The Dragon of Gluttony starts from the hell plane

Chapter 53 The head was bitten off (sad)

It is worth mentioning that Belsi's dragon breath is not a great weapon that can destroy the world... As mentioned before, the breath of the abyssal dragon is just a conventional hunting method.

But it still needs to be noted that the target of this [regular hunting] is also an abyssal species, which is an abyssal species with more or less abyss resistance and fire resistance.

Before the big event called [Abyss Meltdown], where hell and the abyss merged with each other, the status of the abyssal dragon in the abyss was only similar to that of the abyss devil's pet... Even now, the status of the abyssal dragon is not that high. .

Belsi did not enjoy much of the sublimity that belonged to his bloodline.

However, the [eating, eating, eating] along the way provided him with enough basic attributes, which may not be enough for high-level experts, but for these humans...

That's enough!


Under the spray of dragon flames, the long breath instantly ravaged the Holy See knights who were preparing to fight together. Almost in an instant... most of the knights' armors began to melt.

The armor that has not been strengthened, the steel quickly softened under the burning, and turned into a semi-fluid. The burning metal was like butter that was melting and spreading evenly.

To put it bluntly, these are just ordinary ordinary irons, and the level of forging is also very poor.

Just like a hot iron coming into contact with the skin, the flesh and blood are burnt to produce pus and then turn into burnt paste. The meat and iron quickly stick together, turning into an iron lump that is inconvenient to eat, but does not affect the food. .

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!


Belsi looked at the members of the Holy See who had been turned into flaming figures by the dragon's flames and writhing on the ground. He smiled happily and then fell to the ground suddenly.

He landed heavily on the ground still entwined with flames. His slender body, which was slightly different from other giant dragons, seemed to have a strange charm hidden under the rising dark flames...

Belsi looked at the few members of the Holy See who were still standing.

The knight captain stood with a resolute look on his face, holding his sword. There seemed to be an aura around him... The faintly glowing runes on the armor proved that he was protecting himself in this way.

There were also several knights and priests of the Holy See who seemed to have found ways to prop up the shields on their own.

As for the archers... they seem to be dead.

(Ranger: Ha, I’ve gone to heaven)

At this moment, the few remaining people rushed towards Belsi almost immediately... They were very sure that the dragon would need a long period of time to relax after it finished spraying its breath.

In other words, Belsey entered into a [hardened] state.

This is indeed the case. Even he will need some time to recover his dragon breath, but...


Belxi showed no sign of fighting and immediately flew into the air. Before the knight captain's sword energy hit him, he was already flapping his wings and flying...and flying very high.

So cowardly! Where is the pride of your dragon clan? Where is the pride? !

But Belxi didn't care whether he was proud or not. He quietly looked at the dumbfounded members of the Holy See. To be honest... the number of people who survived was beyond his imagination.

Movies like Hobbit X and Elf X, the dragons in them can destroy the world.

But it's normal, after all, the [magic] in this world is too strong.

This is a very fair force for the race.

While Belsi was thinking calmly, the Vatican team regrouped. The captain looked at the survivors in twos and threes and couldn't help roaring: That giant dragon!!! That giant dragon! ah!!!

After leaving the earth where the flames remained, their eyes were full of grief and anger...

No one thought that this mission, which was supposed to be very easy and could be called a tourist, would have such an outrageous attrition... These damn orcs, that damn dragon! !

However, there is no time for them to waste, because...




Those orcs charged again, and now that the members of the Holy See were unable to resist, there was no doubt that this time... it was a real charge!

We...what did we do wrong? God!!!

Under the cry of a priest, the three leading generals in the charge took a sword from a Holy See knight without dodging. The huge wooden stick waved in their hands hit the priest's head hard. .


Just like a watermelon that was exploded instantly, the red, white, and yellow flesh immediately exploded all over the nearby orcs and knights, and began to spread flat on the ground and become a puddle.

Looking at the headless corpse falling, the three generals who suffered moderate injuries did not seem to feel any pain.

On the contrary, he raised his head and roared, venting all the resentment and injustice he had accumulated when he was a slave: You don't know what you have done! Just ask the gods for advice!! !!”


Under the roar of his companions, the three generals' eyes were red, and the orcs appeared in their minds... no, not just the orcs, but also all the alien races that humans looked down upon, and the injustice they suffered came to mind.

One day, one day!

With such a roar, the third general waved the big stick stained with brains in his hand towards the nearest knight captain. He announced: The boss will knock your god down! Tear it into pieces! Eat it!!!

There is no doubt that this is an insult to the gods.

You are seeking death!!!

The knight captain scolded so sternly, waving his long sword with a distorted expression, facing the three generals head-on. The sharp sword energy easily cut off the wooden stick in his hand, and then cut straight to the necks of the three generals.

But, before the hit...



The knight captain felt a violent blow to the back of his head. Even though he was wearing a helmet, he still felt dizzy... When he came back to his senses, he saw the orcs surrounding him.

And his companions had already fallen into a pool of blood one by one.

No! Dirty orcs...

Amidst the roar, the knight captain immediately felt countless wooden sticks hitting him. Although he had the advantage of the same level, he was still beaten until he vomited blood. He raised his head with blood on his face, and his vision was blood red.

He could only vaguely see a huge dragon-shaped creature approaching.

I'll go, this guy has a ferocious face... He's scary to death.

He could hear such complaints coming from the mouth of the giant dragon. The other party leaned over and said very lightly: But the face is full of blood, so it looks ferocious and reasonable.

After these words, which seemed absurd and funny in the current situation, the last thing the knight captain saw was a bloody mouth biting towards him...

Then it became [cavalry] (soldier captain).

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