The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 234 The more you fight, the stronger you become

Why! Why can't nine titled wizards deal with this lizard! It's just a lizard from the world of Io... Why on earth?

After being unable to attack for a long time, the self-esteem of the titled wizards was greatly hit, and they roared in anger.

The other titled wizards also looked calm.

Keep calling people over! I don't believe it! If nine doesn't work! Just twelve! If twelve doesn't work, just fifteen! Twenty!

There are more than thirty titled wizards in the Baile Gang Empire! Will he still be unable to deal with a mere dragon?

The other high-ranking ministers all have their own affairs now. They are either in retreat, guarding the territory, or fighting in outer planes. Everyone who can come is now here.

Some titled wizards also responded with a sigh in their voice.

Then what should we do? Is this dragon still going to continue to be rampant! Ugh!

The last titled wizard, while they were communicating, was struck hard by Rand's claw, which broke his heart and let out a scream.

A big hole formed in his entire chest.

Using stars as the main battlefield is very beneficial to this dragon. We must find a way to move the battlefield!

This dragon is not a fool, this is impossible!

Don't be kidding if you want to force transfer! At the core of the star, except for the fire element, no other elements will respond to us.

There is no way... there is no way! As long as we do this...

The last titled wizard said.

When the Final Territory failed, he spit out a beam of energy from his mouth and blasted it into the core of the star!

boom! ! ! !

Under this energy, the entire core exploded with a huge roar and shook slightly.

Large pieces of core material were blown out and thrown away.

The core is constantly vibrating.

The other titled wizards saw this.

They also followed suit.

While dealing with Rand, he continued to pour energy into the core of the star.

Chaotic energy flow.

Let the whole core vibrate more and more powerfully.

This made Rand narrow his eyes and suddenly thought that the size of this star seemed not to be as big as the Blue Star's sun.

It is a 'petite' star.

And stars are too petite.

Nature also represents...

Think of the end.

He was suddenly startled.

Seems to understand what these guys are thinking.

In order to change the battlefield that is unfavorable to oneself.

They want to destroy this star!

Destroying stars is exaggerated and terrifying enough.

But it's not impossible.

Under the energy injection from the nine titled wizards, the posture was already beginning to collapse.

Rand was shocked in his heart and wanted to stop it, but he was unable to do anything.

In the end, I can only watch the core of the star crack and bloom with infinite brilliance.

Buzz! ! ! !

boom! ! !

Although sound cannot be transmitted in the starry sky.

But at this moment, the entire starry sky and the billions of kilometers nearby seemed to be shaking.

The alien beasts watching the battle from a distance seemed to hear the extremely terrifying roar.

Endless light, accompanied by the impact of the star explosion, rages in the starry sky!

The entire star's material flies out in a beam.

Everything along the way was instantly wiped out.


All the strange beasts that were still fighting stopped.

Whether they were wise or not, they all looked up at the sky blankly, their whole expressions dull.

A star was actually destroyed like this...

What a terrifying battle, what a powerful force. Is this a king-level warrior?


The blood bat had long abandoned Rand and was out of the battle. The expression of the iridescent dragon Hindley, who was hiding somewhere, changed drastically.

No one can peer into the center of the explosion through the infinite brilliance.

Until a few minutes passed.

The central area once again experienced the same terrifying explosion impact as before.

The impact one after another quickly dispersed the energy remaining in the star's destruction.

Let the powerful beasts on the planet Dordorus see what's going on inside again.

It was beyond the expectations of many strange beasts.

Even within the explosion of a star.

Rand, and the nine titled wizards, were not dead.

not a single one!

Even now.

Their bodies were all decorated with colors.

The body was mutilated, but it still showed strong vitality and struggled to attack the opponent.

This scene.

Many strange beasts were frightened.

Even the explosion of a star can't kill it!

Is this the king beast?

An explosion of that magnitude, if it were him, he would definitely be killed by the aftermath even if it were thousands, even tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, millions of kilometers away.

The rainbow dragon breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Rand was fine, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel worried again.


After experiencing the explosion just now.

Rand's situation looks even worse!

Rand is a true dragon of the fire element.

It’s still the True Fierce Yang Dragon.

Logically speaking.

The explosion of a star.

For him, the damage was minimal.

There is no doubt about it.

After all, the fire damage from stars has almost no effect on him, but can replenish his energy.

But the impact damage is real.

Rand was struck violently.

In an instant, all the scales on his body collapsed.

The flesh and blood of the entire body was washed away and even disappeared.

After completely accepting the impact of the star, about 20% of his body was even lost.

This kind of injury is considered serious even for Rand.

This caused him to spend a huge amount of energy repairing his body.


Compare Rand.

The titled wizards who had just fully suffered the damage from the star explosion were actually even worse.

Many even lost 90% of their bodies and were almost dead.

But these guys just won’t die.

And he took out some strange things from the alien space, which healed the wounds on the body and even repaired the body at a speed that even Rand couldn't understand.

Rand didn't know what those strange things were.

But he also suddenly realized a problem.

Although his strength at the moment is far beyond that of ordinary king beasts and titled wizards.

He could even fight against nine titled wizards within a star that was favorable to him without losing.

This strength proves his unparalleled power.

But at the same time.

He is in this battle.

A problem was also exposed.

That’s the foundation!

As a 'young' dragon who has lived less than a hundred years so far.

His dragon life, experience, and even power are too shallow.

Apart from his own strength, he actually has nothing to offer.

But these titled wizards are different.

Although their strength is not as good as mine.

But behind them is the entire Bailegang Empire, the number of planes its empire covers, and its total population.

It was simply not something he could have imagined.

Under this high level of civilization, apart from their witchcraft, other extremely prosperous treasures will naturally emerge.

at the moment.

These titled wizards obviously showed him part of it.

And this part.

It completely offset his advantage in resilience and even crushed him.

This directly put Rand at a huge disadvantage.

Without stars as a battlefield, his injuries have not fully recovered, so he continues to be beaten and has more and more wounds.

Hmph! Hahahaha! Lizard! Wasn't it crazy before?

Now continue to show me! come! We're attacking, why are you always on the defensive?

A titled wizard who had been beaten repeatedly by Rand before was overjoyed when he saw that the dragon's defense was far greater than its offense at this moment, but its wounds were still increasing.

Most of the depression from being beaten just now seemed to have dissipated, and he burst into hearty laughter.

You are just a lizard, no matter how strong your personal strength is, you have the Baile Gang Empire as your backing.

Even though we have countless treasures, we have no chance of winning!

Still want to resist? Now you must be thinking about how to escape, right?

This is absolutely impossible!

Now that we are entangled in each other's fields and constantly malfunctioning, you simply don't have enough ability to escape from our hands!

“Die now!

Don’t worry, we will put your body to good use!

A group of titled wizards, in order to vent their frustration just now, kept using words to shake Rand's mind.

But Rand still said nothing about this.

for the current situation.

He was also deeply troubled.

However, it is not yet time to lose.

But he still has a back-up plan.

Fight until now.

Both sides showed real fire.

At this moment, Rand had the idea of ​​killing these wizards in his mind, and his thoughts of escaping had faded a lot.

Immediately, he closed his eyes again.

When opened.

Once again he took a new turn.

boom! ! !

The titled wizard who transformed into a gray-brown giant punched Rand's body.

But something happened that shocked all wizards.

The punch that should have been able to dent the dragon's entire chest for hundreds of meters actually lost some power.

It is only recessed by a few dozen meters.

Then his whole body began to shake violently.

The dragon's almost stiff tail smashed the gray-brown giant's arm into pieces again.

Afterwards, he showed a different attitude from before and quickly launched an attack on many titled wizards, changing the situation.

What's going on? Why is this dragon so strong again? Does he want to fight for his life?

No! He must have used some ability again.

Damn it! I have long heard that dragons are natural warlocks and possess some powerful bloodline abilities.

But this dragon probably has too many planes of ability.

Our attack seems to have been weakened...

No! No! This dragon is absorbing the kinetic energy generated after our attack!

Damn it! It's actually real! His body has the ability to weaken our attacks and absorb that part of the attacks at the same time.

If you have this ability, why didn't you use it at the beginning? Why did you wait until now?

“Being able to fight at our level.

This ability must come at a price! We hold on, he must be the one who dies in the end!

A group of titled wizards became increasingly frightened during the constant battle with Rand.

They fought hard and relied on their advantage in numbers to still have the upper hand.

But on the bright side, the possibility of ending the battle quickly was also lost.

Everything felt like being among the stars again.

However, they firmly believe that this is Rand's deathbed counterattack.

The fighting continued.

The more Rand fought, the more comfortable he became, and the more he fought, the more active he became.

Just now.

He used his stored talent points again and invested them in [Evil God - Immortal Body].

Your [Evil God-Immortal Body] has been strengthened and reacted with your own powerful body.

Advance to the complete body [Immortal Body].

[Immortal Body]: Combining the power of the evil god, the powerful physical power of the True Sun Dragon, and the evolved special physique, it has extremely strong immortality.

As long as the soul and cells are immortal and energy is not lost, they will never be killed.

Similarly, your recovery ability will be greatly improved, and you will be able to quickly absorb all energy and convert it into what you need. (At this moment, your immortality is comparable to that of a real evil god.)

The rampant roar of the dragon echoed in the starry sky.

Soon another day passed.

Rand's energy consumption can almost support entry and exit.

This was also seen by the banned wizards.

Each one of them looked even uglier.

No! It's very wrong!

The aura of this dragon shows no signs of weakening at all, and it continues like this.

There's no way we can kill him!

In a short period of time, no other supporters could be found.

“Is it possible for other ordinary wizards to come to support us?

It does work though.

But if this dragon gives up on us and attacks others in the empire, we will probably suffer heavy losses, which is unacceptable to the empire!

Use that move... Only in this way can we kill this dragon completely.

Just like when we encountered an enemy when we were fighting in another dimension.

This dragon is so weird! In the battle with us, he actually got stronger as we fought.

We can't go on any longer and the outcome must be decided immediately.

Eternal Starlight, who transformed into a giant rabbit, said.

Among so many titled wizards, He still has the decisive say.

When many titled wizards heard this, their eyes flashed slightly.

After that, they didn't say much more. Several of them even seemed to be desperate for their lives. They attacked Rand crazily, activating the domain and disrupting his domain.

The Eternal Starlight was slightly out of the battle and suddenly opened a black crack.

Since this crack appeared, it has continued to expand, swallowing up everyone including Rand almost instantly.

This time.

The alien beasts watching the battle were a little confused.

Why did it disappear?

The results of it?

What will be the result?

Will the wizards win, or will the dragon survive?

Some of the king beasts were originally planning to see if they had a chance to attack the wizard, but now they all came to nothing.

For a moment, they all showed regret.

As for the iridescent dragon.

Her expression began to change again.

Quite a while.

Just disappeared.

Appears in the underground space, the area where the little female dragon Fiona and other dragons are.

A group of dragons were waiting around. After seeing Hindley appear, they surrounded her excitedly.

How's it going? What's going on outside?

Have you been outside for several days?

The little female dragon asked quickly.

After Hindley briefly explained the situation, she said:

Rand told me this before.

If there is an accident, let us protect ourselves temporarily and ensure safety.

Now he has been brought into a different space by those wizards, and his condition is unknown.

We must keep ourselves safe.

Let’s leave this plane first!

When the dragons heard this, they didn't say any more.

Under the arrangement of Rainbow Dragon, leave this plane quickly.

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