The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 393 Harris’s scheming

The battle was about to start again soon. Many spectators who had placed bets on Qin Hao's victory were excited and stared closely at the battle on the ring.

Qin Hao's performance just now made them recognize Qin Hao's strength in their hearts. After all, even a famous and powerful being like Thor was easily defeated by Qin Hao, let alone this unknown person who is now on the stage. .

Since this dead man was the organizer's hidden trump card, many spectators did not understand this man's strength. They all thought that winning money was easily destined at this time.

Harris looked at the happy crowd, unable to hide the ridicule in his eyes, and thought to himself: What a bunch of stupid people, they are so happy to give me money.


When the battle began, the man in black stared at Qin Hao with dull eyes. As a powerful death warrior, there was only life and death in his heart. It was his duty to kill Qin Hao.

Without any emotional thinking, the man in black rushed forward, his figure was super fast, and he moved like a ghost on the ring.

Qin Hao didn't want to waste any more time at this time. He punched forward with his fist containing the power of gold, bursting out with brilliant golden light, and a strong sharp energy filled the arena.


The audience in the auditorium clapped their hands and applauded. Although the man in black suddenly performed extremely fast, which shocked the audience, Qin Hao's burst of strength was even more brilliant, making the audience excited. Incessantly.


Just when everyone thought that the man in black was going to be killed by Qin Hao's fierce punch, they did not expect that the man in black's speed would soar again.

As if teleporting, the man in black dodged Qin Hao's fist that contained the power of gold, and the sharp golden aura that filled the sky could not hurt him in the slightest.

Kill all ghosts!

The man in black had colorless eyes, stared at Qin Hao and said this sentence lightly, his hands suddenly changed, and two black daggers appeared in his hands.

His whole body began to emit a black aura, and his speed surged to the limit again. For a moment, the sky above the arena was filled with the figure of this man in black.

The man in black suddenly appeared behind Qin Hao, aiming his dagger at Qin Hao's neck and slashing it off.

After Qin Hao suddenly lost the target of the man in black, even though he understood the danger, his figure flashed again and again, and when the dagger behind him was about to cut on his neck, Qin Hao had already turned away from the man in black.

After failing to hit the target, the man in black did not feel defeated, but still stared at Qin Hao calmly, but there was an extra bottle of potion in his hand, and the dark potion looked so weird.

Gudong, gudong, the man in black raised his head and poured the bottle of pitch-black potion into his mouth.

In this arena competition, it is not allowed to fight by piloting a combat mecha. After all, there are many high-tech products made of technology. If they all use high technology to fight, I am afraid this arena will not be enough. After all, there are many powerful ones. Fighting mechas all possess the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

So at this time in the ring, in order to make himself stronger, the man in black drank a bottle of potion that could enhance his physical strength.

This bottle of pitch-black medicine, called the Super God Potion, can greatly stimulate the human body's strength, causing the individual's physical strength to increase exponentially.

After the man in black drank the potion, his face finally changed, revealing a trace of pain, but he quickly suppressed it.

Without saying a word, the man in black suddenly disappeared again. At this time, the figure of the man in black was completely missing from the ring.

How is this going?

Why did you run away!

Haha, we won, we won!

The disappearance of the man in black caused many spectators in the ring to look left and right. Only Qin Hao was left on the ring. They all shouted, thinking that the man in black ran away in fear. Qin Hao won. this game.

Just when many spectators were redeeming their prizes on the mechanical screen in front of them, they found that the game was not over yet and that they could not redeem their prizes for the time being.

Why can't you redeem the prize!

Don't you have any money to compensate?

Many spectators who had failed to claim their prizes shouted at Harris who was standing at the counter.

Harris looked at the excited audience, smiled slightly, and then picked up the microphone next to him.

Everyone, please be quiet!

Harris's voice echoed through the sound system throughout the ring.

This man didn't run away, he is still in the ring! Please look at our big screen now!

On a huge screen above the arena, the color suddenly changed. The arena and combat scenes that were originally broadcast in high definition in real time turned green.

In the green screen, a black figure appeared. It turned out that the man in black had not disappeared. He kept circling on the ring with an extremely fast figure, surrounding Qin Hao's body.

So that's what it is. Many viewers suddenly realized.

This green screen for real-time broadcast is a picture reproduced by a high-speed camera. If the speed is normal, it can still be broadcast with high-definition picture. The speed of the man in black has exceeded the speed that the camera can capture.

People calmed down one after another. They believed in this green screen picture. You must know that the cost of high-speed cameras to broadcast such green pictures is very high. Some people know the goods. You can tell at a glance that this is not a fake.

Technology brought great convincing power, and many spectators once again stared at the battle nervously. At this time, the strength shown by the man in black had surprised them, and they were a little scared. You must know that even Thor just now , and cannot display such a powerful speed.

The faster the speed, the greater the power, as everyone knows.

While looking at the surprised and flustered expressions of the many spectators, Harris smiled secretly and thought to himself: Just because you want to make money from me? That is impossible!

Qin Hao had stopped his body at this time and stood in the center of the ring without making any movements or looking left or right. This performance made many spectators feel excited. Some people even stood up and shouted:

Don't give up! I've staked all my fortune on you!

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