The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 215 Awakening, Eternal Sun Dragon

The long-dormant Dolan Stars finally extended their claws towards the star where Rand slept.

The result was naturally repulsed by the Rainbow Dragon.

Being able to repel the rainbow dragon with all their strength near the base does not mean that they can easily defeat the rainbow dragon.

This failure did not frustrate the Dolan Star people.

Instead, he determined that there must be some amazing treasure within the star.

And the iridescent dragon that keeps destroying and stopping them is the guardian of the treasure.

In this way, every six months, they would send troops to test the stars.

But every time, he was repelled by the rainbow dragon.

Until, two years later.

Outside the star, a war broke out again.

At this time, Hindley, the rainbow dragon, was fighting with the Dolan Stars.

After two and a half years of development, these guys have reached a new level of strength.

Unexpectedly, only a thousand mecha warriors were dispatched on the surface of the star, and together with two spaceships, they managed to hold down the rainbow dragon in a short time.

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

Even the rainbow dragons are not allowed to keep their minds on the battlefield.

Didn't pay attention at all, the back side of the star.

Another spaceship appeared making a space jump.

The hatch of the spacecraft opened, and fire elements were released one by one into the star.

These fire elements are all intelligent beings who have been contracted by many Blue Stars. They clearly know the purpose of this trip.

Passed through the corona, chromosphere, photosphere, troposphere, and radiation zone.

Until it slowly falls towards the sun's core.

boom! !

boom! ! boom! ! !

Nuclear fusion reactions took place here one after another, and explosions continued.

Endless dazzling light erupted in a certain area of ​​the sun's core.

Impact after impact, radiation overflowed.

The fire elements are still about 10,000 kilometers away from the sun's core.

Great scorching fire...are we...going to obey the orders of those humans and continue going deeper?

A fire elemental body about five meters tall, with an orange glow all over its body, was gushing with flames. He stabilized his body and did not dare to continue downward. Instead, he asked one of the fire elementals.

Although they are fire elements, they are absolutely immune to fire damage.

But they are not immune to the impact and radiation damage after the explosion!

That kind of terrifying explosion under the body, if it fell directly on the body, wouldn't it directly blow away the elemental body and explode the core?

And the pressure of the sun's core is not so easy to withstand. If left for a long time, their cores will also rupture.

Things...are not good...if we can't complete this mission.

Those damn Blue Star people won't let us go.

These damn bastards actually dare to enslave the great fire element. Sooner or later, the torrent of flames will burn everything owned by those damn bastards.

The fire element located in the middle, with fire wings on one end, like a bird, replied.

The words that reached the soul were full of anger.

We must think of a way to at least see clearly what is shrouded in endless light. Only in this way can we deal with those bastards.

But if we approach directly, we won't be able to withstand such an explosion...

Wait, maybe we don't need to do this. It would be safer to land directly on the Japanese core and then drill into the Japanese core...

This... can only be like this. We must be as quick as possible. Everyone should be careful about core rupture.

Although the Japanese core continues to undergo nuclear fusion, its own gravity has always been very good at neutralizing it, making the entire Japanese core relatively stable.

Ordinary areas are far less explosive than the target area of ​​these fire elements this time.

As long as they are more careful, they are still confident that they can survive in the Japanese core.

Several fire elements figured this out and immediately took action.

One by one, they fell along the outside of the violent explosion area until they were above the sun's core. They got into it and began to follow the central area of ​​the explosion.

They penetrate into the core of the sun.

After passing through the endless fields of light and heat and avoiding wave after wave of explosions.

They finally arrived at the core area.

In the very center, there is a dragon lying!

That’s right! Just a dragon.

An extremely huge dragon, far bigger than a mountain, and bigger than ninety-nine percent of the fire element lords they had in mind.

This dragon is weird.

It was a dragon they had never seen in their long, hundreds of years of life.

It lay sprawled on its back on the sun's core, its entire body slightly sinking into it.

The terrifying nuclear reaction cannot harm it at all, but instead turns into streams of pure energy and pours it into the dragon's body.

Every dragon scale of the giant dragon is absorbing energy.

The color of the whole body is like a star, and even blends into it completely.

The scales on the entire body are constantly accompanied by explosions, blooming with more blazing light, transforming from red to dazzling pure white.

This dragon's body is releasing huge amounts of energy, just like a small star.

Absorb, release, absorb, release.

The dragon in front of him was repeating this cycle unconsciously.

Within a thousand kilometers around, it was a mess and the energy was unstable.

Is this what it's all about?

A fire elemental said in disbelief.

When you were in other planes, have you ever heard of dragons that can sleep in the core of the sun?

How could you have heard of it! Even the Dragon Gods from the Io plane can't do it, right?

This may be a pure fire element, but it looks like a dragon. It is not a flesh-and-blood creature...

A group of fire elements murmured, unable to hide their shock.

Not good! The next round of explosions is coming soon! Everyone, hide in the Japanese core to avoid it!

A fire elemental realized something was wrong and yelled quickly.

Remind other partners to get into the core of the sun.

Feeling the gentle vibration throughout the core, it took a long time to get out.

The dragon in the center seemed to have suffered some damage in the explosion just now. Visible to the naked eye, drops of bright red blood dripped from its body and merged into the sun's core.

But soon, he will be healed.

God of Elements! What did I see just now? Blood?

Is this blood? The blood of flesh-and-blood creatures?

This guy is not a pure elemental life? But a life of flesh and blood?

Why can it withstand temperatures of tens of millions of degrees?

When the fire elements saw the scene in front of them, the whole element was almost stunned.

His core shook violently, almost breaking his body.

Everything in front of it far exceeded its common sense.

No matter what! Let's leave first and report everything we see to the Dolan Star people. This way we can communicate easily and complete the mission. We can return to the fire elemental plane as soon as possible.

ah! damn it! The pressure on the core is so heavy that my core is about to burst!

A fire elemental couldn't help but scream.

Its entire flame body has almost no weight.

But the soft round core in the center slowly cracked under the terrifying pressure, making its body about to collapse, and it looked really miserable.

But actually this is considered good.

Among the fire elemental beings, only elemental beings like them, which are extremely pure, do not contain any impurities, and even have almost no weight, can survive in the sun's core.

They are the carefully selected prospectors of the Dolan Stars.

If the people who come to explore this time are other creatures such as lava giants, even if they can survive the high temperature of the outside world, they will be destroyed by the heavy pressure of the sun's core and the suppressed divine form.

The other fire elements didn't look much better than this one. After hearing this, they immediately said:

Then leave quickly, I swear, when I go back, I will never answer a call again.

Recently, it feels like the outside world is getting harder and harder to interact with. Really, if we don’t leave quickly, we might all die here.

Several fire elements muttered and prepared to leave.

As a result, there was another change.

Among the giant dragon scales that shocked the elements, dazzling pure white clean fire elements slowly emerged.

It is filled with extremely violent energy, just like the dragon next to it.

They were like small Q-version dragons, staring at them with burning eyes.

This is also a fire element?


These strange elements make strange sounds.

The fire elementals couldn't understand.

This is not the language of their elements, nor is it the voice of the soul with magic.

They cannot be understood well.

But you can also feel a trace of hostility from it.

next moment.

Open your mouth and spit out these strange elements.

It spit out small balls of pure white light and blasted them towards the fire elements.

It contains extremely exaggerated fire power.

But the fire elements didn't pay much attention.

But he was thinking about himself and wanted to leave.

It wasn't until they approached the body and these light balls bloomed again that the fire elements suddenly realized that something was wrong.

A violent explosion roared.

Like several nuclear bombs being detonated, the strong impact instantly tore these fire elements apart, shattering their cores and turning them into fly ash.

Then, these light-like elemental creatures slowly re-entered the dragon's scales.

It was as if nothing had ever happened.

Beyond the stars.

Originally, they were still with the mecha troops fighting the rainbow dragon.

Among the spaceships that assist in the battle.

Several Blue Star people were shaken all over.

One of them said:

Something seems to be wrong! The fire elemental I contracted with is dead!

Me too!

The unexpected happened.

Were they killed before they landed inside the star, or were they killed inside the star?

The news has just come that the fire elements were successfully sent into the star, so they perished within the star.

Doesn't this mean that there are living things within the star?

Is it possible that in that realm where brilliance is constantly erupting, it is like this because there are living creatures living there?

Not necessarily, maybe the guardian guarding the treasure?

No matter what, our operation this time is considered a failure. Let's leave and wait for the next operation.

These Blue Star people discussed for a while and then evacuated the battlefield one by one.

When Rainbow Dragon Eye saw the enemy retreating, he also left. From the beginning to the end, because his energy was tied up, he did not notice that the intruder had already set foot in the core of the sun.

The retreat of the Dolan Star people is only temporary.

Their strong thirst for knowledge does not allow them to give up halfway on the road to discovering the truth and the unknown.

From now on, even every month, fire elements will be tentatively dispatched to the Sun Core to check the situation.

But without exception.

All gone without return.

Until a few years later.

Several Blue Star people took advantage of the main force to contain the rainbow dragon, and once again threw the fire elements into the stars.

This time is different.

All of them were in high spirits.

His eyes were full of confidence.

This comes from the identity of the fire element they sent this time.

A lord from the elemental plane of fire!

It has an epic fifth level level.

This fire element lord was conquered by design at a great cost.

It was specifically designed to complete any unfinished exploration day that lasted for several years.

They firmly believe that this time it will be done.

Their gazes seemed to penetrate through the layers of sun and fell on the core.


A flame giant with a height of more than 200 meters was slowly emerging from the core of the sun with a batch of fire elements.

He looked at the sleeping dragon in the center with some astonishment.

Quite a while.

The flame giant was a little shocked and said:

“Is it this giant dragon that has allowed the despicable Dolan Star people to return without success for several years?

This dragon looks very strong. If it were a normal collision, maybe even I would die.

But luckily, the dragon is sleeping now.

It seems that I am saved.

Now I have to leave quickly, and then report the matter to the despicable guy from Duolan Star to terminate the contract.

The flame giant secretly thought in his heart and had a plan.

Without staying even for a moment, he wanted to get into the core of the sun and prepare to retreat.

Unexpectedly at this time.

The giant dragon that was sleeping opened its eyes without any warning.

The pair of dragon eyes were red, with a hint of pure white light.

Even in the dazzling light surrounding it, it appears extremely conspicuous.

This gaze stared blankly at the fire element giant who was preparing to sneak into the core of the sun.

For a while.

The surrounding high-temperature airflow seemed to have stopped flowing.

The flame giant's body also froze at this moment.

Both sides looked at each other.

a long time.

The giant dragon in the eyes of the flame giant slowly opened its mouth, yawned lazily, stood up from the core of the sun, bent its waist, like a lazy cat that had just woken up, stretched out its arms as if no one else was around. A lazy waist.

At this moment, the fire element giant quickly penetrated into the sun's core and disappeared.

There was no trace of the dragon or Rand trying to catch up.

He just murmured:

Well... I had a good sleep this time.

Finally no one came to disturb me.

Oh, that’s not right. It seems that the element from before was still close to it?

Heh, it seems that Hindley's female dragon is nothing more than that.

No small thing can be done well.

Fortunately I woke up early.

Rand muttered.


A strange sound sounded, and Rand watched in amazement as pure white elements with strange appearances, like Q-version dragons, emerged from his scales.

There are hundreds of these elements in total.

They stretched out their short little paws, held hands together, and kept spinning around Rand, flying around and making excited chirps.

Dad! Dad! Dad!

Somehow, Rand seems to be able to hear the call of these strange elements.

He couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Why do you call me daddy?

Landro asked a little confused.

Dad! It's just dad, there's no reason why.

“We were born because of our father. In his mind, the male is the father and the female is the mother.

Dad is male, so dad is dad.

The little ones kept shouting.

Rand was even more confused.

But immediately, he remembered the [Life Magnetic Field] before sleeping.

[Life Magnetic Field]: Your extremely powerful physique makes your body full of vitality that ordinary creatures cannot imagine. The special magnetic field formed by these vitality has extraordinary effects.

He did not awaken any other great talents before falling asleep, only this one talent mutated.

Rand suspected that this was the root of it all.

This should be considered a good thing?

Picking up a bunch of sons for nothing? No, it should be a subordinate.

Well, when I get a chance, it should be necessary to correct the names of these little things.


Rand glanced at his attribute panel.

At this moment, his attribute panel has changed a lot after sleeping.

above the panel.

There's even a line of prompts.

He had not received such a reminder before in his deep sleep.

Now start taking a closer look.

You have perfectly absorbed the power of the sun, and the [Intermediate Sun Body] has been upgraded to the [Advanced Sun Body].

Your race has been changed to [Eternal Sun Dragon].

Because your race has been advanced, your physical growth will be increased by an additional 20 points, and your magic power growth will be increased by an additional 10 points.

Due to the change in race, your need for nutrients is even greater. Every point of your physical growth and magic growth will be compensated.

You absorbed the power of the sun while sleeping...and your growth was greatly increased...

【Player Panel】

Race: Dragon (Eternal Sun Dragon)

Physical growth: 256+【150】

Magic growth: 27

[Advanced Sun Body]:

Your body is like a rising star, with nuclear fusion reactions occurring inside it all the time.

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