The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 194 I need new talents

Its voice sounds extremely pleasant and somewhat naughty.

It's somewhat similar to Fiona's little female dragon.

After disgusting him, the deer-headed monster turned his attention to Rand, looked him up and down and said:

Are you a true dragon from the Io plane? It's really rare. I've heard of it. Isn't your plane the most afraid of our world?

What is the name of God's Forbidden Zone?

Tsk, tsk, tsk~ What a bunch of ridiculous guys.

A group of guys who are obviously not particularly strong but claim to be gods? ridiculous! ridiculous!

This monster was chattering, but it didn't show the slightest intention to attack.

This made Rand feel relieved.

The monster in front of him just appeared in front of him in an instant, showing extremely excellent teleportation ability. This kind of monster was the one he hated to face the most.

Regardless of his strength, it would be difficult for Rand to kill his opponent easily.

However, he was not afraid of the other party, so with some tentative mentality, he asked:

It seems that you know a lot about the plane I'm in. Have you met any of my kind before?

You can say so.

I have never seen any of your five-color dragons, but I have seen a rainbow dragon.

They are all proud and arrogant fools.

The monster said with some disgust.

What? You have a bad relationship with her? Rand asked again.

Her? I didn't tell you whether that guy was female or male, but you actually called her her? It seems you know her?

The deer-headed monster's eyes changed.


Rand paused, realizing that he had been exposed.

But there is still no trace of nervousness:

The Rainbow Dragon belongs to the legendary dragon species in my world. Is there anything strange about knowing something about her?

Instead, you are standing here chatting with me. What do you want to do?

Hehehe~ The reason? It's very simple. I see that you are quite big and I think you are quite strong. I am planning to invite you to join my alliance.

The deer-headed monster chuckled.

Join you? Alliance? What good will I gain from this?

Benefits? Isn't following us your biggest benefit?

That wizard just now was from the Baile Gang Empire, right? You beat him until only his head was left.

Now he dies in your hands again.

You have long been on the blacklist of the Bailegang Empire. If you don't settle here, you will be captured and used as a slave.

I guess you don’t want to be a slave and lose your freedom, right?

The deer-headed monster's expression revealed confidence.

That's interesting, but I don't know much about your place. You can give me a good introduction, as well as the so-called alliance.

Even Dordorus doesn't know about it. It seems that he is indeed a newbie who has just arrived!

The deer-headed monster murmured, looking even more delighted.

She gently raised her four hooves, walked in the void, walked around Rand and said:

“It’s okay to introduce it to you.

Dordorus is the world of the strong.

The strongest among them is called the King Beast.

Oh, by the way, you don’t seem to know what a king beast is, right? This level is equivalent to the title of wizard, the true god level of your plane.

Each king beast occupies a territory of its own and has its own power.

This force is called the Alliance.

There are thirteen alliances in Dordorus.

Divided into thirteen areas.

The alliance I am in is called the Star Kun Alliance, and it is ruled by the great Star Kun Eater Kun, the leader of the alliance.

Xingkun, do you know what kind of existence it is?

This is a powerful existence born in the star core.

Possessing the power of breaking stars with a roar and swallowing all things.

How about it? Want to join us?

With Shi Kun and me watching over you, you'll be safe in Dordorus.


After hearing this, Rand fell silent slightly.

Unconsciously, he glanced inside the planet and saw the monster that was tens of thousands of meters long and floated slowly like a giant whale:

Is this the Star Kun Eater Kun you mentioned?

When the deer-headed monster heard this, they looked over together and nodded proudly.

Yes, this is the leader of the Eater Kun Alliance, one of the most powerful king beasts. For a true dragon like you, he can roar you to death with just one voice.

Rand did not answer the deer-headed monster's words. After thinking for a while, Rand said:

According to what you said, there are many alliances here. Why should I join you? Every alliance has a so-called leader. Who is not joining?

No matter what, at least the benefits should be clearly explained, right?

What you are hesitating about is probably not a black factory, right? Want me to know how to work?

Black... black factory?

The deer-headed monster stuttered a little.

In the exchanges between the two parties, the black factory was actually translated into a meaning similar to the black alliance.

The deer-headed monster can fully understand the meaning.

This made her extremely angry and said:

Stop talking nonsense here! How can our alliance be a black factory?

The great Kun-eating alliance leader has the best temper among all alliance leaders and will never eat his own men!

You never eat your own men? Can this be considered an advantage?

Rand was speechless.

Why isn't this an advantage? Have you seen that World Snake?

This guy is also the leader of a force, but he doesn't care about his alliance at all. He eats every creature he sees. Several cadres in the alliance have been eaten!

And that sunbird.

When he has nothing to do, he likes to fly to the ground and cook barbecue. Although he won't kill the cadres, most of the ordinary guys will end up in his stomach.

This is not the reason why I have to join your alliance.

Rand again refused.

You don't want to join the alliance of the iridescent dragon Hindley Oakdom Della, do you?

The deer head has a strange meaning.

That's not a bad idea, Rand said softly.

You're looking for a fight!

The deer-headed monster became angry and instantly became evil.

Yell loudly.

The figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Rand. His claws suddenly stepped on Rand's chest!

Peng! !

Rand's entire dragon was kicked out without any force, smashing a series of meteorites at dozens of times the speed of sound.

Not waiting for him to respond.

The opponent flashed up behind Rand again, and when he wanted to kick him, it was not until this moment that Rand suddenly counterattacked, swung his dragon wings hard, and slapped him over!

call out!

Unfortunately, the deer-headed monster disappeared again.

Appeared in front of Rand and kicked out with his claw again.

She was elusive, disappearing, reappearing, and kicking Rand in the face.

Her afterimages are constantly appearing in the entire void.

This guy's space ability is stronger than the previous one, Lathander's Thirty-Eight Stars!

Repeat this for a long time.

Rand was furious.

Although the opponent's kicks and blows caused minimal damage to him under the protection of the dragon scales, having him treated like a sandbag and constantly beaten still made Rand, who already had a bad temper, become furious.

At the same time, he also discovered that many of the enemies he faced now had this troublesome ability to move in space, but he didn't have a good way to deal with them.

Of course, he can learn similar teleportation spells, but his huge size will inevitably multiply the energy required for each teleportation.

Most of these monsters that can teleport have innate abilities, and the consumption may be minimal.

Wouldn't it be fun to compete with the opponent for this kind of ability?

It seems that I can only use that one...

Rand suddenly closed his eyes.

The deer-headed monster who was still kicking Rand at this moment saw this and sneered:

Hey, hey, hey! Are you giving up now? I thought you were very powerful from the look on your face, but this is what happened? With your strength, it seems there is no need to invite you to join my alliance!

bump! !

Rand was kicked away again, smashing into large pieces of meteorite.

After a moment, open your eyes.

Field of Silence! Expand!

he shouted in a low voice.


The void rumbles.

With Rand as the center, the surrounding ten kilometers seemed to be swept away by a breeze, and all trace elements and alien energy were swept away.

Become a realm of nothing!

The deer-headed monster that had just appeared in front of him, ready to continue attacking, kicked him again with his claws.

Before the opponent kicked him, Rand reached out his claws and grabbed it.

The deer-headed monster showed a hint of mockery and said:

How many times have you tried? And you still don't give up? Are you a fool?

But immediately, a look of horror appeared on her face.

What happened? Why did my ability fail?

Why am I still where I am? Damn it! What exactly is going on?

she shouted in panic.

At this moment, Rand's claws were already covering her body.

Damn! The power of Xuanwu!

She roared, and a dark green black turtle faintly appeared on her body, protecting her against her heart.

Rand grabbed the deer-headed monster's smaller body, which was only a hundred meters long and a dozen or twenty meters wide, in his claws.

Then he couldn't help but reveal a cruel smile:

Did you feel comfortable just playing?

Haha, it is indeed very comfortable, what? Do you think you have won if you catch me? It's ridiculous!

I am Lu Lin, protected by the power of the four ancient beasts. If you want to hurt me, you are still far away! I just lie down and let you beat me today, and you don't even think of hurting a hair on my head!

The deer-headed monster was arrogant, glared at Rand, and said provocatively.

At the same time, her eyes glowed with bright yellow light, and two rays shot out, landing on Rand's body.

Stinging, crackling.

Little sparks are shining.

Rand's expression remained calm.

Just looked at each other with a sneer.

Didn't even launch an attack.

Time passed slowly, but only ten seconds passed.

The basalt monster on the deer-headed monster and the rays shooting out of its eyes are gradually fading or even disappearing.

Until now.

Rand's claws came into close contact with the body of the deer-headed monster.

The beating you just gave me feels good, right?

Rand asked again.

The smile gradually became gentle.

just now.

He added a new talent.

[Field of Silence]: All strange energy within ten kilometers around you will be cleared. At the same time, the space in this field cannot be cut or opened.

Let's have a fist-to-fist contest!

(This field cannot remove energy far stronger than the host at one time, and it will also be effective on the host. Please use it with caution.)


The deer-headed monster looked at Rand, and his body trembled. He couldn't help but stretched out his pink tongue and licked his nose gently, showing a somewhat embarrassed smile:

How... is this possible... this handsome Lord True Dragon?

That was a misunderstanding just now!

You don’t know something, but if I hit you, it hurts my heart! I almost fainted from the pain just now! Wow wow wow~

She showed a look of misery, screamed in Rand's claws, and kicked her limbs wildly, looking like she was in agony.

Even though she had huge doubts in her heart, she didn't dare to ask any more questions at this moment.

Hehe hehe hehe~ Hahahaha!

Rand laughed.

Claw a little harder.

The deer-headed monster's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and she screamed in pain:

Wait! If you have something to say, let's talk! We don't have any deep hatred, so why are we so violent?

Wuwuwu~ No! Stop trying too hard! It's going to break! Ahhhhh!

The deer-headed monster screamed.

Blood continued to flow from his mouth.

She felt like her insides were about to burst.

At the same time, I also felt the breath of death.

This made her yell in great horror:

Wait! Don't kill me! I have treasures to offer to you! Just save my life!


Rand paused, releasing the power from his claws, and just stared at her.

Chi chi chi~

The deer-headed monster couldn't help but pant, feeling like it had narrowly escaped death.

Where's the treasure? Rand asked.

Get it to you ASAP.

After speaking, the deer-headed monster opened its mouth and spat out a drop of silver liquid that emitted bright light.

Rand could even smell a strange fragrance from it.


At this moment, his stomach actually growled unsatisfactorily.

What's this?

He couldn't help but ask.

This is imperial juice.

What is emperor's juice? Don't say half of what you say. Do you want to die?

“In the Antoli plane, in the most ancient times, two emperor beasts were born.

They are stronger than the King Beast and are the true rulers of this world.

There are legends that they may have created everything in the entire Antoli plane, but after creating the Antoli plane, they seemed to fall into a deep sleep and restore energy.

Whenever they absorb energy and reach a cycle, they will release some excess energy on their own.

This is the imperial paste.

Imperial jelly has the effect of improving the physique of all living things, raising the level of life, and instantly and significantly restoring energy from injuries.

This is a rare treasure. I have lived for more than a thousand years, and so far I have only received six drops of Imperial Essence.

There was originally the last drop left for emergency use, but now...

The deer-headed monster looked a little sad at the end.

Rand's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he immediately swallowed the imperial juice in one gulp.

He did not wait for the imperial jelly to dissolve on its own and dissolve into his body. Instead, he ran the abyss furnace to digest it 100%.

Then...he gained 2 potential points.

Physical growth 231!

How does it taste? The deer-headed monster looked at Rand eagerly, saliva dripping from the corner of its mouth.


Rand slapped his mouth.

Some aftertaste.

A drop of imperial jelly actually increased the potential by 2 points.

What a good thing!

He was so excited that he couldn't help but ask:

Where can I get this stuff? I need more imperial juice.

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