longer who we were before.

At least, it also has some ability to resist and fight.

Besides, we still have Rand.

The rainbow dragon said.

A burst of intense white light erupted not far away.

Suddenly, another planet was blown to pieces.

Just for a while.

Tens of millions of kilometers around Rand have been destroyed by him and turned into ruins.

This frightened both dragons, and they quickly retreated.

And at this moment.

The Eternal Star has already appeared on the Emperor Star of the Bailegang Empire.

He hurriedly broke into the highest magic tower.

He looked a little embarrassed.

This made the guarding wizard look shocked.

Under the crown of eternal starlight, what are you doing?

Quick! Activate the final crisis alarm immediately! The empire is facing a life-and-death crisis! Hurry!

What? An existential crisis?

The wizards who were guarding were trembling all over and didn't bother to ask any more questions.

Immediately open the gate that was sealed by the magic circles and rush in quickly.

This is a pure white space.

There are dozens of continuously maintained portals, and in the center, there is a raised red button.

When the wizard guard presses the button.

The entire room began to flash red and a piercing alarm sounded.



In the teleportation gates, figures with huge auras appeared one after another.

Each of them has an aura similar to the eternal starlight.

Obviously, they are all titled wizard-level experts.

What's going on? Who activated the final annihilation crisis alarm? This thing hasn't been activated for hundreds of thousands of years, right? Who can explain it to me?

The first one to appear, a titled wizard with two big heads, couldn't help but ask.

Immediately, he set his sights on the eternal starlight he had just stepped into.


Twenty-three figures have appeared in the portal.

Seeing the looks cast by these figures one after another, Eternal Starlight said solemnly:

Everyone! A giant dragon suspected to be the elder of Rand Safis Oakburn appeared on the planet Moyes and destroyed everything there...

I wanted to stop him, but after a brief confrontation, I knew he was far from his opponent.

This dragon is much stronger than Rand Sapphith Oakburn six hundred years ago!

The elder of Rand Safis Oakburn? That evil dragon actually has elders?

A titled wizard said in shock.

I know that Tiamat and Bahamut in the world of Io, dragon gods like this, have no elders at all...

Have you all forgotten? That dragon named Rand Saphis Oakburn is, in the final analysis, just an extremely young dragon.

When he fought with us, he was only about a hundred years old...

As soon as these words came out, the whole room suddenly went cold.

What kind of ethnic group can give birth to such an exceptional existence?

And how many are there in this ethnic group? If there are tens or hundreds of them, maybe we can simply capture them without mercy and wait to die.

The wizards marveled and felt a headache.

It must be difficult for powerful creatures to reproduce and reproduce. We don't need to be too pessimistic.

Some wizards also advised.

The image of that dragon should have been recorded under the Eternal Star, right?


Eternal Starlight nodded and quickly put the video of the crazy dragon he just met into the void for other titled wizards to watch.

Looking at the crazy figure of the dragon covering the sky and the sun.

A group of titled wizards all gasped.

This dragon is over a hundred kilometers long, isn't it? It is indeed very similar to Rand Safis Oakburn.

If it were of the same race, based on Rand Safis Oakburn's growth, I can't imagine the strength of this dragon...

I'm afraid, even if twenty-seven of us come together, we won't be our opponents...

A titled wizard was amazed and glanced at the twenty-seven newly added figures in the room.

“All the top players must come.

And His Majesty the Witch King, he should be back soon.

We, too, must be fully prepared and bring out all our knowledge.

And, let all wizards in the empire mobilize!

This is a war that we must do our best to win!

This group of titled wizards were discussing.

Act quickly.

After a while.

The magic towers on all planets within the Bailegang Empire's sphere of influence began to sound the alarm continuously.

A harsh roar resounded.

Then, groups of effective forces quickly mobilized!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the crazy Rand is still wreaking havoc, completely destroying everything tens of billions of kilometers around.

Almost destroyed a solar system.

Despite this, the crazy Rand is still full of energy and has no intention of stopping at all.

Those dragon flame jade seemed to be free of charge, and they kept blasting towards the surroundings.

That's when.

Buzz buzz~

The space in the starry sky rumbled gently.

Thirty figures suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

They were all thirty titled wizards. They looked at their surroundings one by one, all showing shock:

How long has it been? Just a few hours, right? It actually... actually destroyed all the starry sky in this area.

What an absolute monster.

But... there's something wrong, isn't that guy destroying things so casually and wasting his energy?

Apart from Planet Moyes, there are no other living planets at all... It's just a pity that there are some storage planets with a large number of weapons hidden.

This guy seems to have fallen into madness...

Finally, a titled wizard saw the problem and said.

Crazy... can a being like this also fall into madness?

Then, do we want to fight him? There were also titled wizards who couldn't help but retreat.

Looking at this situation, if it is not stopped, the entire Antoli plane may be destroyed.

However, we don't need to be too anxious now. We can wait for the follow-up troops to arrive and gather all our strength to destroy this dragon!

After saying this, the titled wizard began to wait patiently.


Behind the scenes, huge portals were opened one after another.

A galaxy battleship with a length of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers sailed out.

There were more magic mechas and turrets slowly appeared.

Countless wizards are connected in a series of magic circles, and all the magic power is almost connected together.

It was only a few minutes.

There are hundreds of millions of armed forces gathered in the starry sky, and this force is still increasing dramatically, as if there is no end.

The starry sky is densely covered with stars.


Because the number continues to increase, the probability of being hit by Crazy Rand is naturally much higher.

Many terrifying Dragon Flame Jade bombarded one after another.

The forces of the Baile Gang Empire stepped up to defend themselves against these Dragon Flame Jade.

boom! ! !

As a result, the starry sky shook even more violently.

What an amazing output... The energy contained in each fireball is too terrifying. If calculated according to the level, the terror is level 13.

A titled wizard looked solemn.

Wizards and spellcasters are very similar beings, so spells are naturally divided into different levels.

Moreover, when fighting the world of Io, he absorbed some of the other party's systems and knowledge.

The level division of both sides is almost the same.

At the thirteenth level, it was easy enough to kill ordinary gods, but it was an attack that must be faced seriously by powerful gods and titled wizards!

Although it is not enough to threaten the life of the titled wizard.

But I can’t stand the large quantity!

That dragon launched this attack.

Every second, at least dozens of them are spitting out, just like a machine gun.

The forces of the Bailegang Empire resisted the dragon's random attacks.

Delaying time, the number of troops soon increased to tens of billions.

Among these tens of billions, there are countless battleships and mechas.

It occupies almost half of the solar system.

Just when they want to continue to delay and accumulate more power.

The crazy dragon suddenly stopped.

Slowly turning his head to look at the troops of the Bailegang Empire, he grinned suddenly.

It made the hearts of many wizards who were watching jump.

call out! !

The next moment, the giant dragon was surrounded by dazzling light.

Head straight towards them!

So fast!

Seeing this light, all the wizards couldn't help but think about it.

Really fast.

Without using teleportation, could pure speed be so fast?

The body length of this dragon was originally more than 100 kilometers.

Flying at full speed at this moment, although it did not reach the real beam, it was estimated to be one-tenth of its speed, which was extremely terrifying.

He just sprinted straight towards him.

But it made the entire army feel like they were facing a powerful enemy.

This guy seems to be awake! What should we do?

This guy is most likely related to Rand Safis Oakburn. Do we still want to attack?

A wizard couldn't help but ask.

Continue to do defensive work first. Although more than 90% of the time, the identity of the other party can be identified, but even if there is only a slight chance, we still need to talk.

Once this war starts, it will definitely not be a good thing for the empire.

The current mobilization should also attract the attention of other forces and those king beasts.

The leader is a wizard whose body is covered with mechanical arms. His aura is far stronger than that of other titled wizards.

At His command.

A group of forces from the Legang Empire quickly strengthened the defensive barrier.

At the same time, the leader uses magic to send out the information he wants to negotiate.

The giant dragon that was still flying stopped and grinned when it was still tens of thousands of kilometers away from the power of the Bailegang Empire.

Eyes glowing red:

Wizards of the Baile Gang Empire, we... finally meet again! Do you know how long I have been waiting for this moment?

His words were also carried by magic power and transmitted to the Bailegang Empire's military formation.

It was full of excitement, exhilaration, joy, as well as satisfaction and resentment.

Many wizards looked confused.

The leader even opened his mouth and said:

What do you mean by this? Have we met with Your Excellency?

They did not mention the information that the dragon in front of them might be a relative of Rand.

It's just that the uncertainty in my heart is getting heavier.

You... are really forgetful. It's been six hundred years! A full six hundred years! I was thrown into a black hole by you guys, and I stayed in the dark, eternal black hole for a full six hundred years!

You bunch of bastards! Do you know how I got here in the past six hundred years?

The dragon roared, its voice getting louder and louder, and its mood seemed to become a little unstable.

his words.

After falling, it immediately caused an uproar in the entire military formation.

Been driven into a black hole for six hundred years? Could this dragon be Rand Sapphith Oakburn?

This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

If you fall into a black hole, how can you escape from it? I absolutely don't believe this is true! did this dragon escape from the black hole, and six hundred years later, he could actually grow to this point?

Is there no so-called limit to his growth?

The leading wizard's expression kept changing, feeling that things were worse than initially expected.

Previously, they assumed that each other was the father of Rand Safis Oakburn.

Although fighting is equally likely to occur.

But at least, in their perception, black holes are still invincible.

Just work hard to consume almost all the energy of this dragon, and then continue to penetrate the black hole.

But what now?

This dragon turned out to be Rand Saphis Oakborne himself.

One escaped from the black hole! One end is no longer afraid of black holes! The dragon that conquered the black hole!

This concept is completely different from the former one.

A large number of wizards couldn't help but think about how to defeat and kill this kind of monster?

They are confused!

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