The Dragon of Gluttony starts from the hell plane

Chapter 36 The mage girl is loyal from now on

The law enforcers in this world, or in this [Doni City], the law enforcement forces come quite quickly...

After Belshi and Semu Nanashima had eaten all the meat, and the mage girl mobilized the water element and cooperated with Da Zhuang to clean the restaurant, a group of soldiers with weapons and armor immediately poured in.

The leading soldier looked much taller than the other soldiers. Judging from the appearance of the helmet... the other soldier was a Buck War Demon, which was the evolved form of the Little Lemur.

The Bak War Demon, about two meters tall, led some human soldiers and questioned the mage girl who was sitting calmly: We have received a report that [Assad Gree Kremu] of the Kremu family is here. Missing from the inn.

Yes, I just missed it.

In Belsi's thoughts, the mage girl nodded and answered honestly: Yes, but I was acting in legitimate defense. Assad wanted to use force to forcibly infringe on my legitimate rights and interests.

As she said this, she pointed at the orc slave and said: I picked up the slave who had been unshackled on the street and revived him. According to the rules, before his original owner paid the treatment fee, the slave belongs to me.

Assad Geli Kremu wanted to take him out and kill him, and he also forcefully set foot in my restaurant without my permission... I tried to dissuade him, but unfortunately he didn't Effect.


Under a bunch of excuses that were almost true, the law enforcers talked to each other, and then asked the most critical question: So, where are that gentleman and his servant now?

In response, the mage girl simply pointed at Belsi who was lying down.

I feed it to my pets.

In response to her words, Belsey raised his head, feeling a little unhappy that he was called a pet, but... let's forget it for the time being, as long as he knew that he was the eldest brother.

Semu Nananoshima was looking at the mage girl.

[Brother Belsi is a pet, so what am I? Pet's little brother, right? Just wait, I'll give you something to eat later, and I'll let you see what a black hand is. 】

Although the mage girl could understand it, the law enforcers only felt that Nananoshima Semu was making a puff, puff, puff, puff sound, and compared to the slime... Belshe's existence made them even more surprised.

Abyssal dragon hatchling?

This Buck War Demon was obviously more knowledgeable than the previous adventurers. He recognized the race of Belsi lying on the counter, and said with some shock: But, the abyss dragon shouldn't be so docile...

In response to his words, Belsi simply raised her head and opened her mouth full of fangs - Roar!!!

Buck War Demon: ...

Well, this is what an abyssal dragon should look like... This seemingly young female mage can actually tame an abyssal dragon. It's really a good trick...

With this in mind, Buck War Demon took his soldiers, exchanged something, and then left the restaurant... According to what they said, they would also collect evidence on the specific situation to confirm whether it was true.


that's all?

The orc slave asked, and he pointed at himself. He had been prepared just now. If his benefactor was questioned, he would risk his own life and protect his benefactors.

But not only him, Belsi and Nananoshima Semu also looked at the mage girl curiously.

Yes, that's it. After all, I am indeed not guilty.

The mage girl said this. She pointed to the ground calmly and said: My dad told me a long time ago that Duni City has its own rules unique to Duni City... Here, nobles are nothing.

When that guy stepped into my private domain of a family-run restaurant without my permission, I already qualified for [unrestricted defense], not to mention that he really wanted to rob people.

In response, Belsi and Nananoshima Semu looked at each other thoughtfully...

Both of them had a sense of déjà vu.

Yes, Dorni City is the first city to implement these policies. I heard that the main city will gradually become like this... but I think it is unrealistic. This way the king can't do whatever he wants. It's too frustrating. Qu La.

Da Zhuang said, he scratched his head, then patted the orc slave who was twisting and turning, and said: However, brothers cannot leave Duni City for the time being. They will not be free until the investigation is completed.

The orc slave no longer feels that this kind of thing is irrelevant... He is very satisfied that things have turned out like this.

However, he... had nowhere to go, and he didn't really want to trouble his benefactors.

[Brother Belxi, let him help us work? 】

Nanajima Semu, who saw something, suggested this, and she explained: [After our territory develops, we will definitely build mills and bakeries, and we need workers. 】

Later, Semu Nananoshima explained, saying that on the system panel, each field can produce 10 units of crops per day. Take [Dry Field] as an example——

At 00:00 every morning, 10 units of wheat will grow in the dry field, but no one will harvest it. Someone must harvest it at 0:00 every day, otherwise the wheat will not grow again the next day.

For processing buildings such as mills and bakeries, after you choose to build them on the panel, you must have a miller and a baker to convert wheat into flour and flour into bread.

10 units of wheat = 100 units of flour = 50 large loaves of bread as big as a big plate.

Then just stay...

Belsi made a simple decision. In the confused eyes of the orc slaves, he pointed to the back of the restaurant and said: We have a place for you to stay. You will be a baker from now on and we will give you free food. Enough food.

Although it sounds good, after all, the next sentence of Orcs will never be slaves is unless food and shelter are provided, but this orc slave still hesitated. He said: But, I can't make bread.

[No need, no need. In fact, you just need to put a name on it. It’s like [Dispatch] in the game. As long as he joins us, he can sleep every day or go out and wander around all day. , bread will also be produced automatically. 】

Nananoshima Semu explained this, she said specifically: [If it is a person with a baker professional level, the bread will be more delicious, but as long as he keeps his name, then with the automatic production of bread, he will naturally Increased baker experience. 】

[Slowly, he who originally knew nothing will become much better than the bakers in this world, and in fact, we can also conduct this world-standard military training as his main job... Then we will dominate the world! 】

Said Nanajima Semu, showing a proud smile.

oh! I see! Too reasonable.

It's weird for Bel Xi to think like this! It’s so outrageous! This system panel is incredible! ! ! !


Mage Girl: Ahem, cough, so what...since there is a bakery in your territory that can be turned into a powerful baker after being [dispatched], will there be a [Mage Tower] building?

Nananoshima Semu: [Yes, people sent inside can automatically gain mage experience, but it requires a third-level lord castle to be unlocked, and special materials are required to build it. 】

The mage girl: Second sister is on top! I bow to my third sister!!!

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