Many evolvers took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the distant battlefield, thinking that it might be a source of bragging rights in the future. After all, in the end of the world, everyone is talking about powerful evolvers or some powerful monsters!

Qin Hao had no time to pay attention to these boring evolvers. He plunged into the sea of ​​zombies like a sharp arrow and came to the center area, in front of the flesh-ball zombie.


The flesh ball zombie has long been aware of Qin Hao's approach. Its eyes flashed with a fierce light. It is a powerful mutant zombie. A king is born among tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of zombies. It will never be defeated here. It will never be defeated here. He will win the heavenly seed, get rid of the limitations of life in the future, and strive for greater heights!

The meatball zombie roared, and its blood-red tentacles shot towards Qin Hao like raindrops.

We have to deal with it quickly! Qin Hao said secretly. There were zombies all around. Needless to say, what would happen if he was entangled and unable to escape.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Facing the blood-red tentacles fired by the flesh-ball zombies, they were too dense to avoid. Qin Hao had no intention of avoiding them. With the blessing of the power of gold, the black scales had a metallic luster, and each one could penetrate steel. His blood-red tentacles were unable to damage Qin Hao's scales at all.


Qin Hao let out a loud roar in his throat, as if it could penetrate the soul. His power of fire exploded, and every cell in his body seemed to be burning, bursting out with power beyond the limit. The snake's tail seemed to come out of the clouds and streaked. A huge arc, whipping towards the waist of the flesh ball zombie!

Bang bang bang bang!

The zombies nearby were struck by the snake's tail and were blown to pieces like porcelain. Qin Hao's powerful blow was very terrifying. He was huge, blessed with the power of fire, and the spirit refining technique improved his physique. The tail slapped the waist of the meatball zombie, unleashing a terrifying lethality!


The meatball zombie let out a shrill scream, and Qin Hao's tail exploded a piece of flesh and blood two to three meters in diameter that it whipped.

Qin Hao saw that the flesh and blood on the waist of the flesh ball zombie was still squirming and new flesh sprouts were growing out, and he knew that this was its super-speed regeneration ability.

There is only one way to deal with the super-speed regeneration ability. Hit it directly so that it has no time to regenerate and recover!

Bang bang bang!

Qin Hao pulled out his tail one after another, and the flesh and blood of the ten-meter-diameter body of the flesh-ball zombie was flying everywhere. He hit twenty or thirty heavy blows in a row, fast and hard. The frequency of this attack was like a convulsion, even for a flesh-ball zombie. His ability to withstand the beating was finally unbearable, and he was beaten by Qin Hao until his body, which was ten meters in diameter, was torn apart!

This... this is too scary! This flesh-ball zombie seemed to be able to face the impact of the zombie sea with ease. It has been holding on until now. However, Qin Hao arrived and beat it to pieces in less than half a minute, showing a violent display. The aesthetics!

After powerfully destroying the meat ball zombie, Qin Hao found two items in the torn body of the meat ball zombie that were not stained by the mud. One of them was a milky white crystal, which was the evolutionary energy in the meat ball zombie's body.

The second item is a round sphere shining with five colors of light, which is the seed of heaven!

Qin Hao opened his mouth and sucked in both the evolutionary energy and the Heavenly Seed into the dimensional space in his belly. He successfully obtained the two Heavenly Seeds, which was an unexpected gain.

This time, there were a total of ten Heavenly Seeds, five of which landed in the alien world and could not be obtained, and the remaining five fell in three different directions. Unless one possessed the Clone Technique, it would be impossible to collect all the Heavenly Seeds.

And if three Heavenly Seeds hadn't fallen very close to each other, Qin Hao would never have been able to obtain two Heavenly Seeds. This was already an unexpected surprise!

Let's go, leave!

Qin Hao secretly thought that there were zombies all around, because Qin Hao killed the flesh-ball zombies, and the Heavenly Seed was swallowed by Qin Hao. At this time, Qin Hao had two Heavenly Seeds, and his temptation was beyond imagination. All the zombies roared and rushed towards Qin Hao, trying to tear him into pieces and take away his heavenly seed.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Countless claws fell on Qin Hao's body, but Qin Hao's scales were extremely hard. These sharp claws could not leave the slightest trace on his body. Some zombies jumped high and jumped onto Qin Hao's body. On the body, gnawing crazily.

This is the terrifying thing about zombies. When they reach a certain scale, they can unleash super strong combat power. In later generations, there have been more than one incident where lord-level monsters were surrounded by a sea of ​​zombies and then consumed alive.

Bang bang bang!

Qin Hao roared angrily, and his body shook violently. All the zombies crawling on him and around him were shaken and flew upside down. Then, the snake tail slapped the ground hard, and the whole body rose into the air, jumping four or five times. Ten meters away.


Qin Hao's body fell to the ground, and his huge, heavy body immediately crushed the seven or eight zombies below and shattered them into meat paste. As soon as he landed, Qin Hao gathered his strength again, exploded with power, and jumped up.

So in the frightened eyes of all the distant evolvers and monsters, Qin Hao kept jumping over the heads of these zombies. Each jump covered a distance of tens of meters. After seven or eight jumps, Qin Hao Successfully escaped from the zombie sea!

Oh my God, this black snake is probably a lord-level monster!

I think if we were to rank all the monsters in Black Moon City today, the Black Snake King would be in the top ten!

These evolvers were extremely frightened when they witnessed Qin Hao displaying his power and sweeping everything. They felt that Qin Hao was one of the strongest monsters in the entire Black Moon City. Some even called him the king!

Qin Hao was very dissatisfied with the title Black Snake King.

Captain... As for the soldiers of Moyue City, their faces were full of bitterness. Their captain Liu Xun went to fight for the heavenly seed, but he died before leaving the army. He died in the hands of Qin Hao. After seeing Qin Hao After the horror, they even lost the courage to take revenge.

Oh, I don't know what those light balls are, and why they attracted so many monsters to fight for it. It's a pity that all three light balls were taken away by monsters. Some people also lamented, realizing that the heavenly seed is definitely not ordinary, but it is a pity that they did not get it. Ability.

Qin Hao escaped from the battlefield formed by the Heaven Seed all the way. As he left the battlefield, Qin Hao used his seal to transform into a form less than one meter long.

Qin Hao returned to the zoo and found a forest to stay. He exuded a fierce power that made all the mutated beasts in the forest retreat and run away. I believe no one dared to disturb him.

Two Heavenly Seeds... what kind of treasure will they give birth to? Qin Hao opened his mouth and spat out the Heavenly Seeds, looking expectantly at the two Heavenly Seeds in front of him that exuded five colors of brilliance.

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