The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 211 The meeting of the female dragons

“Don’t be so harsh, those guys from Duolan Star are not comparable to the group of mortals from Io World.

They're growing so fast that I can't even imagine.

They are studying this area far beyond the level of normal life.

He seems to have a special talent.

Green Dragon Andrea said.

So what? Do we really want the great Red Dragon Queen to retreat like this? Are you kidding me?

The little female dragon was still unhappy, and kept spewing hot air from her nostrils, boiling the surrounding seawater until hot bubbles continued to appear.

“The battle between the Dolan Stars and the Evil God is still going on.

Maybe... we can introduce the Evil God to Dolan Star and move the battlefield there to see if those bastards still dare to use powerful weapons to attack their own planet?

Hmm...this might be a way.

The little female dragon's eyes lit up and she was ready to agree.

The current battle between them and the Duolan Star people is the only disadvantage they have. The opponent has those powerful weapons. Once fired, they are comparable to eleventh and twelve-ring spells. How can ordinary creatures withstand them?

Tenth-level spells and nine-level spell-level weapons are even more popular.

At this time.

Several dragons seemed to sense something.

He suddenly raised his head.

Their sight spans thousands of meters and penetrates layers of darkness.

in sea water.

A humanoid machine completely covered in machinery stared at him.

Oops! It's a smart mecha from a Blue Star, and we were discovered!

The little black dragon Ed said nervously.

These bastards, how come they are everywhere, and they even dare to come to the deep sea. The evil god Lowns is actually able to put them in his territory.

The little female dragon Fiona cursed and looked extremely unhappy.

“Fiona, don’t let it bother us!

We must leave this plane.

Listen to me and go find Rand. Only there will we be safe.

Blue Dragon Tara said nervously.

Don't speak to me in a commanding tone! You are just my subordinate!

The little female dragon curled her lips, but still flicked her dragon tail and swam upward to protect herself in front of the other dragons.

The other dragons quickly began to activate the teleportation circle that had been prepared long ago.


The smart mecha's pair of electronic eyes kept flashing.

The next moment, he directly raised a giant firearm in his hand, which was almost two meters long as his height, and shot downwards.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Bullets were fired from the barrel one after another, ignoring the resistance of the water and shooting towards several dragons at an alarming speed.

Just this kind of thing? Who do you want to deal with? A piece of junk! If you are not afraid of the space-based weapons and railguns behind you.

This Red Dragon Queen will definitely turn you into scrap metal!

The little female dragon cursed and suddenly spread its wings.

The wingspan of the little female dragon at this moment was nearly two hundred meters.

Every bullet was blocked by it.

At most, it only leaves tiny bullet marks.

There were also a few ones with tricky angles, but they were also swept down by her tail.


A portal appeared on the bottom of the sea, and Ed dragons got into it one after another and disappeared.

The little female dragon blocked a few more bullets and got in.

The portal then disappeared.

After being stunned for a moment, the electronic robot slowly came to the portal and waited.

Not long after.

Robots of different shapes also appeared.

They all gathered near the portal.

A somewhat calm male voice came from one of the phones:

Is this here? The place where those dragons disappeared? Have you finished collecting the data coordinates of the plane portal?

Captain! It has been collected. It is not any world in our database.

A new world? It's no wonder.

But since the new world can accommodate these dragons, there should be no hindrance to us.

You mean, we're going to explore the world on the other side?

Of course, this world is protected by the Io barrier, and we are absolutely safe.

Our current combat power may not be enough to deal with an epic creature like Fiona's dragon, but escape will not be a problem.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Just go to the other side and explore. It is enough to collect the information and pass it back.

The captain said.

The mechanical arm was stretched out, and the blue light on it shone.

Soon, a portal appeared.

This group of robots stepped into it one by one.

None of their true bodies have appeared. They are just a group of remotely controlled electronic machines.


Among the mountains.

After the little female dragon Fiona and several other dragons emerged from the portal, they were all suppressed by gravity and groaned in discomfort.

It's so heavy. The gravity here is at least ten times that of Io's world.

In a place like this, I feel like I can't fly for long.

Ah...what a disgusting feeling.

However, the air here seems to contain extremely high and rich energy. Just breathing it in makes me feel comfortable all over.

Aw~ Fake! Look at the sky, you guys. How big is that bird? It's at least two to three hundred meters away, right? It looks so strong.

Has Rand actually been living here all this time? Isn't there any danger in it?

A group of dragons observed the surrounding situation with some surprise.

Stop talking so much nonsense and get in touch with Rand quickly.

While the dragons were amazed, Tarana recalled what she had said when she met Rand's clone in the world of Io.

Silently he came to a mountain and patted it gently.

Dong dong dong~

An unusual sound came out.

Tarana glanced to the side and said:

It should be right here. Such a profound illusion, it can even blind our True Dragon's Eyes.

As she spoke, she walked sideways, stepped towards the mountain and entered through it, and then motioned for the other dragons behind her to follow.

A group of dragons quickly disappeared.

They followed the passage in the mountain all the way down.

Come to an underground world full of cold air and filled with a large number of animal limbs and organs.

The atmosphere here is a bit eerie and scary. The dim lights are shining, and there seems to be a ghost wandering around.

The little female dragon Fiona, a giant fire dragon, felt a little uncomfortable. She shuddered and couldn't help but trembled:

Hey, hey, hey! Did you remember correctly? This is the contact point Rand left for us before?

Why don’t I feel like it! Rand and I are the same red dragon. How could we like such a dark and cold place?

And with his own energy, he will definitely turn this place into a high-temperature area.

My memory is absolutely correct. Maybe Rand just left temporarily.

Hey Fiona, what's your expression? You're a dragon, how can you be afraid of this?

You are an epic and powerful being, why are you so timid?

A group of dragons spoke, somewhat mockingly.

Shut up! You weaklings have no right to laugh at me! How dare you say, don't blame me for beating up the dragon!

The little female dragon said angrily.

As true dragons, even if they deliberately suppress their laughter.

But their huge bodies still make their voices loud enough.

Dragon language echoed in the underground world.


A purple-haired angel appeared out of thin air.

A pair of eyes looked at the dragons present.

Angel? Why are there angels here?

The little female dragon stared at the angel with a look of surprise.

But he immediately showed a ferocious smile:

Well! No matter what, it just so happens that the gods of the morning sun are not happy, so this angel is just for a snack! It's thin-skinned and tender, and it looks like it tastes good!

The little female dragon kept a fierce expression and slowly walked towards the angel.

Are you Fiona Saffyth Oakbourne?

The angel in front of him said coldly.

Oh? You actually know the name of this dragon? That's right. After all, I am now an epic level strong man. I am a famous strong man in the entire Io world. It is natural for me to be transferred to the outer plane. .

I should be wanted everywhere by that bastard Dawn Sun just like Rand now, right? These gods are also afraid of me!

The little female dragon stopped and instinctively hugged its forelimbs, showing a proud look.

Since you know my name, you must also know my strength. Go ahead and commit suicide. In this way, I may let your soul return.

I heard Rand say before that he has a sister named Fiona, who is not very smart, has no strength and likes to pretend.

Looking at it today, the description is really apt.

The angel in front of him said with a smile.

These words made the little female dragon furious, and a large amount of hot breath came out of her nostrils.

Piles of water vapor appeared around the excitement.

But right away.

She seemed to realize something was wrong.

Do you know Rand? Have you heard him talk about me? Who are you? What is your relationship with Rand?

I am Hindley Okdom Della, a member of the iridescent dragon clan from the plane of Io.

Relationship with Rand? A love dragon? spouse? I don’t know what the specific relationship is, but that’s it anyway.

Rainbow dragon?

Love dragon? Spouse?

Fiona and the dragons exclaimed, their expressions changed drastically.

Some were surprised by Hindley's race, while others were surprised by her relationship with Rand.

Especially the female dragons in Tara, it felt like the world had collapsed.

They all showed expressions of disbelief: could this happen...We have been with Rand for so long, and we are not his love dragons. Why should you and him be love dragons! This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Lying to the dragon! This is lying to the dragon! How could Rand accept a dragon casually!

He is not an affectionate dragon at all, he is a dragon who insists on chastity and regards beautiful dragons as dirt!

Several female dragons couldn't accept the reality and roared somewhat madly.

Strange reaction... Rand, is this necessary for accepting a dragon?

You guys look pretty good, but is this reaction because Rand hasn't accepted you yet?

It's really strange. When I was with him, I felt that his desire was quite strong.

Why didn't I touch you?

Wait... I seem to understand something... You are too weak, right?

The temperature of Rand's body fluid is too high for you to bear?

Didn't say a few words.

Hindley showed a look of understanding.

These few words directly caused several female dragons to break their defenses.

Each one was furious, and regardless of the strength of the legendary dragon in front of them, they pounced directly.

But in the end, it turned out that these female dragons were easily taken care of by Hindli, and all the dragon heads fell into the soil, their limbs kept swinging, and they whined sadly.

The little female dragon on one side had her pupils narrowed.

The battle just started and ended just as quickly. .

The rainbow dragon just used the power of his heart and mind to kill all the dragons in Tara instantly.

This is completely a dimensional difference.

Maybe it doesn't take much effort to kill her instantly.

Thinking of this, she immediately raised her lips and said with a smile:

Oops! Oops! It turns out to be my sister-in-law! My sister-in-law is indeed a rainbow dragon, a legendary dragon species. She is very powerful. She is much stronger than these useless guys!

From now on, I will hang out with my sister-in-law! Sister-in-law, remember to cover me!

That's what he said.

But in fact, the little female dragon was extremely unhappy.

As someone who aspires to become the Red Dragon Queen, she doesn't want anyone around her to surpass her except Rand.

This made her determined to ask Rand for more blood to make herself stronger.

She had used Rand's Blood with all the dragons.

But in fact, the effect between her and Ed is the best.

The growth rate will also be faster than that of ordinary dragons.

The little female dragon guessed that this was because they were Rand's siblings and could better integrate the energy in their blood.

This also gave her the confidence to catch up with the female dragon in front of her.

Well, of course, there is also Dorothy's relationship.

The little black dragon Ed immediately expressed his friendship to the rainbow dragon.

This group of dragons finally met for the first time.

But right away.

The expression of rainbow dragon Hindley changed.

She waved with one hand.

In the void in front of him, a mirror appeared.

What is displayed in the mirror is clearly the situation in the outside world.

At the portal that the little female dragon and other dragons just opened.

Another portal opened.

There, mecha warriors filed out one after another.

Look at these mecha warriors.

The little female dragon raised her eyebrow armor:

These guys are really smart. They dare to chase them here. They are really looking for death! Let me kill them!

After the little female dragon said that, she was ready to return to the ground and deal with these guys.

But at this time Hindley stopped her.

Ignore it, just let them do whatever they want. No matter where they come from, they will never cause any trouble as long as they are in Dordorus.

Oh? So confident?

You can take a good look. Maybe these little things will allow us to see an interesting drama.

Rainbow Dragon said.

Several dragons began to watch the live broadcast quietly.

This group of mecha warriors numbered at least dozens.

They observed the area for a while and then began to explore outside.

Soon they encountered a centipede that was nearly a hundred meters long. After a fierce battle between the two sides, the weapons in the hands of the mecha warriors kept shooting at the centipede.

Improved bullets and lasers that are usually difficult for even ordinary legendary dragons to withstand were not effective when shot at this centipede.

It just shoots out small black holes and bloody holes, making the centipede scream in pain.

The battle between the two sides lasted for more than ten minutes, and the mecha troops finally won by relying on their numerical advantage.

This is not over yet.

After the centipede dies.

A strange bird song sounded from the sky.

A strange bird with a wingspan of more than 100 meters and three heads suddenly swooped down.

The three heads opened their mouths and sprayed out three bolts of lightning, which directly hit the three mechas and almost exploded on the spot. They waited in place for a long time.

The two sides fought another battle over this.

Half an hour later.

The mecha troops that just arrived lost nearly half of them.

These two monsters are pretty strong, aren't they? What are their origins?

Fiona asked with a grin.

Seeing Duolanxing's mecha crumpled, the little female dragon was in a good mood.

What's the origin? It's just ordinary blood food with nothing special about it.

In the whole Dordorus, there are not tens of millions, but millions.

Rainbow Dragon said indifferently.

Huh? Huh? There are not tens of millions... but there are also millions?

I think the two monsters just now have almost legendary strength, right? Is this just ordinary blood food? Millions?

The little female dragon was a little stunned.

At most, it can be regarded as a relatively high-end ration. In this world, it is a low-level epic-level creature. If it does not have strong life-saving capabilities, it will be at risk of dying at any time.

Rainbow Dragon thought for a moment and changed his words.


The little female dragon was speechless for a moment. Her pride as an epic was instantly shattered.


The mecha troops, which had just experienced two battles, stood in front of the corpses of two strange beasts.

Discuss with each other.

“These two monsters are really not weak.

According to the standards of the Io world.

That centipede should be around two legendary levels, right?

These three heads, eagles that can spit lightning, are at least legendary level four or five.

In this world, it is so easy to meet...

It seems this is an extremely dangerous world.

“But it’s also a world of opportunities.

You know, I just checked some of these two corpses, and they are rich in special energy and are extremely active.

The mysterious energy in this world is almost ten times that of Io's world.

If you can practice magic here, the progress will be at least ten times that of the Io world.

There must be some valuable materials in a place like this.

We must stabilize in this world and build a base of our own! Then slowly eat away at the world.

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