The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 217 So terrifying

What is this? What's happening outside?

Commander Eric was shocked and roared.

Captain Pork's expression also changed drastically.

Don't wait for them to say anything more.

The troops who were on guard inside the base had already taken action.

On top of the towering magic towers, which are hundreds of meters high, the light of magic shines, and a shield surrounds the entire base.

In the mountains in the distance, the hidden forts shot out thick beams of thunder, fire, glow, and colorful light pillars one after another towards the giant flame claws.

Bang bang bang!

These light pillars fell on the dragon's claws, like small stones falling into the sea. In addition to splashing with sparks, the moment each small hole was broken, it would be filled with subsequent energy.

Mechas flew out of the shield one after another, resisting like ants under the giant claws of the flames. They looked like warriors ready to die, unnecessarily expanding the field of erasure, trying to fight for life.

The flame giant claw was slowly melted away, but was immediately completed.

No! Not at all! I can't resist it at all. This flame claw must be the spell of some powerful creature.

The energy contained in it is too terrifying. The erasure field we developed cannot eliminate such a huge amount of energy at once...

It takes time, but we simply don’t…”

Commander Eric shouted in horror.

At this time, outside the door, several Dolan Star people who looked like soldiers rushed in, shouting in panic:

Commander in chief! Something bad has happened! The base has been attacked!

You don't need to tell me! I saw it too! Commander Eric yelled.

Commander, please leave here quickly and take refuge underground! It's too dangerous here!

Yes... take shelter! Quick! Take shelter underground!

The commander-in-chief came to his senses and roared again.

A group of people wanted to rush out of the office and head to the nearest short-distance teleportation array.

But at this time, the giant flame claw in the sky was already closer to the entire protective shield.

Those remotely controlled mechas were like moths rushing to the flames. They were blocked by the giant claws of the flames over their own strength, and were crushed one after another and turned into ashes.

Until the entire claw falls on the shield.

Boom! ! !

The entire base began to tremble and shake, but it still resisted the claws.

This made many Blue Star people breathe a sigh of relief.

Perhaps the defensive barrier developed by gathering the wisdom of many Blue Star wise men can withstand this attack?

This scene made many people think in their minds.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the general commander and several others went directly to the nearby short-distance teleportation array, stepped into it, and disappeared.

When they appeared again, they had arrived in a huge metal room filled with cold colors.

Apart from a few of them, there are many Blue Star people here, all walking out of the teleportation arrays that light up one by one.

They looked happy and said with lingering fear:

Fortunately...fortunately we escaped.

“I just don’t know what the situation on the ground will be like and what will happen next.”

I don't know if the defensive barrier can resist that kind of attack.

Let's wait here for now. After a while, we will take a look at the specific situation outside. There is a thousand meters distance between the underground base and the ground. No matter what, we are safe.

Yes, we are safe.

A group of Blue Star people sighed.


But at this moment, bursts of roars and vibrations came again.

This surprised many people:

What's going on? Why is the underground base starting to shake? Is it possible that this place has been attacked?

This should be impossible...

Boom! Boom!

The vibrations came one after another, continuously.

Commander Eric looked at each other and rushed out of the room.

They followed the corridor, quickly arrived at a room, and broke in through the door.

There are screens here, clearly displaying everything on the ground and in the base.

On the big screen in the middle.

What was being projected was the giant flaming claw.

Viewed from the screen, it was far clearer than previously viewed from the ground.

It was precisely because of this that Commander Eric felt a creepy feeling.

Commander Eric knows that the entire base covers an area of ​​approximately 2,000 square kilometers.

It is as big as several county-level cities.

If placed on a multi-blue star, it would be enough for one or two million people to live on it.

And it’s such a big piece of land.

At this moment, the base built thousands of meters underground was slowly uprooted from the earth by the giant claws of flames!

Pieces of soil were melted and even vaporized by the high temperature of the flame claws.

The entire base, protected by the shield, has always been safe and sound.

But precisely because of this, he was tightly grasped by the giant claws.

Like a stubborn stone in a giant claw, it was slowly lifted up into the clouds.

Then he turned around and was held in the claws of a huge dragon claw.

The sky finally cleared at this moment.

Allows Commander Eric in the room to see more of the exterior.

However, after seeing it, his expression became even more ugly.

On the Flame Claw, outside the base's protective shield, I saw a giant dragon that was three to four kilometers long, with four wings, and the body was shining with light like the sun, and a very strange, relatively 'petite' dragon stared at it. covering the entire base.

It's...the dragon within the star! It's really here!

Captain Pork, who was next to Commander Eric, took a deep breath and said with palpitations.

“These guys, do they need to be like this?

Ever since we came to this plane, they have targeted us everywhere! Do you want to fight to the death with us, Blue Star?

Eric directs the airway.

It's not safe here anymore. We need to open the portal and leave this plane.

Captain Pork said.

That's all we can do! Just wait for this damn dragon. We, Blue Star, will come back with revenge sooner or later! Commander Eric gritted his teeth, with a look of annoyance on his face.

My Lord Commander, Lord Captain... I have some bad news that I must tell you.

The space of the entire base and the space to the outer plane have long been blocked. Except within the base, we can carry out space transfer.

There was no way to leave. Indoors, a Dolan Star person said helplessly and fearfully.

This dragon... really has no intention of letting us go...

Several other people took a breath and felt particularly uncomfortable.

Outside the base.

Rand and Hindley were outside the shield, watching everything.

Rand grinned, looking in a very good mood.

The rainbow dragon on the side looked at the giant flaming claw and couldn't help but say:

When did you learn this spell? It seems powerful, but a bit flashy.

You consume too much energy using this spell. If you have time to use this kind of thing, you can cast several spells of the same level.

Hahaha! This is a spell tailor-made for me by one of my former subordinates.

The power is good and the power is also good. As for the magic power consumption you mentioned? This is nothing at all.

I have a lot of magic power, and the current spell only consumes 1% of my magic power.

Rand laughed, unfazed.

One percent? This has already consumed more than ten times of all my magic power. Is it only one percent?

The scales on the rainbow dragon's face trembled slightly, and he was speechless.

The gap between dragons is sometimes really bigger than that between dragons and humans, oh, no, it should be dragons and dogs!

What kind of dragon is this guy Rand?

Isn't it too exaggerated to be strong?

Why does it feel better than hating dragons?

No, I have to firmly control his heart. Ordinary love-dragon relationships are still a bit unreliable.

Although Rand usually seemed to her to be a bit unscrupulous when we got along with him, he seemed like a complete bad guy.

But actually deep down, there are still some bottom lines.

Of course, this bottom line is not deep, just a little bit.

To put it simply, it is not completely bad.

To the point of not talking about dragon love at all.

Stab la la~stab la la~

The barrier protecting the entire Dolan Star base kept making harsh sounds.

Within the boundary.

A group of Blue Star people looked up at the sky, with solemn expressions of despair and fear on their faces.

If you use the evaluation standards of the Io world, none of these Blue Star people have a magic value lower than the level 15 Archmage.

There are a lot of them with legendary level of magic power.

But when they faced Rand, they had no idea of ​​breaking out of the barrier and fighting Rand.

This is pure suicide.

The flames on the giant flame dragon's claws slowly extinguished.

What is left are claws of pure magic power.

Like a giant mage's hand, this giant claw exerted a little force and the five claws closed gently.


The barrier protecting the Dolan Star base began to make an extremely harsh sound, and not long after, it shattered in front of everyone's eyes.

Rand gently flapped his dragon wings and flew above the Dolan Star base, overlooking the entire base.

The terrifying temperature on his body was really transmitted to the base at this time.

Even if Rand is consciously separated by about ten kilometers at this moment, the temperature transmitted is thousands.

The air is constantly twisting.

In Daxia, a high-rise building without barrier protection, various houses began to slowly dissolve.

It turned into wisps of black and red thick liquid like magma.

Thick smoke billowed up.

In this kind of environment.

Those whose magic value did not reach the legendary level would be so hot that they almost died without even having to do anything.

You can only hide in some buildings that still have protective functions, or seek legendary protection.

At this moment, a multi-blue star spellcaster wearing a blue robe flew directly into the sky, came to the opposite side of Rand with a serious expression, and shouted:

Who is your Excellency? Why are you attacking us? I think we have no grudges against you.

His voice was full of courage and not a trace of fear.

In Rand's opinion, at least seven or eight levels of legendary magical power formed a barrier to protect him and resist the high temperature emanating from Rand's body.

No grievances or grudges? You are so Blue Star people, your memory is really bad.

Have you forgotten me, Rand Safis Oakburn, so quickly?

Rand's huge dragon body stood in the sky and spoke slowly.

Although he spoke calmly, his voice turned into a terrifying sonic attack, setting off a violent typhoon.

This typhoon even blew directly into the Duolan Star Base ten kilometers below, making a large number of people feel unbearable.

at the same time.

What he said was also understood by all the Blue Star people.

“Rand Safis Oakbourne?

Has the Lord of Black King City? The dragon of the end? The Destroyer of Worlds, the Black Dragon King with many titles, Rand Sapphith Oakburn?

How can this be?

The spellcaster in front of Rand screamed.

Their memory of Rand was still stuck on the wanted notice of Dawn Sun.

Although Rand had changed a lot at that time.

But compared with now, the difference is still too big.

The difference in body shape is even more difficult for people to associate with each other.

The whole base was in commotion because of this.

underground base.

Commander Eric and others were stunned.

He...he is actually Rand Safis Oakburn?

Are you kidding me? The growth of the dragon before was exaggerated enough.

But what the hell now? How long has it been since we last met? Did he look like this monster?

His growth has increased exponentially...

This kind of monster, if he continues, will surpass the Dawn Sun and the two Dragon Gods, right?

Compared with our progress, it is not bad...

No wonder Chen Xiyang always wanted to kill him...

No wonder the woman in the past said that he was the source of all chaos and would destroy the world into a mess.

Is this kind of exaggerated growth rate possible for living things?

This guy... can our weapons really destroy him?

Commander Eric whispered.

He couldn't help but look up at the ceiling.

There is still a cold metallic color there.

But his gaze seemed to penetrate layers of void.

In the atmosphere of Dordoros, there are several weapon stations that have been prepared.

This is their improved space-based weapon.

Accompanied by silent movements.

One by one, the muzzles of the guns were poked out.

Twisting, aiming at the giant dragon that was at least a million kilometers away at the moment.

The thunder was flowing and shining, and was blessed by a huge silver-gray metal rod in the muzzle.

boom! ! ! !

With a final roar.

The entire platform exploded.

A terrifying thunder light exploded.

The metal rod shot straight towards the target dragon with an endless cloud of sonic booms that could not be counted with the naked eye.

Like a ray of light.

The initial speed of this light even exceeded one hundred kilometers per second!

As it falls, it continues to accelerate! accelerate! Speed ​​up!

The entire tip of the metal rod began to turn red, as if it was about to melt.

After traveling hundreds of thousands of kilometers, this stick even accelerated to three to four hundred times the speed of sound!

And at this moment.

The big screen in the underground base suddenly showed the scene of these metal sticks falling.

Please! You must hit! This is the last and only hope. Otherwise, all of us will die here... Please make sure to hit!

Commander Eric murmured softly.

The last thing he wanted to see at the moment was for the dragon Rand Safis Oakburn to discover their attack.

However, whatever you are afraid of, come back.

Rand on the screen seemed to feel something, and looked up at the sky.

He! Found it! It's over!

Commander Eric was shocked and said in a low voice, the light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

The metal rod at this moment is preferably tens of thousands of kilometers away from the target.

The dragon Rand Safis Oakburn is fully capable of evading.


Something even more unexpected happened to Commander Eric.

Even if you see the metal stick falling.

The dragon Rand Safis Oakburn actually stayed where he was, indifferent.

Aren't you going to dodge? An attack at this speed is terrifying, enough to penetrate a planet in an instant.

The rainbow dragon Hindley on the side also noticed the fall of the space-based weapon and couldn't help but ask.

She could clearly feel the power of this weapon.

If it fell on her, she would have to shed a layer of skin even if she died.

If these several were hit at the same time, death would be certain.

Did you know? The fastest way to defeat an enemy is to ravage the opponent completely in the area where they are most proud and proud.

And this is what I like to do the most.

Use invincible power to crush those weak guys and admire their despair and fear.

This is the best compliment to strength.

That kind of expression is really beautiful, hum hum hum ~ ha ha ha ha!

Rand said, unable to hold back his laughter.

Watch carefully! This is the true power of me, Rand Safis Oakburn!

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