The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 51 The whereabouts of the Dragon Balls

But when he looked carefully, he was frightened. He was not dazzled. There was indeed a black giant snake more than thirty meters long flying, surrounded by green air. The black snake was like a mythical dragon or soaring snake, exuding An aura that dominates the world!


The huge lion turned around and ran away without hesitation. It had evolved to the second level a long time ago and was one of the most powerful creatures in the zoo. But as soon as it saw the black giant snake in the sky, it knew that the two were not the same. On the same level!

Qin Hao naturally saw this huge lion, but he did not chase it. He studied flying in the wind and kept flying for half an hour. It frightened countless mutant beasts in the zoo. Qin Hao finally fell from the sky to the ground.

The speed is acceptable, but the amount of genetic energy consumed is too huge. Qin Hao felt the loss of genetic energy in his body. This is him, who can fly for so long.

Qin Hao is large, so flying with the wind consumes a lot of genetic energy. However, as long as he enters the sealed state, this consumption will be reduced sharply. In any case, being able to fly is a powerful skill.

The ability source crystal is indeed a legendary treasure, but the next time you smelt the ability, you will need a thousand different ability atoms. This is really a big project and cannot be achieved in a short time.


Qin Hao's life gradually calmed down. It has been two months since the end of the world. On the third day after he gained the ability to control the wind, a huge flower suddenly bloomed in the zoo. Very clear even in daylight.

Many mutant beasts looked up at the flowers blooming in the sky in confusion, not knowing what they were.

This is... a signal bomb? Qin Hao was also alarmed. He was extremely confused. This should be a signal bomb, but who is so stupid as to put a signal bomb where the mutant beast is entrenched?

Out of curiosity, Qin Hao decided to take a look, so Qin Hao headed in the direction of the signal flare in the distance.

Not long after, Qin Hao saw the person who fired the flare. She was a neatly dressed and beautiful girl with a single ponytail in black clothes and trousers. She was carefully paying attention to the surrounding situation. She placed the flare in this place. I'm afraid that it will attract some mutant beasts that are difficult to deal with, which would be terrible.

Qin Hao was stunned when he saw this girl, because this person was Su Xiaoqian! What is she doing here?

Qin Hao walked over in confusion. Su Xiaoqian's ears moved and she heard the sound of grass and trees rubbing together. When she saw Qin Hao coming slowly from a distance, she breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, Master Long, are you still here? ah!

The thunder and lightning above Qin Hao's head gathered together, and a row of words formed by thunder and lightning appeared: Why are you here?

Master Long, don't you want me to help you pay attention to important news? Su Xiaoqian said, which reminded Qin Hao. The last time he saw Su Xiaoqian, he really asked her to tell her if she heard that there was something wrong with Mo Yuecheng. If something big happens, come and tell him.

Did something big happen? Qin Hao asked.

Su Xiaoqian perked up and said quickly: Two days ago, in a mausoleum outside Black Moon City, a tombstone suddenly exploded, and then a dark crack appeared. People have occupied it, and it is said that the crack can lead to an ancient ruins, and it is unknown what is in it.

Qin Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this. There were already other civilizations in ancient times. Although these civilizations have perished now, they have left behind some ruins, ancient ruins. This is a place that future generations of evolvers will desperately explore, because among them There must be some technologies, treasures, and secrets left by ancient races!

For example, Qin Hao's secret psychic technique was unearthed from an ancient ruins.

Is the Dragon Ball in this ruins? Qin Hao thought secretly. Regarding the Dragon Ball on Black Moon Island, Qin Hao had no clue, but he felt that this Dragon Ball was most likely to be in a ruins on Black Moon Island. The treasures left behind by ancient times. Now Su Xiaoqian has brought news that the military in Moyue City has discovered an ancient ruins. This is undoubtedly something Qin Hao can't help but associate with.

Whether there are dragon balls in the ruins or not, we can find out once we find out.

Qin Hao then condensed the words of thunder and lightning: Can you take me into that ruins?

After a slight hesitation, Su Xiaoqian nodded: That ruin is said to be very dangerous. If Master Long wants to go in, I can take you in.

lets go.

Qin Hao said directly that entering the ruins and exploring the whereabouts of the dragon beads was Qin Hao's biggest goal.

If you want to evolve into a dragon, the Dragon Ball is indispensable, otherwise the possibility of transforming into a dragon is very slim. In later generations, some snake-like mutant beasts even gave birth to terrifying beast-king-level creatures, but their races were still snakes and they did not become dragons. , because they do not have dragon blood, even if they evolve, they will only evolve into more powerful snakes.

But with the Dragon Ball, if you absorb it, you can have the hope of transforming into a dragon. Everyone in China knows the legend about the dragon. It can control the wind and rain, which is a powerful symbol and a symbol of supremacy!

Just like the last time he sneaked into Moyue City, Qin Hao wrapped himself around Su Xiaomo's wrist. Su Xiaoqian felt a little strange, as if he had returned to two months ago.

At that time, she was just an ordinary person, but now she has become an evolver who fights zombies and monsters.

Su Xiaoqian knew clearly in her heart that if Qin Hao had not given her a spirit-gathering grass and made her become an evolver before the end of the world, then under the great explosion of spiritual energy, she would most likely have transformed like most people. For zombies.

Therefore, Su Xiaoqian was very grateful and trusted Qin Hao, and was even willing to take risks to take him into the ruins.

As they moved forward, Su Xiaoqian said to Qin Hao: Master Long, it is said that there is more than one entrance to the ruins. Some monsters seem to be gathering at the entrance of the ruins, trying to get in. What is attracting them there?

I don't know, there may be some treasures. Qin Hao's heart moved when he heard this. Those monsters were attracted. Is it because there are dragon beads in the ruins?


At this time, two zombies with disheveled hair rushed out from the street in front of them. The two zombies looked like they hadn't eaten for a long time, so they were both skinny and bones, but their speed was quite astonishing, with blood-red eyes flashing. The light is more terrifying than the beast.

When Qin Hao was thinking about whether to take action, Su Xiaoqian took the lead. There were metal flying knives in the tactical belt around her waist. At this time, two of them took off automatically, and they were like two flying knives under the invisible force. A flash of cold light passed away.


With two soft sounds, two flying knives passed through the foreheads of the two zombies respectively, causing the two zombies to fall to the ground, their bodies twitching slightly and they fell to the ground dead.

Hehe, I'm very powerful!

Su Xiaoqian felt a little proud. She took out a knife and cut open the hearts of the two zombies, and skillfully took out two pieces of milky white evolutionary energy.

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