
The surrounding ground exploded, and Qin Hao burst out of the ground like an earth dragon.


Then Qin Hao saw that the big trees in all directions had undergone terrifying changes. These big trees came to life like monsters, with blood-red vines covered with barbs, and sprouts covered with thorns. A fangy little mouth.

That's disgusting... The corners of Qin Hao's mouth twitched. The appearance of these plant-based mutant beasts was too curious.


After discovering the sudden appearance of Qin Hao, these big trees all let out a sharp scream and launched an attack on him. The bloody vines in the sky were winding towards him like pythons, and the spikes on them were even more penetrating. The sharpness of steel and the ability to draw the target's blood.


Qin Hao immediately rushed towards the dragon blood fruit tree. In order to prevent these plant mutant beasts from injuring the dragon blood fruit tree in their madness, he rushed out at high speed and coiled his 36-meter-long body into a snake formation. , entangled the dragon blood fruit tree.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Countless vines covered with barbs whipped Qin Hao's body with such exaggerated force that even the friction between the spikes and the scales erupted into strings of sparks. An ordinary second-level mutant beast would have been whipped. The body is torn apart.

But for Qin Hao, who has evolved to the second and seventh level and practiced spiritual refining, an attack of this level can only scratch his itch!

Qin Hao opened his mouth wide and bit the dragon's blood fruit tree, then uprooted it with force and swallowed the whole dragon's blood fruit tree into his belly.

Got it! Qin Hao couldn't help but be overjoyed. There were eight Dragon Blood Fruits in total, which was enough to increase his strength. These few Dragon Blood Fruits had already prevented him from running away in vain and returning empty-handed.

Then Qin Hao's eyes flashed fiercely: It's my turn!

The mutated plants around him were beating Qin Hao with their vines. Of course, Qin Hao would not stand still and let them attack in vain. The genetic energy on Qin Hao's body surged, and red flames surged and spread in all directions.

Gawu Gawu!

The blazing flames ignited all the mutated plants, and the burned mutated plants made strange roaring sounds. There were even painful and twisted human faces emerging from some big trees, which was extremely hideous and terrifying.

Qin Hao didn't stop at all, releasing an endless stream of flames to burn these mutated plants.

In less than two minutes, the forest turned into a sea of ​​fire, and all the mutated plants around it were burned to ashes by Qin Hao. Qin Hao let out a breath of bad breath and left the place without stopping.

Digest these dragon blood fruits when you get out. The process of digesting dragon blood fruits is difficult and requires time and a quiet environment. The most important thing for Qin Hao at the moment is to find the dragon beads.

There is a dragon blood fruit here, and it is a relic left by the Yanhuang civilization. In all likelihood, the dragon beads born on Moyue Island in future generations will be in this relic. That is Qin Hao's hope for his own bloodline to transform!

Qin Hao walked all the way. After searching nearby for almost an hour, Qin Hao suddenly noticed something. His eyes penetrated the gaps between the layers of trees and found a rock building in the distance under the cover of trees.

This made Qin Hao happy and hurried towards that place. Soon a huge building appeared in front of him.

This huge building is somewhat similar to a pyramid, but it is older and larger. It is made of unknown pale red rocks, like a huge bloody beast.

It is indeed a mausoleum... Qin Hao thought secretly. This style of building is not for people to live in, and the style is a bit like a mausoleum.

Qin Hao immediately looked for the entrance. Right in front of the bloody mausoleum, Qin Hao saw a bronze door, but it was tightly closed. In the center of the door was a blood-red beast pattern printed on it. This Qin Hao frowned. The bronze door felt quite strange. Qin Hao did not touch it rashly.

How to get in? Qin Hao was in trouble and used his strength to force the door open? This is most likely the tomb of a big figure in the Yanhuang civilization. Qin Hao's strength may not be able to forcefully break through the door, and it may even trigger some defense mechanism.

What's written on it? Qin Hao saw a stone tablet standing next to the bronze gate, but the fonts on the stone tablet were in Yanhuang civilization's characters, which Qin Hao didn't recognize at all.

While Qin Hao was thinking, a burst of exclamation suddenly sounded in the distance, which made Qin Hao's heart move: Are they those people from Moyue City?

Qin Hao immediately went in that direction, and soon he discovered a group of evolvers in Moyue City. There were seven or eight people in this group of evolvers, but they encountered danger at this time. It was a corpse guard, and a group of evolvers. Corpse guards wearing only silver armor.

Quick, call General Long and the others!

An evolutionist shouted quickly, and the other man nodded immediately, took out the signal transmitter, and fired a signal bomb into the sky. The others looked at the silver-armored corpse guard nervously.

As far as Qin Hao knows, corpse guards are also divided into levels. Their strength and status during death can be judged from the color of their armor. Only those with high strength and status can wear higher-level armor.

From low to high, they are the bronze-armored corpse guard, the silver-armored corpse guard, the gold-armored corpse guard and the highest-level black-armored corpse guard. The corpse guard Qin Hao encountered before was a bronze-armored corpse guard whose strength reached the second level. .

The team of evolvers in front of them met the silver-armored corpse guards. Their strength must be stronger than the bronze-armored corpse guards. They were probably no match for them, but that didn't matter to Qin Hao.

Block it, General Long and the others will be here soon! A man who looked like a captain shouted loudly. He was holding a metal long sword and was ready for battle.


The silver-armored corpse guard suddenly let out a hoarse roar. The roar was extremely loud. The six or seven evolvers who were shaken all groaned. The weaker ones even had blood seeping from their nostrils. There was no difference. Sonic attack!

After a roar, the silver-armored corpse guard's two-meter-tall body trampled the ground to pieces like a savage beast, and charged towards the group of evolvers.

Get out of here!

An evolver holding a huge shield roared and faced the Silver Armored Corpse Guard from the side. He raised the huge shield and struck hard at the Silver Armored Corpse Guard.


However, like a mantis' arm blocking a car, in front of the infinitely powerful silver-armored corpse guard, it hit the metal shield with its head. The huge and solid metal shield was dented by the impact, while the shield-holding evolver was With a muffled groan, he felt a huge force coming at him. The terrifying force shattered his wrist bones, and he flew backwards, hitting the ground heavily.


At this time, other evolvers also arrived, and swords and other weapons were directed at the silver-armored corpse guard, but the sharp swords hitting its armor could only make the sound of gold and iron.

Ordinary bronze-armored corpse guards can rival second-order evolvers, but this silver-armored corpse guard requires the cooperation of several second-order evolvers to have a chance of victory!

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